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Disneyland Paris April 2012


CF Legend
So in all the excitement and anticipation for Disney Dreams Patrick and I ended up booking a random weekend trip to the resort for the end of April (earliest we could do it). This happened while organising our Florida trip to WDW, yeah, this is why we shouldn't be allowed money.

Friday 27th April

As I was on night shifts at work I had the amazing fun of leaving work at 7:30 in the morning and then walking over to Kings Cross St. Pancras station to get my Eurostar train. I had ages to wait so grabbed some food and sat looking at Facebook and Twitter on my phone using the station's free wi-fi service. There appeared to be lots of people in the station in large groups with specially printed out t-shirts for their trip. Some were for birthdays and some were hen dos. Despite the waiting area feeling very busy the actual train (or at least my carriage) felt really empty. It wasn't until the two stops in Kent until my carriage was full with very annoying people. People annoy me when I'm trying to sleep after a very long shift at work, damn them to hell. Despite this my amazing neck pillow allowed me to catch a little bit of crucial sleep.

Once at the train station I hopped onto the next RER train to get to my hotel in Val d'Europe which is like a 3 minute journey. We were staying at the Relais Spa. It's a 4* hotel which opened about 2 years ago but due to some construction going on they had some amazing deals on which meant we could afford something nice for a change. WOW was my initial reaction, I'm so not used to staying in nice places on my trips (I don't even rate the Disney hotels). It was clean, modern and mega comfy. It also had a huge amount of light switches, being the curious fellow that I am I obviously had to go around the room and play with every single one to see what they turned on :P



Yeah, that is a kitchenette with gas hobs, microwave, dishwasher, fridge and everything else you need to use in a kitchen

So after some faffing around and sorting myself out I popped out to get some special soap my mum loves from one of the stores in the mahoosive shopping centre. So yeah that took me like forever because the shop is right at the other end of the place and people are burdenous. On my way out of the shopping mall the sound system just happen to play the Jurassic park theme tune, I thought this was the best thing ever.

So yeah, after once again sorting my life out at the hotel I hopped back onto the RER back to the resort. I decided to go into the Disneyland Parc first. At least the weather was staying dry (despite the lame clouds spoiling all the pics).


The 'new' parade was about to begin so Main Street was rammed but I liked what I could see of all the 20th Anniversary decorations everywhere. I made my way up Discovery Arcade to bypass the masses and headed into Discoveryland. I managed to grab a fastpass for Space Mountain: Mission 2, didn't feel like queuing 30 minutes. I then joined the queue for Star Tours. I was on in about 5 minutes, the queue felt like it moved really quickly, which was nice. I was sat in the front row which I've never done before, I'm usually put somewhere towards the back of the Starspeeder. It was fun as always, it'll never get old (despite really wanting Star Tours 2 to come to the park).


I still had quite some time to wait before I could use my fastpass so I just headed straight into the Space Mountain queueline, I think the board said the waiting time was like 15 minutes but it ended up to be more like 30-40 minutes due to someone vomiting all over one of the trains which they sat in the station and cleaned up so throughput really slowed down, how frustrating. Still, got on and the sound system was really loud, I love this coaster so much when that's working well. Strange how something so simple changes your perception of the ride so much. Still, it was now time for the fastpass too so I ran round and got on again (bypassing a massive queue outside). This time I was in the front row and OMG, I don't think I've sat in the front row before on Space and it's just amazing, the feel of the wind in your face on that coaster is just amazing, a much better sensation of speed and it feels like you're being pushed with more force around the track which is just fantastic.


As I was next to it I decided to pop into the Nautilus walk-through. As part of the marathon refurbs the resort went through for this year they recently drained the water around the exterior nautilus, pained it all and generally made it look awesome, just look at how blue that water looks!


The interior still looks great too. "Oh noes, it's a giant octopus attacking us!" *quick, take pictures*


I then spent some time faffing around in Central Plaza taking lots of photos with my new camera. So annoyed the weather was so dull.


I then headed over to Adventureland. I was thrilled to bits to see both flames on...


Before I entered some loud music played in Central Plaza. "What's this?" I asked myself. Turns out this was the start of one of the many day time fountain shows in front of the castle. They last about 5 minutes and it adds a whole new dynamic to the area and it's so relaxing to watch. Each show plays one or two popular songs from the classics.


So I then continued into Adventureland to check out one of the other major refurb project, Captain Hook's ship. It looks absolutely stunning, it's been given a new life with deeper reds and gold and new colourful sails. Just looks fantastic. If you saw it last year before the refurb began you'd realise how much it's changed as it was falling apart and generally looking worn out and sad. Along with this refurb is the fact you can now board the ship which I've never been able to do (became too dangerous and was closed off to guests).


Over the weekend I even noticed (for the first time) the little play area next to the ship full of kids playing around, it just feels like the refurb has brought a new lease of life into the area. So after admiring the ship and watching the heron in the area for a while I went on Pirates of the Caribbean. I really like Pirates, I just love the music and atmosphere throughout the ride. Still missing is the sword fighting pirates which really saddens me, I hope they come back soon. I swear the canon blasts in the water were more explosive as well, like the water was just going everywhere, that was cool.


I then trekked over to Indiana Jones et le temple de peril. It was walk on which was great news. I managed to get front row too which was great. The loop in the middle is insane in the front row, you feel like you're going to head butt the track lol. As there was still no queue I ran round and did it for a second time because I'm weird and actually enjoy this coaster.

I then walked through Fantasyland which was quite busy. I was going to get some ice cream from the place opposite It's a small World but it had already ceased trading for the day so I went over to the Gibson Girl Parlour for some Ben & Jerrys. I had quite a sore throat and I needed a snack so decided this would be a good choice, it really was. As I was finishing my ice cream another fountain show started in front of the castle. I really like these little shows and I hope it's something that stays for a long time.

After looking at the queue time board I decided that Phantom Manor would be a good place to head to. It was indeed a very good choice, I was on within 10 minutes. It did however have several stops due to playful spirits throughout my journey through the Ravenswood Manor.


Wasn't too sure where to head to next so spent some taking photos in Frontierland and just generally wandering around aimlessly. Upon this little journey I happen to come across yet another heron (or the same one) over by Big Thunder Mountain. It kept flying over towards the path and then back over to this little island, was quite fascinating to watch [/easily amused]


I ended back up at Pirates of the Caribbean which had like a 5 minute wait. After singing along with the pirates I headed into the Aladdin walkthrough which I always enjoy looking through, not sure why. It was starting to get dark now and I didn't have long till Patrick arrived from Aberdeen so I spent my time looking through the Main Street stores to see all the new merchandise.



I then met Patrick outside the transportation building and we walked up to Central Plaza. Oddly loads of people were leaving the park and there was a huge gathering of people in front of the castle. Why I hear you ask, Disney Dreams of course! It was odd waiting for a night show at the park at the end of April, feels unnatural outside of the Summer period. Unfortunately the weather decided to take a turn for the worse during the show meaning no pics for today's update. However the rain made the lasers look epic, just this sea of laser green over everyone's heads was amazing. The star effect also wasn't in use but I reckon it was due to the wet weather. The weather also meant people put up umbrellas and all sorts making it hard to view parts of the show and became quite an annoyance. I still blame Patrick for bringing the Scottish weather with him. :P

So the show was brilliant (despite the inclement weather and burdens amongst the audience) but I'll give you more details in part 2 when I actually managed to get some pics.


We faffed around a bit and then ventured into Disney Village in search of food (neither of us had had a meal since breakfast). Everywhere looked like they were closing or close to closing, surely this is something they should change to deal with the later opening times of the park? Anyway we quickly jumped into the art shop to buy the very expensive 20th anniversary book (very limited edition, pretty cool) and then got seated at Cafe Mickey.

It was a first for both of us and due to the very expensive prices on the menu we were expecting a very good service. Due to the time the characters had all gone, which we didn't really care about, we just wanted some food. We got seated very quickly but then once we had decided what we wanted to eat it took a while for the waiter to turn up, he then took our orders, drinks took ages to come. Food was ok but definitely not worthy of their prices. I know you're probably paying for the characters etc but we weren't so we felt a bit ripped off tbh. The staff then just forgot we even existed, it just generally became really annoying and we definitely won't be going back there anytime soon and we advise others to stay away too. The staff just weren't very good, the food was average and it was just a bit of a joke for the prices they charge in there.

Oh well, we walked back to our hotel and for some reason stayed up for ages talking, wtf were we thinking? Anyways the beds at our hotel were absolutely amazing, felt like I was sleeping on a cloud, I just wanted to live in it.


Thanks for reading, comments are highly appreciated and I should be putting up part 2 at some point this week (hopefully).

The full album of photos can be viewed by clicking on THIS LINK
I'm no Disney fan but I enjoyed reading that. Some cracking photos too...new camera?

What I enjoy most about your Disney reports, peep, is that you're clearly enthusiastic about the park. It seems like you've been there a gazillion times yet you still notice new things each visit.
Thank you very much for your comments Ian, it is indeed a new camera :D I think I enjoy the park so much because there is always something new to see and discover no matter how many times you've been.

Saturday 28th April

Due to our very late night we woke up a lot later than anticipated (I lost count how many times Patrick's phone alarm went off). After getting ready and then walking to the park we finally waltzed into the Village about 11:30 and we found ourselves in Annettes for breakfast. The food was amazing and really filled us up for the rest of the day. Om nom nom.

We opted to go into the Studios park first and timed it so well that we headed straight for Cinemagique which is clearly one of the best attractions ever. Only this time, there was something very different, they've only gone and added new scenes! (read as: removed some of the old film clips with new ones) You can now see the likes of the Narnia films, Lord of the Rings, The Incredibles and many more. Unfortunately one of the scenes replaced was of John Cleese, this made me a little sad. Still, great to see that they were able to update the film a bit, keep it fresh for us regulars :P




OMFG, Phineas & Ferb <3


As the park was fairly busy we grabbed some fastpasses for Tower of Terror and joined the queue for Rock 'n' Rollercoaster. We managed to get front row on Rock 'n' Roller and just like Space Mountain, it is epic in the front. The music was really loud and there were some fog effects going on which made the lighting really stand out. Unfortunately we had one of the not-so-great mixes for the soundtrack but it was still fun.


By the time we came out it was already time for Tower of Terror. I love ToT so much, I could just go round and round all day on it, the attention to detail in the building is just amazing. We did notice there were a lot of cracks on the back of the building though, hope it's ok because it's not that old.


We then left the Studios and headed over to the Disneyland Parc. On our way we had to run an errand in the Disneyland Hotel. Much to our surprise Mickey, Minnie and Pluto were all in the foyer, so being the big kids that we are we got our photo with all of them.


The Disneyland Hotel is absolutely stunning inside though, all the details dotted everywhere are just amazing. In one of the corridors is a grand clock for each Disney Resort with a huge piece of concept art related to the park, it's rather cool. We then left the hotel and entered the park. The "new" parade was going to start in about an hours time and crowds had already started to gather along the route. We decided to wander around a bit first though and we found ourselves in the Aladdin walkthrough. There were this family in front of us that were taking ages at each window creating a bit of a jam inside. It was like they were eating a massive picnic too, was a bit weird.


On our way to where we wanted to watch the parade from the random day fountain show started up, this was the first time Patrick had seen it.


We then stood and waited for some time opposite the royal castle stage. It was a good spot and we didn't have loads of kids and their parents pushing us or anything which was great. The parade has been updated a bit for this year due to the anniversary celebrations. The best new thing to be included are the fairies on these devices which make them look like they are floating around, it's pretty awesome.


After the parade everything felt quite busy so we ended up just wandering around for ages. On our way we entered Alice's Curious Labyrinth which had undergone a mass refurb a couple of months back. They'd replaced most, if not all, of the bushes and they felt really thick and high which really added to the awesomeness of the maze, if it wasn't for the masses of people in front of us you could easily feel really lost in there, it's pretty epic.

When we were wandering the Casey Jr parade thing (I forget it's name now, it changes every other year) was coming up Main Street. I wanted to hear the new audio loop for it and then get a picture of it. I think we used Patrick's camera though because the weather was wet and I didn't want mine getting wet. Then Patrick got recognised by a cast member which I thought was quite funny so we stood and chatted to him for the rest of the time Casey Jr was hanging out for.

We then ended up over in Discoveryland for Space Mountain which had a very short queue. Unfortunately the sound wasn't very loud in our seats but it was still a great ride. Afterwards we found ourselves aimlessly wandering again, this time we ended up on Casey Jr at the back of Fantasyland. Casey Jr is a fun little coaster, the song it plays as it goes round is brilliant :P

We were getting a little bit hungry by this point, well, not really but if we left it any later we'd have to eat after park closing and we didn't want to do that two nights in a row. We weren't too sure what to go for but we ended up over at Colonel Haiti's Pizza Outpost in Adventureland. We both had the lasagne which was quite nice and very filling, very good for a fast food restaurant anyways.

We decided to stick around in Adventureland for a bit and we climbed Robinson's treehouse. It was a simple trip up and then a queue all the way back down (apparently people like to go down the stairs at a very slow pace). It was then over to check out Captain Hook's ship which you could now board. It's a shame the steering wheel isn't accessible, that would make for a fantastic photo point. It was then over to Frontierland for Phantom manor which had a 5 minute wait.

After some more wandering around it was time to grab a good place at the front of the viewing area in front of the castle for Disney Dreams. Our spot was great but one thing really ruined it, unruly children running about, parents pushing into us and all sorts, the stuff you have to put up with if you want a good spot </3

Still the weather was staying dry and we were excited to have such a great view of the show. Granted we had to stand for over an hour just to wait for it to begin but it was worth it. The star effect was working and all the effects felt a lot better and more awesome. It really is such an amazing show and I managed to get some decent photos of it...









The show has one of the best finale scenes ever made...

We then sat over on the seats by the royal castle stage and waited for the second performance of Disney Dreams, oh yes, TWO performances in one = win. This is when the weather decided to mess with our heads, it had been cold all day and out of nowhere a very warm breeze just swept through the area, like, wtf? It felt really nice though and made us feel quite cosy despite being out in the open at 11pm. It then stayed warm with the odd breeze of cold every now and then, felt so odd and random.

The second performance of the show then began and it was awesome, especially to see if from a different angle. From where we were the water screen for Wendy looked massive and the extra projections down the buildings that are on the right hand side of the castle was quite cool to see.

After the show finished it was like 11:30 but from earlier in the day we got an idea into our heads and we decided to keep with it. Yep, we decided it would be an amazing idea to have the official 20th anniversary cocktails in the Disneyland Hotel Fantasia bar. This idea was expensive but it was such a nice bar area (the walls were adorned with items and pictures related to Fantasia) and there was a pianist and someone playing on a brass instrument (didn't see what it was). It was a nice relaxing way to end the day. I had the fruit juice cocktail because I didn't really like what was in the alcoholic one but they both looked cool and I got a light up Captain Hook with mine lol.



So after our tasty beverages we then had to walk up the hotel driveway (it was very late and the park area exits were closed lol) and then all the way back to our hotel. When we got back to the hotel the wind really picked up outside, sounded like a tornado was going to hit, it was quite exciting in a weird way. Car alarms were going off and everything. The next morning the news on TV would reveal that mega high winds hit some parts of France causing trees to fall over and cause major issues among other things.

Thanks again for reading, if you would like to see more photos the full album of the day can be found by CLICKING THIS LINK and the full photo album for Disney Dreams can be found by CLICKING THIS LINK

Part 3 will be up when I find some time :D
Smashing report, great photos, too! Makes me wish I was going back there sooner (I'm going up in September, I think). Interesting to hear that they've changed Cinemagique slightly - I guess the new scenes have replaced bits of the Titanic corridor section? Can't imagine they'd get Martin Short and Julie Delpy back to record new bits.

I've always wondered why they don't do that kind of thing with Animagique, as I know a lot of people are calling for it to be replaced now. Couldn't they just shake it up by having a number of different song and dance routines? It's not like there's a shortage of amazing Disney tunes...

Also: no Crush's Coaster? :(
^Yeah, the new scenes have been slotted into the corridor, battle and kissing scenes. How amazing would it be if they went to all that trouble of getting them back just to update it a little?

I've not been going long enough to have seen it myself but Animagique apparently opened with quite a lot of different scenes to what you see today. Can't remember what it was meant to have mind. I know so many people want it to be replaced by Philarmagic but I like the idea of them just updating it a little. If they ever get rid of that amazing song I'll be very sad. And yes, no Crush, done it quite a lot to be fair but however much I love it the queue times always put me off and we wanted to spend more time in the DL Parc on this trip.

Is it bad I'm already planning to return later in the year? :P
peep said:
If they ever get rid of that amazing song I'll be very sad.
Oh god I've got in my head now! :x

Crush's Coaster's queues are always pretty horrible. Probably wasn't the best ride for a park with relatively little to do.

peep said:
Is it bad I'm already planning to return later in the year?
You can never have too much Disneyland :wink: Is there much progress on the Ratatouille section of Studios yet?
^Ha, that be the curse of that song, it's addictive. Well I suppose I have to get use out of my annual pass somehow :P Not really, a big crane has appeared as well as a huge drill thing to start on the foundations. Still a long time before we see anything drastic appear. Still, very exciting that there is a huge new attraction coming to the park (the building is going to be massive).
Right, time for me to wrap up this mini epic photo trip report with the deets on our final day at Disneyland Paris...

Sunday 29th

We were originally planning on getting up early and going to Extra Magic Hours to make the most of the day but instead we woke up quite late due to two very late nights. We got ourselves ready and packed, checked out of the hotel and made our way via the RER to the Resort. After dropping our bags at concierge and headed into the park.

We saw both horse drawn trams out on Main Street (very rare) and decided to board one just for the sake of it. It was quite nice to sit on the tram with it's vintage style ads for the shops and restaurants on Main Street. Such a pleasant way to start the day.



We then headed back down Main Street to make a reservation at Walts for later on in the day. After booking our table for lunch we headed for our first ride of the day, Big Thunder Mountain. However the queue was very long so we grabbed some fast passes and popped into the fast food place opposite for some breakfast which for today was some churros lol. Such a healthy breakfast.

Not sure how best to kill our time before we could use our fast passes we ended up going to visit Mickey over in his temporary area at the back of Frontierland. We had to wait quite a while but I really liked the bits of theming in the area. Considering it's a temporary fix while the proper new location is finished off in Fantasyland I thought they did a very nice job with the area.




By now it was time for Big Thunder Mountain. For some reason they've added a new barrier in the middle of the seats on some of the trains which Patrick didn't approve of because he loved sliding from side to side around the course of the ride. See, I'm the opposite, I wasn't a fan of all that sliding around so approved of these new barriers lol.

Somehow it was already time for our lunch at Walt's Restaurant on Main Street. We were sat in the Discoveryland 'corridor' which is nice because it overlooks Main Street. For our main course we both went for the steak, which was massive and very filling. For desert I went for the 'milkshake with a twist' because it sounded exciting. What actually arrived was an ice cream sundae lol, doesn't matter, tasted of awesome. Oh we also got our free fruit cocktail drink because we had annual passes [/smug]. Sometimes I think we like going in there to feel like we're richer than we actually are, well that and the fact it has the best waiting team in the whole Resort, nothing but amazing service in there.


We then opted to ride It's a small World. Patrick didn't agree that the queuetime was right (it said it was 5 minutes long) and was saying how it was more like 20+ minutes, I told him he was wrong which led him to actually time our waiting time on his phone. It was 5 minutes and 30 seconds lol.



As Patrick hadn't been inside the Princess Pavilion yet we decided to go check it out. The queue was very long and children were generally being burdenous and very loud. However when I went in January there was a broken TV screen whereas this time it was transformed into the Mirror from Snow White and it was fantastic, it got lots of attention from everyone in the queue and it spoke both French and English.


We then proceeded to meet Rapunzel, yay, we managed to meet a decent Princess. I managed to cause major faffage due to my camera's flash playing up, I think I pissed the photographer off a bit :P


Patrick actually ended up purchasing the official photo because mine came out quite dark lol. It was then already time for Patrick to head home. I didn't have much time left either so I had to be careful what attractions I queued for (I've pretty much had a panic attack before when I went on Pirates with plenty of time to go and then it broke down and we had to be evacuated and it nearly made me miss my train). In the end I opted for the Molly Brown so I could check out the huge new tarp that is covering up the Mark Twain boat while it's in refurbishment.


So that was a nice relaxing boat journey around Frontierland. With still some time to waste I decided to walk through the castle. I think the stain glass windows are just amazing and on a nice day like it was brings in so much colour to the interior of the castle.




I then proceeded to begin my journey home.


It was a nice, albeit short, trip back to the Magic. Still can't get over how amazing Disney Dreams is, truly spectacular. It would have been nice if the weather was like it was on the Sunday for all three days but I suppose you can't have it all. Thanks for reading and for all the photos from the third day click on this link.