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CP10`s Little UK Coaster Holiday


Giga Poster
Day 1 Sunday 27th May - Pleasure Beach Blackpool

So we headed up Blackpool a day early after I managed to blag a half day at work, so we are set up nicely, hotel full English in stomach, so it`s time to hit the Pleasure Beach.

So the park opens at 10 and we get there and in about 10:05, park was reasonably quiet and it was scorching hot, so we have a wonder around considering nothing opened until 10:30 and the first thing I notice is the new Revolution paint job.


Jury`s out on this really, its a bit bland looking and much darker then the artist`s sketches, but it`s better then the orange and blue Irn Bru livery, I do like the new logo however. Revolution was closed for the entire day.

So we waited by Infusion until half 10, mainly just to get it out the way as neither of us are really fans of it and its a bit of a pain to get to, so straight on the second train at the back row, I actually had a half decent ride, I experienced virtually no head banging, but Tash did experience some head banging so we avoided Infusion for the rest of the day.
Second ride of the day was obviously Big Dipper, queued for about 10 minutes as the queue had built up before the rides opened, and there was only the single train in operation. Ride was good though, I always get caught out by the Dipper, it`s always rougher then I expected but a fun ride non the less.
Avalanche next and there was virtually nobody in the queue so we got three rides back to back in little time at all. From the lift hill you can see the Revolution train, which is now red.

I like Avalanche, but Tash loves it, infact its one of her favorite rides, I look forward to experiencing the other bobsleds in Europe hopefully soon.
Grand National next as it opened slightly later.

Red Vs Purple today, and as we where first inline we decided it would be rude not to have a race against each other, I lost unfortunately, but still a good ride, I always enjoy my rides on Nash, I know it receives some criticism for roughness, but I never notice it.
Welcome reprieve from the searing heat on Valhalla next, this is easily one of my favorite non coaster ride and certainly my favorite water ride, I would ride this if it was hammering down with rain.

I like the fire torch dragons that have been added in the off season, but I don't like the new skull on the facade of the building, I loved the meanness off the old one, the new one I think has lost some of that.
Ride was good, got completely soaked as is standard procedure for this ride, the criticism I have is that a few of the effects weren't functioning, the log hammers and the fire ball finale weren't working. I spoke to a member of staff about this later in the day when the ride was down, and he was surprised that they weren't working, this gave me peace of mind that the fire balls weren't removed in the off season as that's my favorite part.


Post Valhalla.
After that it was Nick Streak, followed by The Big One, I managed to drag Tash to the front row as I have never fronted this ride and there was no queue at all. A truly wonderful experience, I forgot how much I enjoy The Big One.

The Pepsi Max can is still there, even though the ride is no longer sponsored by the company.
Steeplechase next, which she didn't want any part off, I think she thought she might fall off.

Quick couple of rides on Avalanche next, I forgot to mention the trains are now boasting a new livery just like The Big One, if you look down into the maintenance area below the track before leaving the building you can see one of the spare trains sporting the old white and blue livery.
On and off twice over in no time again because the queue was small and 2 trains where in operation.
Had another quick go on Nash, its about one o`clock at this time and queues are starting to form, Nash took about 20 minutes to get on, mainly due to slow operation of the ride, taking ages to load etc.
After I decided to ride the Mouse, now I have only ever rode this once, and it nearly snapped my spine, I think this may have been because I was riding with somebody else and I didn't know what to expect, so I gave it a second chance riding on my own, I wasn't as bad as my first ride, only at one point did I find it uncomfortable.
Had a look into the Dipper station and there was a bit of a queue so had a quick ride on BO, as we got there it broke down and loads of people left the queue looking really angry mumbling to themselves, so I gave it ten minutes as the queue was now pretty small and there where 2 trains running.
After a few minute the ride re-opened, win.

Nothing like some seaside doughnuts and a bottle of Juicy Drench on a hot day.
We got rides on Nash and Dipper next before heading back to the BO to ride the back, as our ride pulled into the station ready to board somebody had barfed all over one of the seats near the middle so that was promptly cleaned up, got caught out big time on the drop as arms where up, did not expect that amount of force, it was real good.

Had another quick go on Avalanche and decided to call it a day, it was about 4 o`clock and the park was advertised as open till 5 but this was extended to 7 as the weather was good and the park a few people in it, but we had a 160 mile drive to Aberystwyth to attend to.
Overall a really good day, park weren't to busy so productivity was good, I think PBB is now my favorite park, I always enjoy myself so much here, I really love the place.

Overall Ride Count

Avalanche - 6
Big One - 3
Grand National - 3
Big Dipper - 2
Infusion - 1
Valhalla - 1
Nick Streak - 1
Mouse - 1
Steeplechase - 1

Missed out on -
Blue Streak, or whatever its called these days.
Revolution - was not open
TIB - Not a fan of Drop Towers
Ghost Train - Had a massive queue

Busyness - Quiet to Moderate

Operations - Good, Big One, Avalanche, Infusion all running multiple trains.

Ride of the Day
Front row of The Big One.

Disappointment of the day
Not getting a second ride on Valhalla

Tomorrow - Oakwood
Lol, hope you enjoy the enjoy the journey to Oakwood! I done this the opposite way around in 2006, and the journey through Wales was just awful, the worst care journey I have ever been on, it just seemed to go on and on and on. All small twisty roads where you cant over take anything.

Oh, and I agree about the skull on Valhalla, it looks retarded. Also, you're ride count was pretty poor for such a quiet day!
I love Blackpool when you get a day like that - the park really shines. I have a lot of really fond memories of the park just like that, with family and friends just having a blast.

Really enjoyed the report, not sure if the rumours of PMBO running faster and better are true, but it sounds like it might be. Also, Avalanche is probably my favourite ride at the park now, but I still love Big Dipper and Revolution.

Looking forward to what you think of Oakwood :)
As I said in the other topic, you chose to come on an amazing day. We had fantastic weather, it was so hot here.

Yeah, it's not a surprise really that the effects weren't working properly, they're an absolute nightmare, they barely work anymore, they were meant to do some work on them to make them more reliable over the off-season, from what I've heard, it's not really improved...
So after Pleasure Beach it was time to head down to Aberystwyth in wales where our hotel was booked. This of coarse (like Martyn B said) took forever, it took ages to get into Wales due too a horrifying looking accident on the M6, Wales was a nightmare, It probably would have been a nice drive if we werent in a hurry to get to the hotel, nice scenery and nice roads if your out on a leisurely cruise, but a nightmare to get too in a hurry. Blackpool to Aberystwyth took about 4 hours.
Hotel was real nice though offering great views. Nice people and good breakfast.

Other side of that wall is a 200ft drop with a small waterfall. Nice stuff.

Day - 2 - Monday 28th May - Oakwood

Drive from the Hotel too the park took about 2 hours and was just as much of a pain in the backside as the night before.

More stunning views to be had though.
So we arrive at the park about 10;15, 15 minutes after the park had opened and there`s hardly a car in the car park, infact if I hadn't of known the park was open I would of thought it was closed.
So, entry fee paid, we enter the park, two things immediately inview, Vertigo and Drenched (formally Hydro) dominating the skyline. Wernt willing to pay £38 to ride Vertigo and Drenched was closed until 2pm so we bypassed them and headed you know where.


Megafobia, the ride looks beautiful with the lake in front, so straight on, twice in fact, this still took some time as the ride op was waiting for the train to fill up before dispatching it, both rides where front row as I wanted to build up to the back as I knew it would be better, so climbing the lift hill I thought about how long I had waited for this moment, we took the first drop and it was amazing, there can often be disappointment when you build something up in your head for so long, but not it this case, the ride was thrilling from beginning to end, fast corners, plenty of airtime, a fantastic ride. I wondered whether The Swarm may now be my favorite, now I think this could be a genuine contender also.
So after a couple of exciting rides on Megafobia, I notice the Bobsleds, now I have always been a fan of slides, so this was a must do. Found the lift quite dull and painfull only to get to the top and have a ride op mock my shirt :) but then, so much fun, I was quite conservative in the first fun, adhearing to all the signs, we did it again straight after and I ripped it down there, it was so much fun, the kind of ride I would love to have in my garden and just sit on it all day.

Over to Speed next, had a car to ourselves.

So this was good for me to find out whether its just Saw I find uncomfortable or Euro Fighters in general, and it turns out its Euro Fighters, it was ok until the loop, then it became uncomfortable and painful, had three rides back to back, the ride op was really friendly and chatty, I asked him about the theming for the ride in the future, he said he had heard something about that but not what, as management obviously don`t divulge information like that.
Then over to the Treetops cred to get that but it was operating on an hourly rotation with the pirate ship. So over to the water slides for three go`s, so as to ride all three variants, so the standard slides where pretty boring, the Cobra and Python slides where actually really fun, the lights inside are a nice touch, good fun.
Pirate Ship next, that took 5 minutes or so to get on as it was doing a half swing so that some grandma`s could have a ride, got on and it was just a standard Pirate Ship as I expected, the only thing worth noting was that one of the lads in the row infront became vary close to losing his breakfast.
Had another couple of rides on Megafobia, again on the front as the back was always full.


Had a look at the mini golf, but there was quite a few people on it so gave it a miss and headed to Brer Rabbit (advised by furie) only to find it too was operating on a rotational system.

Do not pass Go, do not collect £200.
So had another couple of goes on the Bobs before getting the Treetops cred and heading back over to get Brer Rabbit.

This was quite a funny little 5 minutes, I found the bit where the rabbit farted in the bath most amusing, childish times. <3
Had another ride on Megafobia, Speed and two more slides, before eventually being able to persuade Tash to come for a lesuirely trip on the Pedalo`s as she hates them, It was real nice though got some nice pictures of MF in the process.

Stopped for lunch just got some doughnuts and a drink as the food didn't look too appetizing and we weren't really that hungry, what really annoyed me is that they wanted £2.35 for a bottle of Drench, no thanks!!
So sat on the green and there was an employee cleaning some rubbish, he come over to my table and we got chatting, he was telling me about how in the last 3 years that Aspro have owned the park they have cleared some of the parks debt, but he was surprised they was no new attractions for the 25th year anniversary, he wasn't a young chap I would say late 30s and he seemed a little worried about the future of the park, and how it needs something new to get the people coming back to the park and back to Pembrokeshire. He hopes to see something in the future, in the plot of land behind Speed.
Had another go on Tree Tops before literally spending the rest of the day whoring Megafobia and the Bobsleds, got 4 go`s on the back of Megafobia and what a rush, because my hands are always up I thought I was going to fall out of my seat at one point, great experience.


About 4 o`clock we decided to head to the shop to buy some tat then head for home as we had a 260 mile drive to Hemel hempstead in front of us.
Its worth noting that for me shopping is quite important, I know its not for some, but for me it is, and parks of this size are normally hit and miss for shopping. Oakwood was great however, I got all the tat I could possibly ask for, pens, fridge magnets, I even got a nice t-shirt for £12, well chuffed. Loads of choice at reasonable prices.
I really enjoyed my first trip to Oakwood, I knew it wouldnt be the best ride line-up wise, but it really was a great day out, for me it had a great balance thrills and fun, even the setting was nice. I look forward to going there again in the future, even if its just for Megafobia and the Bobsleds.
Word of note to the staff as they where all really nice and chatty, some of the best staff I have seen in any park.

Overall Ride Count -
Megafobia - 11
Bobsleds - 9
Slides - 5
Speed - 4
Treetops - 2
Brer Rabbit - 1
Pedalo - 1
Pirateship - 1
(Its worth noting this could have been a lot higher but we left early and just took the day at a nice pace instead of racing around)

Missed out on
Clown Cred - That whole area was closed
Waterfall - Furie said I would regret this for life if I didn't ride it, I tried to check MyCF to remember Furie`s recommendations but had no signal, I approached it at the end of the day, but I legs would not allow me to climb the stairs, so that will have to be one for the future.
Mini Golf- Same here, I thought it looked crap, but if I could have checked my phone I would have had a round on it on Furies recommendation.
Bounce - Hate drop towers.
Drenched - Didn't open till 2pm and at this point it was quite cold.

Busyness - Dead.

Operations - Good, Single train operations, and spent a lot of time on Megafobia sitting waiting for the train to fill up, but that's perfectly understandable.

Ride of the Day -
Megafobia, at the back, brilliant ride.

Dissapointment of the day
Not being able to check my phone to get Furies recommendations, also £2.35 for a Drench!! :evil:

Tomorrow - Chessington WOA
I NEED to get back to that park.

I can't actually believe how quiet it is, it's unreal.

Another great PTR :D
Thank you. :)

Yeah it was seriously quiet I couldn't believe the park was open in all honesty. We queued for nothing, just waited for Megafobia to fill.
But yeah I will want to get back as soon as possible, it just sucks its so far away from where I live.
Grr, Bounce and Ice Blast aren't drop towers! Although Bounce does end with a 'drop', its nothing like a proper drop tower drop.

Considering just how far away Oakwood is, you should have made sure you got everything, especially the unique rides! Drenched is awsome. It really is like Oblivion meats Tidal Wave, and you dont get that wet either, especially if you sit in the middle. And on Waterfall, all you have to do is make sure you dont tip back!

Oakwood is a fab park, and Megafobia is awsome! As you loved that, you should try and get to Parc Asterix for Zues!

I can't actually believe how quiet it is, it's unreal

It was mid-week remember. No school hols etc.
CP10 said:
£38 to ride Vertigo
Sorry, for a second there I thought you wrote it was £38 to ride Vertigo.

Oh, you did.

Assuming that's £38 for three people? £12.70ish per person?

The dragon fire things outside Valhalla look great. No doubt they are called "Fire Fountains" :wink:
Come on, there are only 7 rides at Oakwood, you could have done them all surely? No Tea-Trays???? :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And no Spooky 3D either (though it's completely and utterly crap).

Glad you enjoyed the park though. Megafobia is still one of my favourite coasters, just because it's such fantastic fun and it's one of those additively re-ridable ones too. Speed hurts me, so again agreed there. I don't think I ever managed more than two rides in one day on it due to the headache it gives me.

So yeah, get back there and get on the stuff you missed, though you'll still fail to do everything at the park, no matter how quiet it is. I've no idea why Oakwood does this, but it's impossible to ever do everything in one day, it's got its own special time zone.

Ian said:
The dragon fire things outside Valhalla look great. No doubt they are called "Fire Fountains" :wink:

I lolled.
Ian said:
The dragon fire things outside Valhalla look great. No doubt they are called "Fire Fountains" :wink:
It's the only way she (Amanda) could justify the heartbreak of having to remove parts of the waterfalls from Valhalla ;)
So after a long boring trip down the M4 we arrive in Hemel Hempstead where we`re staying with family ready for Chessington.

Day 3 - Tuesday 29th May - Chessington World of Adventures

So we arrive at the park just after 10, again just after the park opened and there`s plenty of folk around, we had to park near the bottom of the car park. It didn't take me long to get wound up, because it took ages to pay and get into the park, not because there where too many people in front of us, but because the queues where taking ages to move, I don't know whether it was people in front being difficult or the cashiers being slow, but either way it was slightly annoying.

So into the park and its straight over to you know where.
Rattlesnake of course, I love this ride, the only thing worth noting was that they changed the "bumpy ride" announcement to a different voice, other than that ride is the same as always. Great fun.

After that its over to Dragons Fury for a couple of rides, I totally forgot how much fun there is to be had on this ride, there arnt many rides I have been on that evoke so much laughter, a quality ride, much better then SpinSonicBallWhizzer.

Down to Vampire next, certainly not the most thrilling ride, but decent non the less, I like the unique experience it gives, it also I think has one of the most atmospheric stations in the country, even the queue is quite pleasant to walk around.

Now, over to Bubble Works, I have never rode this before, and I have to say I found it fun, (there was a small queue but we where on in about 15 minutes or so) theming was good, almost like Valhalla, but for kids, and with ducks. The final room with over-boat fountains is excellent, if there`s anybody who hasnt been on Bubble Works, its definitely worth a go.
I took some pictures in Bubble Works but they all came out crap.

Its 11:20 and we notice Tomb Blaster was open, cool, considering it apparently was going to open at 12. So we made a little wager and headed in.

Needless to say she got smoked badly, she got 8000 I got 17300, get in. Refreshing drink on her. :)
Quick go on the Mine Train next, which was pants, and I knew it was pants, don`t know why I bothered with it? Don`t know why I`m writing it in this review tbh?
Another quick rip on Rattlesnake, I like the theming of this ride, it makes it a fun little 2 minutes, bouncing in and out of the little buildings, I don`t really enjoy the free standing copy at Flamingoland.
Noticed the new African themed area with the stage set up for Madagascar Live.

Right time for Rameses Revenge as its scorching hot, she took one look at it and nearly soiled herself, so she took some pictures.


I`m front row furthest left as you look at it and you can just about see me getting battered with water.
This was actually really enjoyable, a lot more so then I remembered, lasted quite a while, plently of spins, got completely soaked, even the ride op was pretty cool, cracking jokes and what not, good stuff.
Now its up to Wild Asia as its now about half 12 and the area didn't open until 12.
Tuk Tuk Termoil or dodgems to most, first.

I love my dodgems, but these ones are a bit pants really, too many cars on a small track and didn't really last that long.
Monkey Swinger next, again this is a ride I have not rode in previous visits to Chessington, Tash was in the chair in front of me and I was nagging her to let go and put her arms up, which she did only to get smashed in the face by the water jets, it was comedy gold, I was so busy laughing at the end that karma decided to bite me in the ass, and the exact same thing happened to me, I got a face full.
Was a real fun, came off in stitches.
Went over to explore Temple of Mayhem only to see it werent open and that it looked crap.
Another quick rip on Dragon Fury was needed.

Decided for a little break from all the spinning about and take her to look at some animals, so we popped in the Sea-Life aquarium, and the first thing I notice is there is complete carnage going down in the main tank.

Seconds after taking this picture a Ray came along and swiped one of the fish, it was mayhem in there.
Trail of the Kings next, only thing of note was in the Gorilla enclosure, this little baby was chasing around daddy Gorilla, throwing hay in its face, pulling its hair, it was really fascinating to witness.

2pm is launch time, just got doughnuts again as for the third day running was fueled up on Full English.
Its now quite hot. Weird weather today, varying from hot to cool, so a nice little relaxing plod down the Dragons Falls was called for, the only thing I don't like about this ride is that its a pain to walk too, nice little ride though, not the most thrilling flume, but certainly a nice one, well themed and had plenty of tunnels,and bridges, very serene.


So it was starting to quieten down a bit as all the school groups where now leaving so spent the rest of the day just hopping between Rattlesnake, Vampire, Dragons Fury and had another go on Dragons Falls in between.

Before calling it a day about half four as we felt we had done everything we really wanted to do, went to buy the compulsory tat and it was off for the pleasurably nice, short trip round the M25 to our base in Hemel ready for tomorrows trip to Paultons Park.

Overall Ride Count
Dragons Fury - 6
Vampire - 5
Rattlesnake - 5
Dragons Falls - 2
Mine Train - 1
Monkey Swinger - 1
Tuk Tuk Turmoil - 1
Bubble Works - 1
Rameses Revenge - 1
Tomb Blaster - 1

Missed out on -
Kobra - I hate this ride and it had a long queue.
Black Buccaneer - thought about it but never got round to it.

Busyness - Reasonably busy to begin with, tailed off towards the end as the school groups went home.

Operations - Mostly good, apart from getting in, and the girl oprating rattlesnake was having difficulties with about 30 childeren who where all too short to ride, just minor things. Other then that, good.

Ride of the Day -
First two rides on Dragons Fury for sure, always sit facing backwards getting caught out by that drop.

Disappointment of the day
Not being able to get a Chessington fridge magnet for my collection. :)

Tomorrow - Paultons Park

PS - sorry its taken me ages to getting round to this, had a busy couple of days.
Day 4 Wednesday 30th May - Paultons Park

So after an awful car trip down to Hampshire, we arrive at Paultons Park about 11, a full half hour after the park opened, we weren't penalized to much for this, as we enter the park we walk round the the main ride area, and although there are plenty of cars in the car park, this area is nearly empty.
So as its my first trip here, the first thing to do is get all the creds, starting with Cobra.

To look at Cobra it looks a bit pants, and to be fair it certainly is far from world beating, but I was surprised how much I actually enjoyed this ride. I like the tight turns, helixes and small hills. Nice tidy little ride, great for this park.
So after a couple of rides on that it was time to quickly pick up the Frog cred, then over to the carpet slide for a quick race, which of course I was victorious.

Stinger next so as to complete the creds for the day and move on to explore the rest of the park, on the way out we had a walk around Wind in the Willows. Just because I was curious to see what was inside.
So creds out the way and its over to Peppa Pig World to see what it was like, first thing we see is that it is completely rammed in this area with families with small children. I have to say the whole area is real nice, the theming is outstanding and the kiddies where all having a real nice time.
An excellent section of the park.

Had a little race on the Wave Runner in which I actually lost. :evil:

Lunch next and £6 payed for this.

Eating hot meals in parks like this can always be hit and miss, hence why we didnt bother in Oakwood. But this however was actually pretty good, the generous portion chips are nice and the dog was decent enough also, I would happily pay £6 to eat that again.

New food court under construction scheduled to open later this year.

Spent the time after lunch just wondering about, exploring the gardens, birds and had a walk down the dinosaur path. Which was really tacky, but good for the little ones, the ambiance is however really nice.

Had a couple of Cobras in before having a go on Magma, I hate drop towers but after watching it working over course of the day I decided I had to ride it.

Theming for this ride is actually really good, especially for the size of this ride, the queue is really nicely done, there's an animatronic dinosaur complete with noises, and lighting to simulate cracks of lava.


She didn't want to ride first so she took some snaps of me riding.


As I ascended I thought to myself, what the hell am I doing? But actually this was real fun, something I never thought would be. Great views to be had of the park and the golf course, fun little drops and launches coupled with the spinning made this a really enjoyable experience. Not the most white knuckled drop tower, those who like these rides might say its too small and slow, but for those of us that arnt too keen on them, this is really fun.
Also the smoke machines that are used when the ride initiates is really cool.
Had a pop on some other rides such as The Sky Swinger, Jumping Bean, and RRR Log Flume, which looks really crap, no theming, just a free standing log flume, which I don't really like, but got a lot wetter then I thought so it weren't all too bad.

Beat her ass at carpet racing again before getting in some practice in for the CF GP in August, by hitting up the Go Karts.
So there are 4 cars on track, us 2 and some teenager and his dad, so we set off and were all having a good race, until the teenager decides the close the door on me as I was over taking him and I t-boned him, he look really shook up, but, should looked at what was going on around him lol.
This cost me the race as Tash annoyingly won and I came 3rd.
Got some blue vanilla ice cream and headed back over to PPW so that I would get my revenge on the wave Runner.

Which I did, twice, giving me the 2-1 victory overall.
Had another rip on Stinger just because I could, before having another go on the log flume.
Its nearing four O`Clock now so we fell its right to spend the rest of the day whoring Cobra and Magma. Taking some silly pictures on the way. Eventually got her on Magma although she didn't enjoy it.


Headed over to the shop about half four, quite a random shop, lots of Jubilee things, and other completely random things like modal ships? Got my cumpulsary pen and magnet though so its all good.

I added Paultons Park to my holiday very late on, literally a week before I was scheduled to start it, in all honesty I didn't think the park would be open, I was shocked to see that it was and decided a visit was a must.
I have to say I enjoyed myself at Paultons immensely, I knew, It was only going to be a small park aimed at families, so was surprised at how much of great day we had, lots of laughter, the park is very clean and well kept, even the food was nice.
If you fancy a non serious, relaxing, silly, fun day out then I would recommend Paultons, your not going to get white knuckle rides, but if your not spending to much on getting to the place, and your with the right people, there`s plenty of fun to be had at this nice little park.

Overall Ride Count

Cobra - 10
Magma - 5
Waver Runner - 3
Stinger - 2
Log Flume - 2
Carpet Slide - 2
Jumping Bean - 1
Sky Swinger - 1
Go Karts - 1

Missed out on -
Edge - Same reason as I didn't ride Kobra.
Pirate Ship - Closed

Busyness - Busy in PPW, everything else was walk-on.

Operations - Execellent, no faults that I noticed.

Ride of the Day
Messing about with Cobra at the end taking silly pictures of eachother going round.

Disappointment of the day
Main ride area lacked a bit of atmosphere due to the lack of people in the area, and the trip down there, can`t blame the park for that though. :--D

Tomorrow - Adventure Island
Excellent stuff. It's great to see a positive tour around the UK for a change, especially with a couple of new parks chucked in.

Anyway, would you consider yourself a competitive person at all?
Thanks, yeah it was all real good.

Yeah I`m a little competitive, not in a serious way, just makes it more fun.

Sorry the last chapter is taking so long, I have had some issues with the pictures, should be up in the next couple of days.
Glad to see Tomb Blaster's bridge looks really secure and safe :wink:

Did you LOVE the superb willy-lift on Jumpin' bean at Paultons? For my money, no other flat ride comes close for that tingling-bellend sensation.