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Corkscrew's Removal (Alton Towers)


Mega Poster
I suppose ultimatley it is only a matter of time until Corkscrew is removed, but following the fact it is not mentioned anywhere in the future 'plans' posted, I have become concerned it may be removed.

Now, In my eyes 2010 is far too early for it to go (2010 is the year which it is believed the plans are for) as to put it simply, Corkscrew still delivers and still provides a brilliant ride.

Also, when it does go it will be a very sad day for me, as it really is a special ride to me, for its recognition countrywide, its history, and the fact it was my first big coaster.

So, what do you think? Is 2010 too early? Will it's removal bother you? And do you actually like Corkscrew?

(I should say concept art as there is no proof anywhere any of this is happening and it is unlikely Corky is going anywhere soon...)
It goes next year.

Needs new trains which the park aren't prepared to pay for. The money could be put to better use on another project.
If it is true that its going it will be a loss as its a good ole ride yes its rough but it don't matter that much.

I do feel it should stay for sake of nostalgia and the history of the park but time does move on.
I hope it doesn't. Every time I ride it I want it to stay more and more. Obviously this is purely due to the nostalgia attached to it, but I do think it's too soon for it to go.
The sources about the removal are apparently good - but not 100% confirmed. I also know htat Alton have been looking at replacement trains for a couple of years.

Like everything, there's a general plan, and it can take a long time for them to come to fruition or not - hence the danger of posting rumours. I think Alton do have a choice - renovate the ride, or replace it.

I am sentimental, so will be sad to see the Corkscrew go, but it's hardly unique, or anything really special. It brought Alton to the attention of the UK, and helped launch the UK theme park industry - I guess that's a lot - but is it reason to keep it when it's well past it's prime, and not drawing in crowds?

So, I'll be sad to see it go, and get one last ORP on it before it does, but I say it's time for something new, and there's a huge old bit of prime park there going to waste!

I liked the idea somebody on TTF had - put the Corkscrews over Rita's launch! Integrate the old track into the re-theme :)

Like the old dog who's had her day though, limping badly through the day and coughing all night - it's time to take them out into the back yard and put a bullet between their eyes...
Lol!!! I love the analogy there Furie....

I will be this much <----> sad if it goes....

It managed to concuss me pretty bad once....

I will miss the thrill of knowing i'm going to get beaten up.... a bit like The Ultimate....

But we will see in time what happens to the beastly ride :p
Alton don't seem to have very much space left that they can actually build on (without removing something), and like furie said, Corkscrew does take up a large amount of useful land...

I think they should get a new flat ride where Dynamo once stood (and get rid of that crappy climbing wall and trampolines), I mean, the queue line and entrance sign are still there waiting to be used!

They need to sort out the black hole tent too. Then, and only then should they think about removing rides.
Im glad. Yes, its part of the parks history, but people have to start looking to the future. Its an awful ride and seems like its about to collapse. Bring on a woodie!!
A landmark ride which is very much past its use by date.

Alton Towers would do well to spend their money building something better in its place.
When I first came on tot CF, this issue was raised (that was 1994).

Back then, I said that they couldn't remove the Corkscrew, as Staffordshire County Council has a cast iron mural on the wall of it's offices, and the Corkscrew had pride of place (it was a mural of well known things about Staffordshire - it was very short :lol: ).

So if Alton wanted rid of it, then the council would have to change the mural.

The mural has gone! I think it was the last thing keep Corkscrew at Alton, and now it's been removed - Corkscrew's fate is sealed! ;)
Yeah, its just sitting there using money and really not attracting the crowds (possibly partly due to the fact no-one knows where the entrance is still), they'd do better to get rid of it and put something new and interesting that'll attract crowds... and put the entrance to it somewhere else...
Well, ive been on Corkie more times than Rita, so i will be disappointed when it goes.

Even more disappointed will be my mum, who remembers queuing around 5 or 6 hours the month after it opened to ride and would then queue again. She went on it for the fist time in 28 years a few months ago and almost cried.

Wait till i tell her the news...

But for me, i still love Corkie, having rode it only 5 times (twice front row) i can safely say that it is not as rough as some make it and i will miss getting a slighty head bang.

Hopefully will be heading to Alton 3 or 4 times before Corkie closes (if it happens that is) so will be able to marvel in an iconic British coaster (yes i know it technically is not British(maker, construction, yadah yadah)but still)
I couldn't really care less if they removed it. Never had a good experience on it. Never got any GOOD memories from it, and I don't feel any sentimental value for it because it wasn't my first inverting coaster or vekoma etc. So if they take Corkpoo down I will not care, I will be excited to see what replaces it, Black Hole on the otherhand I missed and still am to a certain extent.
You have no idea how upset I will be on the day it's removed, unless they preserve it... Even if it's SBNO i'd be okay... but a little upset, I just wouldn't want to see it go, because it was my first inverting rollercoaster, and I hate Rita more than Corkscrew because of the UgLand theme was ruined, thanks to Rita! And Corkies been through so much!

So the answer to your question is


Even though It has caused my ears to bleed twice.....
It was my first inverting rollercoaster and means alot to me.........
Corkscrew removal

It might not actually be removed...... It's just a rumor at the moment. It's essentially a "Golden Oldie" and I personally don't think that it should go. I mean, it still gives riders thrills, and is a great "learners" coaster, family coaster or a warm up coaster! Apparently the trains need replacing soon, which may be one reason why it might be removed (cost) and another may be because people say it's rough. Give the ride a break though, as it opend in 1980! The roughness is Vekomas fault, as they have a gap between the bottom wheels and the rails, allowing the cars to jerk around when it's in motion. - You can see this when you're in the queue line, watch the trains entering the station and you will see this. Plus the hard harnesses can be blamed for feeling uncomfortable. !!SOLUTION!! - replace the trains with wheels that run properly against the rails! And if this doesn't work, fit softer harnesses too!

:( DON'T GO!! :(
I actually don't want Corkscrew at Alton to go as I don't think it's that rough. The really rough one is the one at Flamingoland which definitely should go as it made my ear go red from all the ear bashing on it. The one at Alton has never done that so I want the one at Alton to stay.