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Coasters you want to ride the most


Hyper Poster
What coasters do you really really want to ride? Mine:
1. Leviathan- in my opinion it looks like the best coaster in the world. Its layout looks much better than Milf and i305.
2. Skyrush- Apparently it has the most intense airtime in the world
3. Shambhala- Looks like the best B&M hyper
4. Katun- It looks like a better invert than Nemesis as it is much longer and looks very intense
5. Helix- It just looks **** awesome!

1. El Toro
2. T express
3. Boulder dash
4. Outlaw run
5. Boardwalk bullet
Is it bad that I wanted to put Green Steeplechase @ BPB and JO at Fantasy Island just because I've been to the parks but haven't got the creds and I want more green spots on my coaster count map :lol:
/\ I guess that means G Force and the Thomas the tank engine coaster at Drayton Manor are some of my most wanted coasters because I really want those so I can complete Drayton.
I believe it's this, but I've only just found it its called Wood Coaster so now I'm confused...

Yes, that's what the title says, I've watched it and I think I'm going mad and have posted the wrong thing, it's late an I'm tired now so it can wait until t'morrow.
1. El Toro
2. New Texas Giant
3. Helix
4. Nemesis
5. TTD
6. Shambhala
7. Nitro
8. Beast
9. Skyrush
10. Piraten/other mega lite

Posted while reading your mind.
1. Gatekeeper
2. Banshee
3. Helix
4. Nemesis
5. Same as BBH: Piraten or any other Mega lite

1. Boulder Dash
2. Colossus
3. Outlaw Run
4. T Express
5. White Lightning
Jordanovichy said:
I believe it's this, but I've only just found it its called Wood Coaster so now I'm confused...

GCI were calling it Mountain Flyer during construction, but the park eventually just called it Wood Coaster when it opened. Well, that's the English name at least. I don't know if the Chinese name has a different translation. I can find out if anyone's particularly bothered.

Anyway, there's a trip report on it here:


It's an excellent coaster, in my top 5 woodies easily, but I'm not sure how long it will stay that way. It's already developing a bit of a rattle and it's only a few years old.

Back on topic. Coasters that I really want to ride, in no real order:

Outlaw Run
Sky Scrapper
Tower of Terror
Formula Rossa (even though it looks a bit ****)
Not sure I can rank these, but rides I really want to ride:

Intimidator 305
Outlaw Run
Flying Turns
Long haul trips are out the window for me for a few years so specifically Europe;

Helix - Been following this for ages and looks amazing, if not the most forceful
Balder - After riding Colossos, I'm intrigued to see why this is rated higher in the Mitch Hawker poll
Piraten - Mega-Lite, need i say more?
Shambhala - A better version of Silver Star apparently, looks brilliant
Expedition Geforce - Consistently voted highly, with good forces, and Darren's constantly getting wood about it
Alpina Blitz - Mack's take on a Mega-lite, looks great and heard good things
Goliath (Walibi) - Airtime machine that can be done in a day trip, yes please!

Super excited for the Live this year as will be picking up the first three, will aim for another 3 next year with the Hansa hyper as well.
DelPiero said:
Balder - After riding Colossos, I'm intrigued to see why this is rated higher in the Mitch Hawker poll

Because people are idiots.
I don't think it's really change for me since I posted in the "What is your Top Ten To-do List" months ago.
El Toro
Outlaw Run
T Express
Expedition GeForce
The Voyage

The last 5 aren't in any particular order, and I'll hopefully be riding El Toro sometime this summer.
Ride in the front and then ride in the back. Toro is that kind of ride you have to experience on both ends to get the full picture. Ride it some time soon because it runs incredibly good in the evenings on a warm day.