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Coasters A-Z


CF Legend
Someone asked me this on the Denmark trip so I thought I'd make a little topic as it intruiged me.

Have you been on a coaster with a name starting with every letter of the alphabet? I discovered that I am missing a 'H' and a 'Y' coaster, but the rest are there.

Feel free to give examples if you so wish!
I'm missing Q and Y :( I got Hurler and Hydra for my H's :p

What's the Q Jordan, and are there any beginning with Y?
furie said:
What's the Q Jordan

That's where you stand to wait for the ride :lol:

I think my alphabet is missing loads of letters, but I'm gonna write it out just to check lol.
Nice one Jordan thats brought me right up to break time going through them :wink: .

The only one I'm missing is 'Y'. I thought I was missing 'Q' but then I remember Queen Bee @ Bottons.
According to RCDB, there are only 4 coasters in the world that begin with the letter Y:

Yagiyama Cyclone - Benyland
Yahoo! Mountain - Yahoo! Park
Yankee Cannonball - Canobie Lake Park
Yun Xiao Fei Che - Jin Jiang Action Park

So quite a limited number really.
Emmett said:
The only one I'm missing is 'Y'. I thought I was missing 'Q' but then I remember Queen Bee @ Bottons.

Excellent! September 5th that will be mine! A new quest! :p
Bollocks! I was very, very close to taking a trip up to Benyland when I was living in Tokyo. I could have been the only one to have "Y"

I don't have Q or U either. Somehow, I'll carry on. Just take things one day at a time.
Well that killed 15 mins at work.

Just missing U and Y.

Although, looking at RCDB, I have, in a sense, done a Y. The Mine Train at American Adventure used to be called "Yosemite Mine Train" (1991 to 1996) but it wasn't called that when I rode it, so I guess that doesn't count.

I won't have a complete list til I hit the States again by the looks of things.
I'm sure that you can discount the word "The" on "The Ultimate" Ian :)
furie said:
I'm sure that you can discount the word "The" on "The Ultimate" Ian :)

Nah. That's cheating.

It's nearly as desperate as somebody counting Steeplechase at BPB at three coasters!

"The" is part of its name and I'm going to be Anal and Zealous about my A-Z.
Yep, or having Infusion and Traumatizer counted once each. I suppose I shall remove it then and go on a rehunt for a U ;)