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coasterforces current 10/10 coasters


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So - how many of the current 10/10 coasters on cf have you ridden?

at the time of writing, the current 10/10s are:

Troy Netherlands 10
Stunt Fall Spain 10
Superman: ROS USA 10
Boulder Dash USA 10
Goliath (SFOG) USA 10
Maverick USA 10
El Toro USA 10
Sheikra USA 10
Dragon_Khan Spain 10
Balder Sweden 10
Black Mamba Germany 10
Pyrenees Japan 10
Griffon USA 10
Exp. GeForce Germany 10

I've ridden:

Troy Netherlands 10
A great coaster, really nicely paced throughout, and well judged to appeal to a wide audience

Stunt Fall Spain 10
Surprised it#'s so highy rated, alrhough i did quite enjoy it

Sheikra USA 10
Think oblivion is slightly better, although I really like these dive machines

Dragon_Khan Spain 10
slightly overrqated, but a good fun coaster

Black Mamba Germany 10
wonderfully themed, pretty intense - a very nice coaster

Exp. GeForce Germany 10
asgain - I thought slightly overrated - goliath at walibi looks better to me!

not ridden
Superman: ROS USA 10
Boulder Dash USA 10
Goliath (SFOG) USA 10
Maverick USA 10
El Toro USA 10
Balder Sweden 10
Pyrenees Japan 10
Griffon USA 10
I've only done the two - Maverick and Dragon Khan.

I loved Maverick and it did replace Nemesis as my number one. However as I've not had the chance to reride it again, it's sort of faded a bit and nemesis takes #1 again. The ride is perfect imo, it has everything I crave ride wise.

I didn't really rate Dragon Kahn. I admit that it's an impressive haven of inversion perversion, but I found it limp. It just went through the motions too slickly, it lacked character.
Only Maverick from that lot. I loved it after I knew what to expect. I got on it 5 times and enjoyed 4 of those times :wink:

The front row is better than any other ride I been on. Front, heavy rain, night = best ride ever.
Two so far - six by the end of the year :)

Balder and Dragon Khan for me. Balder I didn't rate... Well, I do - it's a damn good coaster, but it's not a perfect 10. It's a good 9.

Dragon Khan I loved. I understand where Ian is coming from, it did lack character. However, the constantly changing feelings from the inversions was stunning. It may be my lack of experience generally on coasters, but I just loved the way you'd be in high-g one second, then floating the next, then whipping through a zero-g. It just never let up, or kept on with the same forces all the way through. It always changed, and was different each ride from different spots.
Stunt Fall, Superman: ROS, Boulder Dash, El Toro, Sheikra, Dragon Khan and Griffon.

So, 7.

And I'll do EGF, Troy and Mamba by the end of the year... in theory.

I like all the ones I've done, but, Dash was the best. Just an exceptional coaster. Then probably Khan, with Toro, Superman and the Dive Machines about equal on a level just below Khan. The poor Vekoma's a bit further down, but still an excellent ride if I may say so myself.
I've done Troy, Stuntfall, Dragon Khan, Black Mamba and Balder.

They all deserve a 10 apart from Balder which I was expecting a bit more from. I'd give it about an 8 although its still a good coaster.
Ive done Khan and Sheikra.

Khan is definately a 10 absolutely awesome coaster and the best Zero-G I have ever experienced. I can't fault it and like others had said packs so many different feelings of the inversions in the layout. As for it lacking character, I dunno, I kinda like the 'old school' B&M feel to it. Like this is how a B&M should be, pure intensity.

Sheikra I felt a little short changed from this coaster and I think I went on it expecting far too much. I was expecting it to be the best coaster I have ridden by a mile. My logic was I love Oblivion and its that and alot more, its going to be awesome! But I went on it and thought 'oh, Oblivions actually better? What the hell?' :lol: Its still a good coaster though at least an 8.
I haven't done any of them. :(

However I'll be getting on Griffon in August and I'm looking forward to it!
A-Kid said:
Only Maverick from that lot. I loved it after I knew what to expect. I got on it 5 times and enjoyed 4 of those times
Naw, if you ride last row you get amazing ejector on that first hill as you get pulled over the top. :wink:

Maverick is the only one for me as well, still working on getting to those other american coasters.
Sheikra no way a 10 not even in my top 10. The drop on Oblivian feels better and thats how I judge this type of coaster, its about the drop.
Dragon_Khan is a 9 not as good as Kumba if it had more landscape I think it would be better. Buts is a fantastic coaster.
Balder not a 10. Best wooden coaster I have been on but it requires a ride at the end of the day to get it into my top 10.
Black Mamba 10 the best inverted coaster I have been on. After going on Nemesis after I rate Mamba above it.
Exp. GeForce first drop is fantastic best I have been on but over all I could get bored on this coaster. If you like airtime then great, but for me after 2 airtime hills I have had enough. Granted we did not ride the coaster on a hot sunny day so it was probably not at its best. For me its an 8 have been on better.
I have been on 4 of them, and none of them really deserve a perfect 10 and that I have ridden coasters that I prefer to them.

Balder - easily beaten by T-Express.
Black Mamba - pretty good, but too tame for me...
Pyrenees - first part deserves an 11 but the rest is really dull.
Exp. GeForce - so overrated, I easily prefer the Mega-Lites to this one...
Superman: ROS - 10

A fantastic coaster. It really gives you what you would want in an airtime machine.. tons of airtime. I've been lucky in my experiences on it.. I've been able to hop on it dozens of times during each visit and its spot in my Top 5 hasn't been shaken.

Boulder Dash - 10

As Ben said.. great coaster. In fact, ****ing amazing coaster. It did something I never thought a ride on the East Coast could do.. beat El Toro and become my #1. The airtime was amazing, with airtime on every hill, leaving me satisfied after every ride. A truly brilliant coaster.

Goliath (SFOG) - 9

Not a 10, but the best B&M Hyper I've been on. The airtime is rather nice and abundant considering what I got from Nitro and AC.

Maverick - 10

Well.. what Ian said. Only beaten by Toro and Dash.

El Toro - 10

Ejector. <3.. only beaten by Dash because it is rather short. But, what is gives up in length it gives back in sheer sexual ejector airtime.

Sheikra/Griffon - 9

The rides are pretty much exactly the same.. with Griffon being a tad bit better as the ride just seemed to punch me more then Sheikra did. As for a 10? No.. great rides.. but not THAT good.

The one 10 which has been left out because it hasn't been added yet.. Ravine Flyer II.. the last ride in my Top 10 which I feel deserves a 10 rating.
SnooSnoo said:
The one 10 which has been left out because it hasn't been added yet.. Ravine Flyer II.. the last ride in my Top 10 which I feel deserves a 10 rating.

Ooooh, I've ridden that too then xD

And it's my number 2, because it's win.
Dragon Khan. It is deserved because it's so darn fun and simplistic! None of this epic theming, no particular "unique-ness", it's just a rollercoaster, a bloody good one at that! It ditches all of the crap needed to make something spectacular, slams a huge drop with dozens of inversions and a great variation of positive and lateral forces, only if travelling fair's could cook up something like this in a parking lot :(
well, i've been on Sheikra — 10/10, though? if 10/10 means “a gentle ride through the clouds, with a wonderful view of the gorgeous Tampa skyline” then maybe… the two main drops are incredible, sure, but they make up only a couple seconds of a ride that's over a couple minutes, and the rest is just plain dull! the only reason i even ride it is because it's so completely different from everything else around here, and there's a nice view from the top of the lift.
I only have one from this list. :(
But that one is El Toro which is my favourite coaster! :--D
I should have four by the end of the year though (Black Mamba, EGF and Dragon Khan!).
I've been on only one and that's SheiKra.

Put it this way I was so under-impressed with it. There is all this hype, everyone saying its one of the best coasters. TBH I think its a case of mine is bigger than yours. It might be bigger but its far from better.

When I went on it I came off thinking "You know what... They should have got an oblivion layout" and its true, I felt it was forceless through the immelman and I hated it.

SheiKra isn't in my top 10, I don't think it ever will but I'm going to try it again this year and if its good then great i'll change my mind, if not... well, I don't care.

SheiKra was a 6-7/10 for me