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Coasterforce Intelligence test.

I got all 33 with a group of friends.

No. 30 is extremely difficult but it was a lot of fun in my opinion. I love these types of puzzles.
I got average and gave up and used the Internets!!

only need 1 more and the 52 one don't like me.
Lol Justin bless ya!
I found a few quite hard, but managed to get through them after hurting my brain for a while!
Also. If you change where it says 'part1' in the url to 2,3,4 or 5 it's got more tests of the same puzzle style thing. (Or whatever you call these things). :p
I got 19 :shock:
I 'must' be a Genius :roll:

I still can't get:
4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31 or 32.
and its bugging the hell out of me. :x
22 on my first pass. Took about 7 minutes.

Just going back now to fill in the blanks that didn't come to me right away :)

29 after another 7 minutes. That'll do without any help :)

Edit, 30 - just got 12 :)

These are the three I didn't get:
28. 23 P of C in the H B
30. 9 P in S A
31. 6 B to an O in C

I knew half of 28, and the SA in 30 is what I thought it was. 31 was obvious when I saw it (d'oh).
I got to question eight with six correct, but at this point I was just too cheesed of with it. Yeah, I'm not very patient! ;)

it took over an hour. With some help. :shock: