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Coaster knowledge

Do you feel awkward talking about coasters with non enthusiast friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 72.2%

  • Total voters


Strata Poster
Do you feel weird when you're around non coaster enthusiasts friends and you're talking about coasters with them and they seem like they have a lack of knowledge for these wonderful things? When they use words like flips rather than inversions? Or say something that launches maybe only 60 mph in 2 seconds says like, 90 mph?

I sometimes do, but today I actually had an intelligent conversations with my non coaster enthusiast friends. So yes or no?
Not at all.

Most of my friends know about it and sometimes they enjoy being informed occasionally. I don't force it upon anyone though, and usually, if they ask, I tell them and occasionally have an actual 'discussion' about rides.

They know I know a bunch and use it to help them out. I sometimes go total geek on them, but I limit myself and change when the subject does. Even got my friends knowing so much (I've taught one to know coaster types, she thinks it's funny). Sides, everyone is a geek about something.
SnooSnoo said:
Not at all.

Most of my friends know about it and sometimes they enjoy being informed occasionally. I don't force it upon anyone though, and usually, if they ask, I tell them and occasionally have an actual 'discussion' about rides.
Once again Snoo is my guiding light! He's right, well the situation is like that for me.

Quoting him also saves me trying more. :lol:
I talk about coasters and theme parks to my friends after a weekend trip in a "this is what I've been up to" trip but I never bor ethem with facts and figures.

If anybody I know has a theme park question then they'll ask me but I've developed an amazing ability to talk to people on their level. If I genuinely detect an interest in a ride then I'll talk about the ride enthusiastically without being a geek.

Tbh, many of my non-CF mates ask me about CoasterForce and not the rides or parks and I've never felt awkward discussing anything CF or coaster related to them.
Most of my good friends, or people that I went to gradeschool with (back when I was way more of a Cedar Point fangirl and way too up front about it) know I am an enthusiast, and a lot of them actually find it interesting and think I'm lucky to be able to go meetup with people and go on trips, so it's not really embarassing to me, though I don't just come out with stats and whatnot. I have a general chit chat here and there, mostly about Cedar Point since not a lot of my classmates have been elsewhere, but I'm a bit socially awkward myself so I don't go around making it known to everyone that isn't my friend and stuff, because that would make them think I am even more strange :p

The only time I feel weird talking about it with my friends is sometimes with one of my bestfriends because he says it's cool but then says how much of a boring nerd I am and that CF is a bunch of pedophiles... It has been the cause of many arguments :p .
No, because most of them find it interesting that I like different things instead of the common boring interests that come up. Quite a few are regular visitors to Thorpe/Chessington aswell. By that I don't mean 500 visits a year btw, like 4 or 5.
No not really, although my family thinks its funny that as soon as a coaster is shown on TV or an advert anywere I can name it and what park its at like I am sure anyone on here can. :)

My girlfriend also thinks my knowledge of rides is quite weird. I tried to make her interested but shes only interested in riding the things :lol:

But no, I never feel awkward talking about coasters? I don't know why you would unless you randomly tried describing an Intamin hydraulic launch system to someone.
It's only awkward if you try and hide it.

Mostly when my non enthusiast friends visit parks with me, they would encourage me to talk about such & such ride.
^^Haha, Spicy my parents are like that too. They're always like "So what coaster was that then?", I usually know the answer :p

I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed discussing theme parks and coasters but if I do I usually keep it quite brief as I always feel like I'm boring whoever I'm talking to (when I'm probably not). Oh well, that's just me being weird.
My friends hate me talking about coasters, as do my family. But I still bore them with facts and figures all the time, and always correct any inaccuracies they say.

But some of my mates ask me what I think about coasters when they're going to a park and such...
Its more awkward talking to family about about it than friends I find. Dunno why, it's probably because they think I should do something better with my time.
Nah, my friends know what a coaster geek I am and my family are almost as into it as I am!

It's fun trying to explain it to new Uni people though XD
I'm a geek in general and this is just another subject to add to it.

Thing is it shouldn't be that embaressing as everyone loves a good theme park. Unlike trainspotting which some people enjoy and others find it strange.
spicy said:
No not really, although my family thinks its funny that as soon as a coaster is shown on TV or an advert anywere I can name it and what park its at like I am sure anyone on here can. :)

My girlfriend also thinks my knowledge of rides is quite weird. I tried to make her interested but shes only interested in riding the things :lol:

But no, I never feel awkward talking about coasters? I don't know why you would unless you randomly tried describing an Intamin hydraulic launch system to someone.

This is my POV actually. don't go on and on but some of my friends are think being a coaster enthusiast is weird. And yes I do have the parents that say whenever a advert or something with a coaster is on ask. "what coaster is that and where?" In National Lampoon's Vacation I told them all the coasters they rode and they were impressed. Just sometimes people give me weird looks when I'm trying to explain certain things they ask me because they know I'm an enthusiast so that's a plus. :--D
Not really.

I'm not puchy or expert-y, like Ian said, I talk on their level, not on the level I talk on here. I tone down my knoledge, and don't force it on anyone. I don't act enthusiast, I just come across as someone with an above average knowledge. I am happy with that. As long as I don't go over the top, it's fine. I'm happy with people not knowing as much as me, I don't get angry with someone who says "Infusion is the same as Nemesis 'cos they both are under the track.", although I may put them right, but If I do, not to the extent I would on here, just say "the track is different and it's only two-across" maybe I'll go as far as saying it is "a copy" or something like that. As long as it's not over the top, there is nothing wrong with talking about coasters with non-enthusiasts.
Why should it be awkward? People geek out about cars, football and music all the time. It's just the fact that coasters aren't as common as an interest.

I wouldn't openly talk about as much detail as possible though unless someone asked, not because I'm afraid of being called a "geek" but because I'd probably bore them. I just talk about other rides I've been on and simplify stuff for them. Talk on their level of knowledge.
^Exactly what I said...only not as complicated and clearer...but I would not like to be called a geek. Fine appearing having a much bigger knowledge, but not too much bigger. As long as I appear to have a bigger knowledge, it's fine, as lon gas I don't appear to have as much knowledge as I actually do.
I used to be really geeky about it and everyone knew that I was a coaster enthusiast. But now I don't bother and only really mention them if the subject is brought up. But even then I don't go into the technical stuff.
If I ever talk about coasters to someone, I tone it down some, and I don't talk to them like their the most ignorant idiots in the world (even if some of them are). :wink:

The only exception to this rule is my best friend, who is almost an enthusiast anyways, well, more like a well informed GP. Kinda. But I can be all geeky around him and he doesn't care too much.