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Coaster Facts that the GP have got wrong


Strata Poster
I just saw in the First News newspaper I read occasinaly that Takabisha is the worlds tallest coaster. :?

Other than the 100mph Rita, what other coaster facts are there that the GP have got wrong?
I forgot where I read this, but a reporter, who went to thorpe, said that stealth is the fastest coaster in europe. Wrong.
If they believe the Big One station messages, it's the tallest and fastest in Europe.

Nemesis being the world's most intense ride , again, if they believe the signs.

Rita doing 100mph is a misconception caused by Alton themselves saying it does 0-100 without specifying it's kph.

That Infusion is brilliant.
This one was great,
One of my friends Damon met up with me at CP and had some 15 year old with him, who argued with me for 20 minutes while in line for Millenium Force, that Millenium Force was the tallest fastest coaster in the world, taller than Dragster.

Some stupid British girl that moved here is convinced Stealth is the tallest fastest coaster in the world.

Some lady thought Abu Dhabi was in China. I told her it was in "Iraqistan" lol, she probably never heard of the United Arab Emirates.

Someone thought they used RCT to design coasters.

Most GP thing RCT and NL are the same.

That Bizarro is the tallest fastest coaster in the world (That I found shocking)

People usually make up crazy accidents too like rides going so fast they fly off the track.

My friends mom thought Nightwing got dismantled because it popped off it's hub and went rolling through the park before crashing through a fence and going into the Connecticut River.

And one of the other most common misconceptions is the ride Supersonic Oddessy crashed into a pillar killing a bunch of people.

This misconception is due to the fact that the loop travels around a walkway, much like Mindbender at Edmondton, and like Mindbender, is in a mall.

Most people think the Golden Ticket VIP Awards are accurate. Bahahaha

And my personal favorite, the locals in northwest CT (The Lake Compounce rednecks as we call them) think that Zoomerang is the Tallest Fastest Coaster in the world! Zoomerang is a Vekoma Boomerang clone.
Where I live many people have only been to SFGAm, and they think Raging Bull is the tallest coaster in the world (at 208 ft). They also think that Superman: Ultimate Flight is a one-in-a-kind ride.
I think my favourite was a post on Thorpe Park's Facebook page a little while back.

"Does this ride go upside down inside?" (Re: Saw - The Ride)

"No, but it has a corkscrew."

Not implying they should know the difference between a corkscrew and a barrel roll, but I did find it funny how they clearly acknowledged there's an inversion in there... but no, it definitely doesn't go upside down!
I heard someone say in Air's queue that it was infact 2 seperate roller coasters when they saw the dual-loading station.....
My dad though't Maverick didn't go upside down until he rode it. He stood there, in the queue line, watching the ride, and never noticed any inversions.

My mom thought Expedition Everest did a barrell roll after she went on it..
A while ago me and my cousin were arguing because, according to him, Rita is 10 times faster than Stealth, and goes at about 200mph. I told him it goes 60mph, and that it's slower than Stealth. He said "What? That's stupid! 60mph is really slow on a roller coaster!"
Oh yeah, he also said Oblivion is taller than Stealth.
While riding Bench The Ride for Goliath at SFMM:

"Dude dude I heard this thing goes 180mph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the tallest in the world at 500 feet!!!!!!!!!!"

While sitting in the front car for Xcelerator:

Ride op says "We gon make it faster, go 200mph."

All of the kids behind me start freaking out. After the ride is over, my friend asked me "So how did 200mph feel?"

**** retarded. I hate GP.
TTDfan52 said:
Where I live many people have only been to SFGAm, and they think Raging Bull is the tallest coaster in the world (at 208 ft). They also think that Superman: Ultimate Flight is a one-in-a-kind ride.

What the GP doesn't realize is that Superman almost replaced a one of a kind ride (Whizzer). If it's not the only one left then its close
Xpress said:
While riding Bench The Ride for Goliath at SFMM:

"Dude dude I heard this thing goes 180mph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the tallest in the world at 500 feet!!!!!!!!!!"

While sitting in the front car for Xcelerator:

Ride op says "We gon make it faster, go 200mph."

All of the kids behind me start freaking out. After the ride is over, my friend asked me "So how did 200mph feel?"

**** retarded. I hate GP.

Well excuse them for trying to make it a little more fun for them, how **** dare they?
What makes me laugh is, you do realise that YOU are actually "GP" aswell. Coaster enthusiasts aren't special guests to parks you know.
By GP you mean someone who pays their admission ticket and enjoys the park, then yes I am GP.
Most common thing I've had was when I was working at Cedar Point, people mistaken rides....based on the colors. I overheard someone on their cell phone saying they were under Corkscrew. I usually don't like to hear other people's conversations, but they apparently wanted to shout it.

I honestly can't blame most of the general public for getting some facts wrong. They're no experts. It'd be like you making assumptions about ballet. It only really bugs me if they're talking to me (me the ride host) and saying I'm wrong about rides I'm running (see maXair)
It only seems like height and speed get exagerated alot, also parks might advertise a ride in a way to make the public believe that they are riding the fastest or tallest in the world when they really aren't. Also I've heard alot of stories where "the ride operator made it go 500mph!!!!"
some kid i met at a park thought kingda ka went 500mph. tehe.
have they even broken that for land speed? lol idk where these people get their info from.
spicy said:
What makes me laugh is, you do realise that YOU are actually "GP" aswell. Coaster enthusiasts aren't special guests to parks you know.

Saved me a job there pal.
On a few occasions I've heard people getting of Colossus and saying that they'd enjoyed it..... silly bastards.