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Coaster Dreams. How obsessed are you?


Roller Poster
I know your gonna call me a freak, but has anyone ever had dreams about coasters? I have, and was wondering if i am a complete reject, or just to enthusiastic.

Dreams include: recurring dream of visiting alton towers and failing to ride nemesis. (SCARY STUFF.)

And roller coasters being in obscure places (Last night, York minster?!?)

How about you?
Yes, all the time.

Actually, just the other day I had a dream I was in Florida, mainly at Sea World, but for some reason all the Magic Mountain coasters were there, and I really wanted to ride Journey to Atlantis and Kraken, but they didn't open til later in the day.

So yeah basically I do have dreams of coasters a lot.
It's not limited to just coasters with me. I've had dreams about CF before, or meeting up with people from here. But yeah, I occasionally have dreams about coasters although mine tend to be really strange and rediculous.
I have dreams about theme parks all the time. Usually it's weird though. I go on several coaster-type rides, but I don't feel any G-forces, or they're usually less than they are awake. The parks are usually really surreal, too. Although one night I did have a forceful rock n roller coaster ride. But that's rare.

Then again, some rides are fairly forceless in the real parks as much as the dream ones are. I'm staring at you Test Track and your 65 mph curve that isn't quite as intense as I remembered it...
Yeah, all the time, especially when nearing a trip, it's just generally going round the park, riding the coasters.

Although sometimes i'll dream of entirely new concepts and things, but yeah, I get them too.
I'm lucky if I remember ANY dream. So, nope, can't say I do.

I very rarely remember dreams, and if I do, something about that dream happens. I told my friend at work that I had a dream about a snake, and the next day his snake died. :?
I do quite often as some other people do. Usually I'm on a coaster that doesn't really exist but one time I think I was on Dodonpa for some reason out of all the coasters out there. Another one I remember quite well was Mystery Mine. But for the most part I don't really remember them or their just of non existent coasters.
I hardly ever have dreams about coasters, real or imaginary. I don't even remember if I was dreaming most of the time.
I have dreamt about coasters a few times. Usually, the coasters in the dream look nowhere like the real ones, e.g. a shuttle Speed Monster, or an 800 feet tall looper (I woke up before the lifthill was over, though).
And once, I dreamt that we had to make a coaster in a scouting competition! Weirdest idea I've seen, as it was a launched woodie with several switchbacks (as on railroads).
Glad it's not only me...
Yeah, I kept dreaming about Colossus until I rid it. A couple of months back I dreamed I was in the queue for Rush and it started making screeching noises and going all the way round. At the top of a rotation a swing broke free and everyone fell out.

**** scary stuff but never going to happen so it's all good.
I have dreams when I make a theme park on RCT3 and it gets turned into a real theme park. I also have dreams that I go on rides that I am too scared to ride in real life.
I've had a few weird dreams- Some I can remeber clearly, but some not at all.

I've had a couple of "coaster" dreams about The Ultimate at LWV, and both were oddly very similar. In both of them I am just about to get on the ride, but both times the ride operator has shown me to my seat only for me to find out they they are just these small metal tubs where there is no way I could even fit. Then i wake up.

Kind of gives me a bad omen as i've been looking to get to Lightwater some time this year. ::p
I don't really have coaster dreams too often, but I can remember Wicked Twister, X and Tatsu being involved in some of my dreams.

The other day, I had a dream that the Steel 2007 polls opened, and the next day they did! Quite odd, but it's probably quite embarassing, especially if I had a dream about something as miniscule as that :).
I'm the same as most people, I have dreams about coasters, and it always ends before I get on the ride.

Such as, I dreamed I went to Alton, and all the queues were like 5 hours long, and they'd also replaced spinball whizzer with a new slc, which I didn't get to ride....

I also day dream about having my own screamin' swing :p .