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Chris' Question of the day


Mega Poster
Question 1

If you had to spend the next 10 hours in a single ride which ride would it be and who would you choose to sit with you (it can be anyone! Celebrities etc included) and why?

Obviously there's no right and wrong answers but I do have a couple of rules. Think outside of the box, I don't want to see replies consisting of 'I want to spend it with my gf/bf because they're amazing blah blah blah'. I'd I see that I'll arrange for a huge collective BOOO to come your way. And also keep it clean, I don't want to see any posts saying you'd love to spend the next 10 hours being straddled by Mila Kunis on the Waltzer at your local fun fair...
I'd love to spend the next 10 hours being straddled by Mila Kunis on the waltzer at my local funfair.
Either that or I would spend it with my gf/bf because they're amazing.
Montu, front row. Not too fussy on who with, as long as their not annoying, but probably my good friend Mr Jordanovichy.
For 10 hours? Something not intense but with my boy snoo. There would be so much anger, sex, and laughs over that time frame it wouldn't matter what we were on. But preferably a b&m hyper.