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Canada's Wonderland- Deadness & Windseeker Spiteage PTR

First and foremost, the ride count! It was a very relaxed day which included many kiddie rides, and a lot more could have been done, but I still got all my favourite rides at the park in, aside from Backlot.

Behemoth x 1 (10 mins)
Psyclone x 1 (walk on)
Skyrider x 1 (walk on)
Boo Blasters x 1 (10 mins)
Riptide x 1 (walk on)
Drop Tower x 1 (walk on)
Shockwave x 1 (walk on)
Vortex x 1 (10 mins)
Taxi Jam x 1 (walk on)
Silver Streak x 1 (walk on)
Ghoster Coaster x 1 (walk on)
Minebuster x 1 (walk on)
Flight Deck x 1 (walk on)
Sally's Love Buggies x 1 (walk on)
Kidzville Station x 1 (walk on)
Flavourinator x 1 (walk on)
Thunder Run x 1 (walk on)

Since Canada's Wonderland is awesome I decided to go back with my mom and sister to spend some time with them before I leave for the summer. I woke up at 4:30 and knew it would be a long and tiresome drive, but we had no choice but to leave early since Wonderland is at least four hours away, but I always have to factor in extra time for getting lost since it almost always happens. At six on the dot we were on our way, being Canadian and grabbing Tim Hortons to get us started! Thankfully I only got lost for about fifteen minutes and then made a few wrong turns on the highways in Toronto because I had never driven there before due to the heavy truck traffic but I braved it! About five minutes from the park, I noticed the front of my van was steaming and really hot, so I stopped in a parking lot and tried to lift up the hood, but I didn't know how. I need to take a car course or something! Thankfully a guy on his lawnmower helped me, which me and my mom named "Lawnmower Larry."


Help me Lawnmower Larry, for I do not know how to open the hood of my car!

Apparently it was just oil spilled onto the engine, so we drove two more minutes and arrived at the park around 11 in the morning.



Me and my sister in front of the sign.



Best entrance to a Cedar Fair park goes to Canada's Wonderland


We were greeted by Snoops <3

On the way to Planet Snoopy, I took a ride on Riptide and Drop Tower.





Good as ever, but the one at Geauga Lake still wins for the most disorienting of the ones I've been on.





As usual, I screamed because I have a love/hate thing with them. They scare the crap out of me but they're still a good time!

I gave the Bat a miss simply because I didn't feel like riding it and my sister hadn't been on anything yet.


But it's still a photogenic ride!



My sister's favourite part of any theme park trip is meeting the characters!

Our first ride of the day as a family was Boo Blasters on Boo Hill. Annoyingly, unlike its counterparts, it's only a two seater so I had to ride alone with a malfunctioned gun.


Longest line of the day!



Me being a loner with a malfunctioned gun.


My mom and sister riding together!

Then my sister rode the kiddie bumper cars.


I really like the Planet Snoopy at Wonderland, I think it's the most extensive one of any park I've seen that has a Planet Snoopy!


Then we rode the Love Buggies!


I was super excited!


Then my mom and sister rode Woodstock's Whirlybirds.





Woodstock <3


My sister was too scared to go on Lucy's Tugboat, which made my mom sad because Lucy is her favourite character:


We proceeded to the kiddie carousel, which we didn't know was a kiddie carousel so my mom got told to get off a horse because she was too big :P .



Charlie! <3

Although my sister chickened out, I couldn't help but ride the Ghoster Coaster. I hadn't been on this one since I was little and I really enjoy these coasters. I think they're perfect for kids and this is the best out of the clones I have been on. One kid was crying because he had nobody to ride with, so the mom suggested he ride with me and the op said that he "had to ride with an adult" and was very embarrassed when I told him I was nearly 19!


We rode the Kidzville Station trains next, and saw a ride op with epic hair:




One of the things I like most about Wonderland is the atmosphere. It's really nice and has a lot of shady bits.

I got bored on the train and took a photo of myself [/vain]


Then I forced my sister on Taxi Jam so I could FINALLY get the cred!




Annoyingly, Winter is scared of coasters but goes on the spinny rides which make her sick. Sadly, I was dragged on with her and I came off feeling less than fab.



While my sister played on the play equipment, I rode Silver Streak with an adorable little boy. The ride is rough but again I think it's good for kids trying to get use to the bigger rides.

After that, we attempted Spongebob 3D which ended up closing temporarily, but we rode it later in the day anyway. It was a good laugh and we all had hysterics.. The graphics weren't amazing but it was still really fun.


We walked around the park a bit and I decided I was gonna ride Minebuster.


I made the mistake of sitting right in the back but it's still a fun ride, I just got battered more than usual.

Since my sister has a sonic obsession, we blew $10 trying to win her one of the big sonic character toys:


Sadly, we came really close but lost. The other two guys playing won though, booo.

We were getting hungry so we ate at Coasters Cafe, which had a bit of a crappy menu with very expensive food. However, the southwest cheeseburger I got was good, as were the fries [/fattie]



After eating, I ended up riding Behemoth. The queue was overflowing and I was disappointed but I realized all the cattle pens were empty, as was the station so I waited only ten minutes, and that was after being queue jumped by a bunch of kids and being too pansy to say anything. They were assigning seats which was annoying but I got the back anyway, so I was happy.





Despite the slight rattling problem that seems to be becoming more prominent as the years pass, it's still the best B&M hyper I've been on. Even with the trims on, the airtime is still crazy good!

We rode the carousel next.


My sister, who loves horses decided to be stupid and choose the throne.


However, I got a horse!


My mom also got a horse, but I spent the entire time laughing at her because her horse was one of the ones that don't move up and down.

I wanted all of us to ride Thunder Run together since it's not super intense for my wimp of a sister and wimp of a mom, but after my sister climbed the stairs, she cried and had to get down. She is literally ridden with anxiety which is sad but I guess rides just aren't her thing. So, I rode it solo.

After that I rode Shockwave, which still remains one of my favourite flats. I can never look at a top scan the same now that I almost remember Ghosterforce!


I wanted to ride Windseeker but I hadn't seen it running in hours, so we went back to the Spongebob theater, rode that, then I asked my sister if she wanted to go on White Water Canyon. She debated for a bit but she gets serious motion sickness so the Spongebob thing + rapids would have probably been a bad combination. Instead, she bought a poodle toy on a leash and watched me ride Vortex.


After some awkward social situations in the line, I rode and it was still fun, probably my favourite suspended. Even though it's a clone of the one at Kings Island, it rides totally different in my opinion.


It's photogenic so I don't get why all my photos of it turn out like crap.

After Vortex we went back to kiddieland where we were gonna ride Swan Lake, but my sister wanted to rest instead and I didn't blame her. My routes around the park were a bit odd and required a lot of walking! So we sat around.


No swan lake today!




Since my sister was all pooped out and stuff, I decided that I was just gonna go around the park once more and get a few more rides in. First though, we took some photos at the mountain. I think my order is getting a bit messed up now but whatever.






I went on Skyrider, which was rougher than usual but for some reason I still like it.



These fish scared me...


After, I rode Psyclone which usually spites me and breaks down, but it didn't this time.




It was a good ride, but the cycle was farrrrr too short. I think you got one or two full swings and that was it.

I gave Time Warp a miss even though there was absolutely nobody in the queue. I just don't like the ride very much.



My last ride of the day was Flight Deck which I didn't remember being too horrible, but it was ACTUALLY horrific. I honestly thought I was gonna have a stroke once the ride was over.





There's my feet in the third row!


Random flags

Then I saw Windseeker running, so I went over to it happy that I was about to get my first ride on it. However, the park God's were not with me and right when I was about to get on, it broke again. So I said, forget it, it doesn't look that good anyway, and bought a lemonade and exited the park. The lemonade was horrible which was sad, but oh well.




The lot was pretty empty even though there was still an hour until closing.




After Canada's Wonderland, I decided I wanted to drive 20 minutes the plane spot at Pearson International airport. Because I'm nerdy, I knew that there was a Wendy's where people regularly go which is literally smack dab at the end of a runway. I thought I was a geek for going there but there were about ten other cars the entire time we were there, so I didn't feel so bad. I didn't get great pictures but we were there for two hours and time seemed to fly by, it was just a nice night out and watching the planes was really cool. They're fascinating, yet terrifying at the same time.






Can someone tell me what kind of plane this is (I'm looking at you, Raybould)?


We were pooped out.


My mom spotted this truck, so I took a photo.


It was so cool!









At nearly ten, we decided to pack up and head to the hotel. I was tired already and decided it would be best not to take the freeways back since I'm not great at night driving, especially not in Toronto. I took the back roads and even though I was tired, I pushed through and got to Woodstock, Ontario at about half past midnight. We stayed there because we were going to my cousin's in the morning, who lives near there.


We all crashed really fast, but annoyingly, we had an early start. I was up at eight, got ready, and then had my breakfast.



I love hotel atmospheres/smells for some reason.



After half an hour, we arrived at my cousin's. We visited for two hours, and even though her two older girls were in school, we got to visit with her, her husband, and her eight month old <3




We left around one and drove three hours home.

The end.
So does a Canadian southwest burger taste like something from British Columbia? ;)

Also, plane watching (never heard it called plane spotting before..) is a highly underrated pastime. Good taste.
Looks like you had a blast. And boy do your photos look so much better without that camera setting :P


Can someone tell me what kind of plane this is (I'm looking at you, Raybould)?

The jet in question looks like a LearJet Bombardier 45XR: CLICKY I'll tell you one thing, you need serious $ for one.

+1 what madhjps said. BTW, get your van checked out.
So does a Canadian southwest burger taste like something from British Columbia?

Haha, it was fab and juicy and had barbecue sauce, mayo, jalapeno peppers, pickles, lettuce, and tomato :P . I knocked the onions off because onions are horrible.

Also, plane watching (never heard it called plane spotting before..) is a highly underrated pastime. Good taste.

Youtube it, almost every video on there calls it plane spotting :P . Either way, tell that to Brad.. He always makes fun of me and says I need a life for my weird hobbies haha. I really enjoyed it though, I have a small airport at the end of my street and go there like once in a while but you don't get to see much. Planes here were taking off and landing at least once or twice a minute. I'm actually surprised at the amount of people who just sat there for an hour or two watching them, but it's a cool thing to see.

The jet in question looks like a LearJet Bombardier 45XR: CLICKY I'll tell you one thing, you need serious $ for one.

+1 what madhjps said. BTW, get your van checked out.

It was deffo a good time, aside from the one argument I got in with my mom and sister over her not wanting to go on ANYTHING :P . Also thanks for the info, it definitely looks like that one. Not worried about how much it costs since I wasn't planning on getting one :P . Why is that one so expensive and fab compared to say, a bombardier CRJ200? Are they basically the same thing? I've flown in a CRJ200 and it was a nice, smooth flight but nothing special.
LearJets fly like GLASS <3 And they're basically reserved for the wealthy private, hence the hefty price tag. You want it, they will put it in.
Haha a plane is a plane to me, the smaller ones scare me because of a rough flight I had on like a 30 passenger plane to Phili, but the CRJ200 I rode was surprisingly nice. Big planes just feel safer to me. Prop planes are a huge no-no for me as well, like the one in my video:


Me <3
As usual, I screamed because I have a love/hate thing with them.

I have that too. Though generally, after a few goes, I get used to it and its fine. Apart from this tiny drop Tower, 'Venom' at WMSP, which was unreal. Probably the best drop tower I've been on, yet its on about 60/70ft tall.

Nice pics by the way, but whoa at 3 trims in a row on Behemoth!
^ Thanks! As for me, there's never any getting use to drop towers! The trims on Behemoth aren't terrible, it's much better without them but it doesn't ruin the airtime or the ride whatsoever with them on.
LFTL said:
I rode and it was still fun, probably my favourite suspended. Even though it's a clone of the one at Kings Island, it rides totally different in my opinion.
Must be because the difference in gravity... :P

Nice report, CW is on my want list of parks in North America, even though that's mostly due to Skyrider I guess...

Togo <3
I quite liked their TOGO, it was pretty fab <3

Vortex is just amazing <3

So are the flats <3

And Behemoth <3

I was hoping it'd be shut or derail with you on it though, so secretly gutted <//3
Yah Canada's Wonderland has a fab ride selection, nothing amazing besides Behemoth but the atmosphere and stuff is good as well. The Togo is still fab, however rough it may have been the other day! Vortex is good but a bit short.
LiveForTheLaunch said:

Lol at the two women in the background giving you two some dirty look.

Sounds like you had a really nice time and you had some nice weather. The park looks really nice actually, didn't really know anything about the park so surprised by the amount of garden like areas.
^ Haha the group TOTALLY thought there was a queue, then I asked the lady taking photos if there was a queue and she told me no and to go hug Snoopy, meanwhile they had been waiting. Woop.

There's not really one area of Wonderland where you can't find shade aside from the area near Behemoth, which is a bit concrete. It's the newest area of the park though so, I guess it's understandable. It's an underrated park but most of our members haven't been there so that's probably why.
Geez, you and Brad both going for the kiddie coaster credit at Paramount parks. :roll:
Brad was the worst. Without fail. This picture says it all:

What really makes that picture for me is the kids sitting in front of and in back of Brad. Really adds to the creepiness.
Don't feel bad about not riding WindSeeker. I rode it at Cedar Point, and it goes 300 feet high, and that's about it. It's only good if there is a view to look down on, and luckily at CP there was a great view of Lake Eerie and the entire park. However, I cannot speak about CW, so if there was no good view to look down on, I wouldn't have bothered.
I'm not actually that bummed, I only wanted to try it, but I never thought it looked like a good ride. Wonderland's view is a bit meh, it's just houses and shops that surround the park and I know Cedar Point's is a lot nicer. I mean it wouldn't be a BAD view, but nothing to write home about and nothing I can't see from the top of Drop Tower.