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California or Florida?


Hyper Poster
Out of interest where would you rather go for parks ect. Florida is popular with many tourists from around the world with Disney, Universal, Sea World ect However so is California although there parks are smaller however they do have other parks such as Knott's and Magic Mountain.

Where do you prefer?
^ +1

California all the way. Hot men (girls there are nice too I suppose ;) ), fabulous weather and the parks look great as well (as Ive never been to a major park out there ><)

Switching between the hideouts'...
Yeah, California kicks Florida's arse. Much more variety, seeing as 6 of the parks aren't owned by 2 companies, and there's still more theme parks in the area. If you're planning a trip, grab some tickets to Anaheim.
California probably, Florida has more of a children's and family market and less coasters overall. Magic Mountian is some top notch rides aswell.
California. Orlando is just too touristy for my liking (though I've never been there) and California has a bigger variety in rides and themes.
I wouldn't say Cali is more about themes, I would more say that about Florida as parks like Knott's and SFMM may have a few themed rides however none that compare to the Theming of Universal or Disney even if they are better rides.
Personally I would rather go to California as I've been to Florida twice in two years. I think if you went to Cali you wouldn't just go for the parks there unlike some people do for Florida. I think I would love LA as well, it looks pretty good.
Out of interest people always seem to complain about Knott's , is it any good as a park?
Florida would be the "easier" option as the parks are all so close together, free shuttle buses, combination tickets etc. You could do Florida with very little planning or actual thinking at all. Without actually checking, I'd imagine flight from the UK would be cheaper as well, with it being closer and such a popular destination for UK families.

California as a "theme park" holiday would require a bit more preparation (especially if you're not driving) and would likely end up costing a fair bit more. Magic Mountain alone is worth the effort though <3
Having been to Florida and California in 2009 and 2010 respectively on "family holidays", it's close between the two. As Gavin says, in Florida accessibility is much easier as everything is much closer together. But California has more to offer than just the parks, even though the parks are just as good as (not in terms of theming) if not better than those in Florida. I personally do think Knott's is a pretty good park, but everything was walk on when I went, so it probably improves my perception of the place.
I'd personally rather go to California. You got Disneyland, Universal Studios, SFMM, SFDK, Knotts, Sea World San Deigo, and Vegas isn't to far away either.
California is better, I've been to both this year. Amusment parks in Florida have more expensive fees than those in California. And they are worse too!
They are so different you cannot compare.

Orlando 100% for theme parks.

California for theme parks and city stuff. California has the better rides tbh.
I love California Disney for its heritage in the sense the actual Walt walked those paths, it was the first etc etc. I like the other parks but battling LA traffic wasn't as much fun.

I love Orlando for its sheer size and locality of all the parks.
Yes if you can get to all the parks, some are a flight away or a huge drive.

If your just doing LA then Orlando has more parks, but the rides in California are better.