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"Blue Fire" Mack Coaster for Europa Park


Goon of the Year
A new Mack coaster will be arriving at Europa Park next year (2009). It will be a new concept. Possibly a launch.
That sounds really interesting it will be interesting to see how mack create there own launch as it will be a whole new concept for them. Does anyone have a plan of the ride becasue the picture on there web site does not show much info on how the ride will be like.
looks more like Intamin track from the adverts on there website

lol, the topic created for the same ride, just after this has more posts ?
Its good to see that the Mack family seem to finally be changing their mind about inversions, as thats the one thing that Europa Park lacks. If this is indeed a mack coaster, it'll be really interesting to see what the restraints are like.
Is there any links availible here? It sounds exciting, but I'd like to see something official. All I remember seeing is some blue corkscrew somewhere...
For those who cant be bothered to look it up

Is that not Dragon Khan in the background? :) (its not but its close)

Anyway I'm really looking forward to this coaster.
I am of the opinion that Mack are one of the most underrated companies out there. EP is an amazing place and rides such as Euro Mir are both unique and extremely fun. If this turns out to be a large multi looping coaster and it turns out well it could just push them into the league with the big boys.
There was ground works going on for a totally new area when we were there a fortnight ago, and a sign proclaiming the ride to be a "world novelty", opening 2009 season. No photos or artist impressions at the park on any signage, though.
Can any mod go get the topic glue?

Funny that they are starting with the launch track, though. I'd believe that the mechanical components would be the last thing to install, but it seems like I'm wrong then!
Some new info on the ride has been posted on RCDB.

- It will Launch to 62mph in 2.5 seconds.
- Length will be around 3280ft.
- 105ft tall Loop.


Also read other inversions will include 2 corkscrews and a heartline roll.
Sounds... well, it's Mack, and they make literally everything. I have no idea what to expect from this.
But somehow I feel that it won't be top-class. Just a weird feeling...
As amazing as everything in Europa park looks. Nothing is outstanding. I feel this will be the same.
I hate to pass judgement on something we know so little about, but I've always found Mack to be pretty underwhelming.

Hopefully this will change my mind.
Good update tony!

Is that thing an overbank or part of the top hat? Hmm!

It may not even be connected to the beginning of the ride :lol: !
That's far too wide to be a tophat-- so an overbank is more probable.
Although looking at those footers, it seems that something a little more interesting may be happening right after the launch. Perhaps a straight tophat with a curving drop into that hill right there.