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Big Brother 2010


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
I've just read in the paper that it started last night.

Anybody still care about it?

I've not watched it for four years now and last year I went out of my way to avoid it. I couldn't even guess at the winners from the last few years.

I think the Big Brother style reality show format is dead. Entertaining reality shows nowadays tend to feature actual talented people performing live in front of millions of people on a Saturday night (yes, I'm talking about SyCo shows). Big Brother seems to be a show for the desperate to be famous but have no real talent. Big Brother will no longer make somebody incredibly rich and famous, unlike the X-Factor will.

I won't be watching this year (I really consider it to be the lowest form of entertainment on television), but from the list of housemates, I hope that Steven Gill wins it. Any bloke who loses an eye and both legs serving our country can have my vote. I appreciate that he knew the risks when he signed up to the army, but he would make a dignified winner to the end of this dead series and help it bow out with some respect, unlike some plastic, fame-hungry, boyband/bimbo idiot from a stereotyped minority of our society.
Watched it once (a whole series), enjoyed it immensely. Tried to watch it again, was exactly the same and somewhat dull other than the handful of unique events that happen over the 3+ month period. So it's no longer for me.

I would still highly recommend it to anyone who has never seen it, as it's most intriguing.
Unusually, I decided to not create this topic a few days ago. Must be the first time in 3 or so years I haven't...

I do still watch it, and I watched last night and for the first time ever, felt the housemates were a bit "meh". I mean, they all were quite unusual - but not an entertaining bunch. Most disappointing was the fact there for was the first time ever no attractive females. This means Ciall is unhappy :(

I mean, in the 91 outside, I spotted at least 20 attractive females, yet the don't select a single on of them...I mean, wtf?

Ife is from Milton Keynes, and I think the Shabby girl or whatever her name, is also (but of course she just decides to take over houses in Mayfair the bitch)

When the Aussie guy came on, I did jizz a little - he is quite an attractive male, and my guardian (who was watching even though she hates it and tuts each time she doesn't like anything - why watch then Jo if you don't like it?!?!?!) wondered why I excitedly left. I had to explain it was because I saw him at the beginning in the opening...of course...

I can actually see myself not liking this series, but I shall continue to watch as a BB fan.
I'm not a huge fan of it but I did watch last years 'celeb' special. Some of that was quite good.
I usually watch the first and last nights but with this one I might watch it a bit seeing as it's the last one.
I like the theme of the house although I want it to be more carnival than circus. I like the carousel and nest in the garden and the outside of the house. Just the rest of the house and the diary room look a bit boring this year.
None of the house mates seem very interesting at the moment. Guess will have to see how it goes. I hope that Mario guy passes his challenge though and someone else gets the blame. :p
Nah Mario is a twat, get him out... (trust me, Marc knows him personally...)

Im watching it avidly as always. Nothing will ever top the first two seasons. Purely because back then it was post Heat magazine. It was when they started making big interviews to recue their own mag (in season 3) that BB went all Wannabe-Celeb. Of course, it was always going to go that way, but it was that moment when people really went for the media, sell story, make money etc... (at least those who did get celeb careers from the first two series were "worthy". Both as presenters ironically)

Anyways, I have continued to watch it and enjoy it. I mainly enjoy watching how the dynamics and relationships work and change. How they react to one another and the situations they end up in. Tis great. Its always funny to me how they THINK they can outsmart BB though...

Couldnt honestly pick a potential winner yet though. Possibly Steve if I was pushed to pick.
I caught a bit of it last night.

The bloke with no legs will win, purely because he's got no legs.
Sympathy? For a man who served our country and got his legs blown off. Surely not :roll:
Tonights episode was actually really good. Getting Mario to crawl through the vents into the kitchen to trash the food was great and the look on John-James face when he came back was hilarious.
Also when everyone kept voting Sunshine as the mole is was funny watching her get really annoyed and all the others just wetting themselves everytime her name was said. :p
tks said:
Sympathy? For a man who served our country and got his legs blown off. Surely not :roll:

You know what I mean though. Yes, he served our country etc. Does that automatically mean he is a really great bloke and should win. No. He could actually be a completely racist nasty person for instance. I AM NOT saying he is but you get my point. We will see as the weeks goes on.

And yes. Tonights episode was fab. Very clever play on the BB part. However, I kinda wish they hadn't told them what the result of the "vote" would be...
Mark said:
Nah Mario is a twat, get him out... (trust me, Marc knows him personally...)
Oh, please tell more!
Not THAT personally.

From what Marc has told me he is incredibly spiteful, nasty, selfish and a cheat. that last realtionship that ended horribly and he was heart broken was actually due to him cheating... etc
Mr Nash said:
tks said:

That's a shame,I liked her.

Oh well,I'm bored with it already.

Im not, in the slightest.

The housemates are a little more "normal" this year and they are relying more on the stunts that BB can pull. I have been this years more then I have done the last 4...