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Best Pet?

Perfect pet?

  • Dog

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • Cat

    Votes: 15 45.5%
  • Rabbit

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Guinea Pig

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Mouse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hamster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bird

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reptile of some description

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters


CF Legend
What do you think is the best animal to keep as a pet? As you probably all know, I have a French Lop called Elvis and he's awesome. Perfect for cuddles, fun to watch hopping around and doing bunny stuff and really, really low maintenance. Perfect!

So, what animal is your perfect pet?
I do like rabbits, but there's something a bit... well, they're a bit bland. They rely on being cute, but they have very limited personalities. They just hop about and do their own thing.

Personally, I've always been a big rat fan. They have the energy and personality of a puppy (and about the same lack of intelligence). They're big on coming to you for attention and will play with you, proper interaction, like a puppy. They're also very low maintenance. Great pets if you can get over the silly hysteria.

I'd love a dog though, top of the pet list for me.
furie said:
I do like rabbits, but there's something a bit... well, they're a bit bland. They rely on being cute, but they have very limited personalities. They just hop about and do their own thing.

See, I know a lot of people feel that way about bunnies, but the rabbits I've had have had so much personality! Like, they come to me when I get home (like a dog would) and come to me for attention and they do silly things. Like, Elvis is really mischievous and steals things and puts them in his spot, and plays with toys and stuff. I think he's more than just cute, I really enjoy watching him be himself, it's hilarious XD
I think you will always get some pets that stand out. Rabbits are gregarious by nature and will treat you like another rabbit if it's just you and them. I've seen a lot of people writing about personal house bunnies who say that they're similar, it's just relatively unusual. We had one rabbit that really liked us and was full of personality, but the others have been pretty universally speciesist; choosing to hate us.

So I can imagine where you're coming from :)
Having to cut lumps of **** out of my old rabbits fur kind of turned me off to them as being cute after a while. We had two and they were lovely little things. Used to have a dog too, but these were all whilst I was relatively young.

Two cats now, two massively different personalities (one thinks it's a dog, one's a prima donna). If I had the choice I'd have two dogs in an instant, they're just better company.
I've had fish, hamsters, cats, a bunny, and a dog.

I have to say that my dog has been hands down the best. I've never seen a dog so happy to see its owners return from being gone, even if I was only gone for five minutes, and he has such a fab and cute personality. Even being nine years old, he still acts like a little puppy. They're high maintenance, but so are fish tanks and I'd much rather have a dog than a fish tank.

My hamsters actually had interesting personalities. I know people will probably say oh hamsters don't have personalities, but I think one of mine was an escape artist. It bit through every cage it ever had, and twice I caught it in my bed while I was sleeping after it had opened the latch of its cage haha. They were really cute, I was gutted when they died :( . For being so small they were actually quite high maintenance. They'd always make big messes around their cage and their sawdust had to be cleaned out constantly.

I only had the bunny for a few months, and it was a long time ago so I don't really remember, I just know it hopped around chewing wires. It was really cute, I wouldn't mind a bunny. My friend has a chinchilla and those seem really cute too.

Cats are pretty cool, I just wish they were more loving. My one cat will act nice for about five seconds and then bite you a billion times, and my other one doesn't bite but it jumps up walls and races back and forth from one end of the house to the other. I think it has a psychological issue, but it's still funny. Cats aren't really high maintenance either.

Birds and fish are well.. Sort of boring.
I want a Newfoundland. My house size doesn't really lend it's self to be Newfoundland friendly.

Cats are weird. Mine are/were anyway, One was like the perfect cat (HOW I MISS HER SO T-T) who never went for you or caused any bother. The other was a old fart who used to claw at you then wound down to a moody old cow, then to a ball of love and care, then she died for just about everything... I'm surprised she was still in one peice when we put her down. Then we have Toby, who is terrified of everything, then again, he was dumped in the middle of nowhere in a plastic bag and was seriously ill and has weak bowels because of it and thus poops everywhere... and my new cat is retarded. He'll follow you and then hut you and barrel up the stairs and either run into something headfirst or try to shuffle up the banister and fail miserably...

Guinea pigs are cute but as furie said, they go eep and hide. Fish are boring and I related them to my spacktard brother-in-law who is a spacktard. So yeah, I want a Newfoundland and I will name him Kuma.
I like cats, but some are evil and I hate them.

Whereas my cat is adorable. He never claws anyone, no matter how annoyed. He never bites, because he has no teeth, but he wouldn't anyhow <3

And as a bonus, he lies in the same wash basin (upstairs), and waits for someone to blow him with a hairdryer!
Degu`s <3

I have 3 and they`re really interesting pets to have, each 1 has a slightly different personality, ones really nuts, always attempting escapes whenever the cage door is open. Ones really cuddly and loves attention, and the other one is fat and lazy and spends most of his time chilling out. They`re very intelligent for rodents, they`re cheeky, forever winding the dogs up. They also live quite long lives for rodents and they`re reasonably easy to keep. The only thing is they can make a bit of noise, if a degu battle breaks out, there`s going to be some squeaking, but it`s not to bad because a degu battle is actually quite funny and cute to watch because they stand on the back legs and box each other, very amusing.

Dogs a good also.

Cats are busy plotting the end of the world.
I'm probably one of the only people who's never had a pet. My parents never let us have any when we were kids, and I can kind of see why. Kids want a Dog, play with it for a while and get bored, then the parents are stuck with feeding it, picking up its **** and taking it out for walks for the next 10-15 years.

I've never been a fan of Cats really. I dunno, they always seem to hate me and I find them quite mean.

I'd LOVE to have a Dog, but to be honest, I'll probably be living in a flat so it's not really fair... and I go away quite a bit, so it just generally wouldn't suit my lifestyle. It's too much of a commitment.

So, I'm pretty much limited to the smaller creatures. I'll probably get a couple of Rats one day because they're FAB, and for the reasons furie mentioned I'd rather them over Rabbits or Guinea Pig.

Fish are just pointless. Tropical ones look nice but they're too expensive, plus all the equipment and maintenance. I just don't see the point in keeping something captive if you can't even let it out and play with it every now and again.

Yeah, Dogs are my personal faves, but I'll probably end up getting Rats at some point<3.

Actually, if I ever have any sort of land, I'm TOTES getting a Pig <3.

I crave unconditional love from something that's not very intelligent.
Cats are amazing cause they're just so snooty and arrogant <3 They just USE you and then fack off, they're fierce <3

But, mine used to show me LOADS of love, so if you're cat is purely vile, you did something wrong. She's dead now.

But, dogs are fabber over all. Huskys, Wolf-Hybrids and Golden Retrievers <3

I'm totes having loads of dogs when I'm older. And a capple of cats just mincing. I'm so bisexual when it comes to the dogs vs cats thing <3

Fish are vulgar, rats are amaze <3

Duuuurhuurrr <3
I want a dog, and i'll probably get one soon, but my cat is adorable...


Dogs are cool too though!