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Best log flume boats


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
I like the Bamboo Chutes (I see what they did there!) log flume boats at Story Land.

Here's a photo that CoasteringChris50 posted in Members.

My favourite boats are on Crocodile Creek at Weymouth SeaLife Centre. They're fab.

Can you think of any other non-standard, interesting and cool log flume boats?
Although i never rode it the boats on wild water 2 at heide park were pretty cool. I also like the automobile themed ones on autosplash at mirabilandia.
Can I get a shoutout for the boats on Splash Mountain that now have restraints on them, to completely take away the experience of a log flume altogether!
Call me a fan boy, call me old school...idgaf, but I love White Water Landing's old canoe boats:


I never realized it back in the day, but they subtly added to the Frontier Town theming due to the Native American presence around the nation hundreds of years ago.