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Best Kiddie Coaster(s)?


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
It's still another 2 months before my first year anniversary here on CF & I'm sure it's been done before, but I haven't seen it discussed. Since both the kid & I have a general rule of avoiding kiddie coasters, I was wondering are there any that should not be skipped? Is there one that reigns supreme? Have I ridden it & been oblivious?
Come on all you coaster whores, fess up & give me the low-down on what is what in kiddie land.
Looks a lot like Rugrats Runaway Reptar (Carowinds) & Silver Streak (Canada's Wonderland).
Ouch! No thanks!
Much better than this topic ;) :p
http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... 65&start=0
(that's a joking dig at Inverse by the way, not you Jerry)

It's a difficult one, as it really depends on what you class as kiddie. Runaway Mine Train at Alton? Is it a kiddie coaster? It's got a very low height limit after all.

Or is it coasters which don't have any kind of height limit?

To be honest, I actually quite enjoy a couple. Flying Frog at Paultons for instance, and Gay Dragon at Legoland Windsor. Both are good fun for what they are. I wouldn't wait a log time to do them for me, but they're worth doing if you're passing. Troublesome Trucks at Drayton too is well worth going on.

I hate Mini-Apples and Beastie type of rides (Super Dragon I think is their official name). They're just utterly bland and unoriginal and a little bit lame.

If you're in Blackpool, Zipper Dipper is excellent. That and Troublesome Trucks show you can have fast, exciting coasters that appeal to kids (and adults can get a bit of a buzz out of too).
Is Zipper Dipper the Milk Roll-a-Coaster?

Yeah thats a good laugh, the geezer who operates it is the only English happy person working in the park too :lol:
Damn night shifts & kitchen renovation! :evil:
Somehow I missed that one. Got to stop relying on "View posts since last visit" when I'm away for so long.
Thanks furie. You can go ahead & slap a lock on this if you think the topics are too similar.
Of course I'm looking for discussion rather than a poll & specific coasters rather than types.
Nah, that's a poll between a few British coasters. This is much more open to the world :)

I think this can have a better discussion.

Pierre, yeah, it's whatever it's called now. It's a funny little woodie. I think it's brilliant, for the age of the ride, and the way it's designed as a pure miniature "Big Dipper" type of ride - superb stuff. Glad I lost weight so I can ride it again :)
Tomahawk is mental, it totally blew all of us away, we were shocked at the height restriction actually and the size of some of the kids coming off it haha.
I'm also hoping for the whole 'what's a kiddie coaster & what's not' arguments (the Crazy Mouse spinner at Martin's Fantasy Island is one IMO, but Skull Mountain is not - sorry Taylor), plus what makes a particular kiddie coaster a standout. For me the only ones that seem worth mentioning right now are Shamu Express (unique train) & Astroland's Big Apple coaster (just for it's turntable loading station).
^Yeah I really liked that Backyardigans: Mission to Mars coaster at Movie Park too. It was a good ride.

The only other smallish/family type coasters I liked were, the Vekoma Junior ride at Toverland and Snake In The Grass at Pleasurewood Hills which was much better than Enigma and Wipewout.

Most of the kiddie coasters I've done like Big Apples, etc I don't really enjoy.
Snoo, is the new kiddie coaster at Bowcraft worth the trip? It's only 30 minutes from my house, so maybe we could stop by in a few weeks when furie comes to visit.

Looks like we'll have to make an exception to our rule when the kid & I go to Germany later this year.
As for what is and what isn't, I covered it a little.

I think if there's no height limit (just a "child must be able to hold themselves upright" rule), then that's a true kiddie coaster.

As soon as you start needing to be a certain height, it becomes tricky. I mentioned Alton's RMT above. For a powered coaster, it's got a very fast, powerful helix. I really wasn't sure about Maxi-Minor_Furie going on it (I needn't have worried). It's got a 0.9M limit, which means that really you're talking three or four years old to go on it. However, due to the nature of the beast, I'd say it isn't a kiddie coaster, but a "family coaster" (one you take kids on when they're at school age probably - which they'll enjoy even as they start hitting the bigger rides).

There's no hard and fast rule though. Obviously I get a good idea of the coasters and I tend to know roughly if I think they're suitable (I really wasn't sure about Cobra at Paultons for MMF).

I mentioned in the other topic about what younger children want though. They want to be entertained, and generally in a very simple way. While MMF enjoyed his ride on Cobra, his favourite coaster was Flying Frog and he enjoyed the bunny car ride almost as much as he enjoyed Cobra.

The reason is because Cobra overloaded him. It was too much. Yes, his reaction to the thrills was positive, but there was too much for his young system to deal with. Too many changes in experiences thrown at him. While each one (being high up, the twists, the helix turns, the bunny hills) are something he loved, altogether in a short space of time meant it just wore his system out.

Flying Frog is a simple "woosh, bounce" kind of thing. Plus it has a cute frog on the front :) That makes it a much more appealing ride to MMF, even though he enjoyed the single ride on Cobra more.

Kids like simple repetition (it's how we learn), so input needs to be simple. Even a quick blast of enjoyment is not as satisfactory to a child as something plain and enjoyable repeated.

I hope I've made myself clear on that? :lol:

So kiddie coasters that win are ones that do a single kind of thing well, or have lots of interesting things to look at (so Dragon at Legoland is good, as is Big Thunder Mountain).

East Coast(er) General said:
Snoo, is the new kiddie coaster at Bowcraft worth the trip? It's only 30 minutes from my house, so maybe we could stop by in a few weeks when furie comes to visit.

Looks like we'll have to make an exception to our rule when the kid & I go to Germany later this year.

LOL Jerry! I'll be able to tell you how good it is! I'm an expert now on these things :p

Minor_Furie and "The Kid" can stand at the side hanging their heads in shame at us :lol:
Big Thunder Mountain a kiddie coaster? I never even thought of it as one & never noticed that there's no height limit. Hmmm...
southend_marc said:
Tomahawk at PA, I am sure thats a kiddie coaster?
Didn't consider that a kiddie coaster either.
(the Crazy Mouse spinner at Martin's Fantasy Island is one IMO, but Skull Mountain is not - sorry Taylor),

None then :p .

Actually, I'll have to go with Zach's Zoomer or Scooby's Ghoster Coaster if those count. They're awesome little things despite the seats being so narrow.
East Coast(er) General said:
Big Thunder Mountain a kiddie coaster? I never even thought of it as one & never noticed that there's no height limit. Hmmm...

I think it's a true one. No height limit. Lots of nice undulating track, no great heights (there's always dark, or scenery under you pretty close by), then lots of scenery and things to look at, making it a kind of exciting train ride :)

East Coast(er) General said:
southend_marc said:
Tomahawk at PA, I am sure thats a kiddie coaster?
Didn't consider that a kiddie coaster either.

Erm, it's an "older" kiddie coaster (I think it did have a height limit). It's not like Zipper Dipper which is still quite gentle. A two or three year old would very easily get very hurt on Tomahawk.
BTM in California is 100% not a kiddie coaster, that thing left me in pain. Was one of the better BTM's though :). I recon a 5 year up coaster?