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Best Eurovision Song?

Jason Voorhees

Hyper Poster
What is your favourite song from Eurovision?

This has to be the best. One of my favorite bands/songs. Lordi and Maj Karma FINLAND REPRESENT!

Finland 2006 - Lordi, Hard Rock Hallelujah

Only Teardrops is overrated and should not have won the 2013 contest!

Oh yeah, of course Abba. They're good but have nothing on Lordi.
Verka Seduchka's is the only one that stood out for me. Not really interested in eurovision.
Lordi were amazing. They're still one of my favourite bands and went to see them live a couple weeks ago.

Otherwise, I love the novelty songs that come out of the contest e.g. Greece's entry this year and Lithuania's 2006 entry.
Let's ignore all the massively obvious ones that everyone's heard of and go for a trip back through some of the ever-so slightly more obscure...

Lets start with some "serious" entries

Possibly my all time favourite Eurovision song ever is this piece of fabulousness:

The one I've listed to most in the "real world" (albeit, mostly by force from Jake! haha):

Now let's descend into the world of silly songs with a message

My favourite this year (and one of my absolute all time favourites ever) was this beauty:

It's impossible to forget this:

This is a work of genius:

Then we get into the well and truly odd

Most ridiculous staging ever goes to this:

Eurovision just wouldn't be the same without gems like this:

Comedy entry of pure joy:

Right, now for some slightly better know ones that are still among my all time favourites

If anyone was made for Eurovision, it's got to be JEDWARD <3

The UK's best entry EVER:

That'll do for now. I'm SURE I'll think of some more later :D
I have to admit it, when it comes to Eurovision, I often find that I can no longer hide my secret inner-Romanian. THAT is a country that, year in, year out, squarely hits the Eurovision nail on the head! Almost certainly my two personal favourites are Change (2011) and Playing With Fire (2010).

In fact, 2011 was a FANTASTIC year for Eurovision. And in my mind, the best bar none. Rockefeller Street (Estonia), Popular (Sweden), New Tomorrow (Denmark), In Love For A While (Switzerland). I'm not going to mention Lipstick (Ireland) because it was **** (was a FABULOUS drinking game forfeit though!).

Heck, even ours was a decent entry I Can (Blue) for the first time since Scooch in 2007 with Flying the Flag. And who could ever forget I Love Belarus (Belarus, duh)?!

Those citing Lordi don't understand Eurovision. Sure Hard Rock Hallelujah was a decent song, but 2006 will be remembered by those that matter for quite possibly the best song to ever make it out of the Semi Final (and to this date the only song I've found worth paying to vote for) We Are The Winners (Lithuania). Absolute genius! <3

This year Marry Me (Finland) rocketed straight into the pantheon of amazing songs.

Honourable mentions go to Apricot Stone (Armenia 2010) and Irelande Douze Points (Ireland 2008).

Will go into more detail when I have the time, but off the top of my head that's the best stuff ever to hit Eurovision in recent memory. Will scratch my head for some classics! :lol:
Jason Voorhees said:
^Marry Me? Are you kidding me? That was one of the worst songs Eurovision has ever had.

You suck.

Seriously though, what do you find wrong with it? It's cheesy, silly, catchy, well choreographed and even has an epic guitar solo!
nealbie said:
Jason Voorhees said:
^Marry Me? Are you kidding me? That was one of the worst songs Eurovision has ever had.

Seriously though, what do you find wrong with it? It's cheesy, stupid, lesbian, and even has a mediocre guitar solo!


I Love Belarus is meh. Hard Rock Hallejuhah is awesome as well as Lordi themselves, and Loreen is OK... (I forgot the name of the song but I remember it being really popular over here in the USA for quite a while)

Like I stated, Only Teardrops is super meh. Shouldn't have won. Still better than Marry Me.
There are loads, but the three that came to mind:



How could I've missed this one?
2013: this year my favorite song was Greece's entry Alcohol is Free, which was just amazing. Also strong were Norway with Margharet Berger, Italy with Marco Mengoni and Montenegro's Who See
2012: Romania with Mandinga, Russian grannies and Austrian ****
2011: Musiqq - Angel in Disguise and Raphael Gualazzi
2010: Jessy Matador and Lena
2009: Regina - Bistra Voda and Alexander Rybak
2008: Laka - Pokušaj and Latvian pirates
2007 - Verka Serduchka and DJ Bobo
2006 - Lordi and LT United

Haven't watched it before that. At least not judging any songs.