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BBC to build theme park.... In China


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This kind of slipped under the radar but it seems the BBC will build a theme park on the Island of Hainan in China. Joining the 4 already under construction theme park projects on the extremely popular holiday destination.

It sounds like the same kind of licensing deal that Six Flags has struck up in China and Dubai with another company paying to License the BBC name.
It seems there will be 2 parks (although it could be one with 2 areas. The articles are a bit hard to parse) one themed to Top Gear and a second themed to Planet Earth
The park(s) will be built somewhere in the Moon Bay region on the eastern side of the Island.
More info on this as it appears I guess.

https://m.sohu.com/n/493750590/?wscrid=95360_7 (In Chinese)
http://www.sohu.com/a/135057859_663440 (Also in Chinese)

BBC1.JPEG BBC2.jpeg BBC3.JPEG BBC4.jpg BBC5.jpg BBC6.jpg
This is absurd. And fab. I hope it gets built half as well as the concept art!