Giga Poster
This surprised me, but according to RCDB, a coaster with this element hasn't been built since Afterburn in 1999! In fact, other than Montu and Goudurix, the only other coasters that have or had them are Arrow custom loopers built between 1980 and 1991.*
*Steel Phantom also had one, but isn't listed in that hyperlink. I guess Moonsault Scramble's batwing-like element also counts.
What's that all about? Stand-up coasters went the way of the Dodo for good reason, but I can't figure out why batwings seem to have followed a similar path. These are great elements, forceful and fun. I can say that on Montu & Afterburn (the only two batwings I've ridden), the batwings are the best part!
Does anybody actually know (or would be willing to venture an educated guess) why we haven't seen a coaster with a batwing in 13 years?