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AT Dungeon passholder discount


Strata Poster
Apologies if this has been asked before.

Will be visiting Towers on Thursday (6th July) primarily for Curse of Alton Manor and Sub-Terra. Since the park will be busy, I thought I'd take the chance and actually finally try the dungeons. Love the standalone Dungeons attractions but always been put off this one by the upcharge and using valuable time on park. It states on the AT website that:

Passholders can unlock the key to the Alton Towers Dungeon for just £5.50 (on off-peak days). Book your tickets on your next visit date at the Resort Box Office or at the Alton Towers Dungeon.

Obviously, Thursday will be a peak day. Full on the day price is £11, online price if I book today* is £9. Is it worth waiting till I'm on park and trying for this discount, or just booking it now for the online price?

(*online price only available a least a day in advance, will have to pay full whack on Thurs whether booking online or in person, if no discount available)
Your quote says off-peak days only.
You've said you're going peak.
I'm thinking no.
That's what I thought as well, but wasn't sure if there's some unadvertised dynamic pricing situation going on (i.e. 50% off on off peak days is the cheapest it will get, other smaller discounts other days)
Update on this: Chose to book online rather than risk it on the day. Messed up upon payment and ending up paying twice, thankfully for different time slots so I just ended up going round twice.

As others have already mentioned, it's very a very standard Dungeons affair with all the core scenes and almost the exact same script as their counterparts. To the point that on my first run through, I got picked on in the torturer scene and got picked on further for knowing the script and actions.... Surprisingly, despite it being the exact same actors on 2nd go, I avoided being picked on. Thought I'd have been a prime target...

Overall, still fun and worth doing once. Think I'll stick to the standalone dungeons in future though.