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Aspen [Under Construction]


Slut for Spinners
Yes, another NL coaster, but this time from the ground up. Aspen is an inverted coaster about 125 feet high and so far has an extremely well thought out and technical layout. This will have terrain when it's done as well.

Anybody else remember Arly's invert he made a few months ago like Nemesis? That, Great Bear, and Silver Bullet, and Montu inspired it. Here's a screenshot:

rollerdude said:
Anybody else remember Arly's invert he made a few months ago like Nemesis? That, Great Bear, and Silver Bullet, and Montu inspired it.

I do try ;).

Anyway, that looks really good!
The colors may be adjusted a bit, but they're staying the dark gray and green. I think it's going to look better with the white supports.

I have added a bit more, but I have a lot of smoothing to do. I might have to redo some of the track after this section in this screenshot. The cobra roll came out better than expected though:

I'm still not keen on the colours :p They are starting to grow on me though!

The Cobra roll looks nice and smooth and the overbank after the Cobra looks interesting.
I am also not too keen of the colour scheme. I think it would look better with Terrain and Trees, but until then I'm not really liking it. Also the thought of White supports is kind of making me think this colour scheme is going to get worse.
The supports are supposed to represent the trunk of Aspen trees. The track is supposed to represent the leaves and branches in a way. For those who don't know, Aspens are actually considered wildflowers, and have a large underground root network. When you look at one Aspen plant, you could be looking at hundreds in a few square acre area.

I'm still smoothing out. I have a little bit more, but I have some red spikes to deal with in two elements. After I finish smoothing these out, I'll be able to move on to the final third of the coaster.
I've finished the layout with three quick turns, two corkscrews and a helix. I've also added some water. Next, I'll add the hills before starting the supports. Here's a screenshot:

I got most of the terrain done today. I must say, it looks pretty spiffy. I still have a little bit more terrain to do though, then I can start supports.

For those who have given me compliments on this coaster, thank you very much. This topic wouldn't be updated without you guys. I really appreciate it.

I finished the terrain and started the supports. Here's a screenshot of the lifthill again:

The landscape looks a little forced. It's like you wanted/needed that hill to be there so you've put it in and it doesnt really flow with the rest.

It's nice landscaping, that's just my concern.
It is a bit forced I guess. I did want it to be high, but that last corkscrew got in the way. I'll work on the steepness of it, but the one side with the jr. immelmann must be steep due to the water there. I'll work on it though.
Yes it does. It looks more natural now.

Umm... not much else to say...