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Are you scared of flying?

The Grape Wizard

Hyper Poster
After watching AirportLive on BBC2, I was wondering are you scared of flying/have been?

I use to be when I was younger, really didn't like it but I've sort of grown out of it. Take off still gets me going :lol:
nor me - hate the hurty ears during descent thing though - sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't, and last night I got it in just one ear!
Wasn't for my first few flights.

Landing at Reus/flying with RyanAir changed me and I was a right mess for my next two flights.

Still get anxious but that's moreso a mental thing of worrying about feeling like I'll throw up rather than nervous about the actual flight which I actually love once I'm on the plane and settled.
It would make these themepark trips very difficult we didn't like flying. :lol:

I've always had a strong interest in flying since my first flight as a kid, especially back then when you were allowed to go and visit the pilots. We spent a good hour in the cockpit of a 747 on the way to American once, but this was pre 9/11 and its a shame you can't do it anymore.

I've flown remote controlled aircraft for most of my life (real remote controlled aircraft that you need a license and insurance to fly, not the crappy things you can buy in toy shops) and have had a few flying lessons myself in both powered and glider aircraft. One guy at work has his own private plane and we've had a few flights out of Duxford during lunchtimes when the weather is nice! When I eventually find the time I want to progress a bit more with learning and to get my PPL.

I find the whole commercial jet experience a bit dull these days, but can still get excited if we have an interesting approach into landing with a good view to go with it. The most exciting bit about flying is the knowledge that you're going somewhere fun on a trip! :)
I was at first as I had never flown until I was 23 and my first flight was to Orlando.

What changed was when I had to fly alone due to work sending me to Holland for a day.

Now days I just fall asleep before we have taken off and wake up when we land lol.
Not in the slightest. I still get a buzz from take off.
marc said:
I was at first as I had never flown until I was 23 and my first flight was to Orlando.

What changed was when I had to fly alone due to work sending me to Holland for a day.

Oddly, my first flight was to Holland for work. I was 21 though and had to fly alone, but it didn't bother until...

Coming in to land, I was looking out of the window. I love the science of flying, and I've played realistic flight sims for longer than Mushroom has been alive :p SO I was watching the flaps descend and stuff, the way the wings flex and everything, was very cool. Then suddenly the top casing of the engine snapped back, I thought " ****, it's the Twilight Zone!!!" It wasn't though, I assumed it was some kind of air brake that particular model used to bring the landing speed down. There was no internet back then, so I couldn't look up the type and information on the behaviour and I've long since forgotten the model type. I did read "Do androids dream of electronic sheep" on the flights out and back though, which I bought at Manchester airport.

No, no fear anyway...
My first flight ever was on a family holiday from London to the USA - on 21st December 1988. Which was when the Lockerbie bombing happened.

First we knew about it was the bus driver at the Miami end telling us some half-a-story about a plane crash which we dismissed as random stange-foreigner-ramblings ; this all being in the days before the internet and 24hr rolling news (at least in our hotel) we only really discovered the story the next day in the papers.

Anyway, "no" ; why would you be scared of flying, its more scary crossing the road.