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Adventure Cove Florida


Mega Poster
I've been working on this park for over two months, so there has been alot of updates before this one, but I'm not going to post all the old ones. Instead I'm going to start up at Media Day Part One, I just posted this last week on other forums. If you want to see all the old updates than go to RCTL, Atari, KIExtreme, or KICentral.
Late August preseason- Media Day Part 1.

About three weeks ago I checked my mail to see if I got anything. It was mostly bills and stuff, but then there was a small envelope in the back. It said...

"You and up to two guests are invited to attend Florida Adventure's Media Day which will be a pre-opening event for local news broadcasting reporters to come to the park and enjoy our world class rides before the park's grand opening this September. All rides will be open for Media Day, and you will be able to get free drinks, free food, and up to $20 in free merchandise. Media Day is going to be this on Wednesday August 26th. 2009. See you there!"

So just afew days ago I attended the park's Media Day. Although I've been in the park alot, this is the first time I've gotten to ride the rides and go inside the buildings.


When I came into the park, the announcement was about to begin.

Not as many people came as they were hoping.

"Thank you all for attending this special day! We really hope you enjoy our world class themed park, which features three roller coasters and many family rides and attractions. It wasn't easy to open this park, infact during the early planning stages we almost cancled this park and was going to build a similar one in San Diego California until this land went up for sale and we bought it. We spent over three-hundred-million dollars building this park, and we think it's worth every penny. As most of you probably know, this is not our only park. We also just recently bought Fun Valley Retreat located in Pennslyvania, and had Media Day for Lake Destinee located in North Carolina. So now I'm going to answer any questions you may have, and do interviews. You can eat at Southern Fried Chicken's buffet for a delicious free breakfast and than enjoy all of the park!"

So after breakfast, I decided to go to The Tombs section of the park.

I noticed the park added alot of great new landscaping!

And they built this huge new restroom facility in The Tombs.

First thing I rode was Voodoo, my very first Floorless Top Spin! It's also my favorite of all the Top Spins I've ridden.

The park also finished Exploration Post gift shop.

Tiki Twist was just the average Scrambler.

My first credit of the park, Mayan Expedition which was my 88th. coaster.

Honestly, I think the park did a horrible job on Safari Monorail's queue/ entrance area.

I'm also not a fan of the station building.

But the actual ride was a neat experiance. I love how you can barely see the rest of the park from here.

There were alot of small ponds throughout the Safari.

At night, this ride would be creepy.

The area around Safari Monorail is really ugly, it looks like they just put down some concrete and left it as that.

And than put an ugly fence around the midway.

Part 2 soon!
So want to download it!!! It looks sooooo cool! One of the best parks I ever seen.
Jools said:
So want to download it!!! It looks sooooo cool! One of the best parks I ever seen.
Thanks! And There will be a download either the end of Season one, or Season three.

By the way, the park has it's own website. If you want, you can check it out.

Media Day Part two: The Pier

Well after I finished The Tombs, I made my way into the Pier section of the park, which is maybe my favorite cause of it's great rides and nostalgic atmosphere.

First thing I rode was Turbo Towers, both sides were open but I decided to to ride Drop side and save Launch side for later.

From the top I saw the area behind the fence, alot could be built there. Oh and by the way, on Media Day you were allowed to take photos on ride.

El Coyote still needed some work, and wasn't open for Media Day.

Coaster number 89, Boardwalk Bandit.

I wander if they will ever have to use the whole entire queue?

From the lift I got a great view of the Pier.

I really liked this drop, because of that drop and the great airtime on this coaster, it's in my top 5 woodies.

Station Fly-through and some classic GCII twists!

Some great ejector air throughout the whole ride.

Another great thing about this coaster is it's location next to the lake.

I don't really like most spinning rides, but I decided to ride Whirl-Wind, and I actually liked it.

Than I went into the actual Pier. The entrance kind of reminds me of Holiday World's entrance.

There was some great landscaping in here too!

The Pier part II will be up in a few hours!
The way your doing this reminds me of Hershy's Hawaiian Escape. Points for you! HHE was epic. hopefully this will be too.

Also Palm trees WANT!
Wow. This is one of the best looking parks I've ever seen on RCT3.
You landscaping and architecture is great and your screenshots looks really nice as well. Have you edited the screens at all (brightness etc) as I don't remember Tycoon 3 ever looking that good.
Looking forward to the next update now. :)
This park looks absolutely amazing. This is the best work I've ever seen on RCT3. Can't wait to see the rest. *frantically clicks watch for replies* :)
Amazing! I would love to go to that park in real life. It looks so real, and the atmosphere looks terrific. I like the story part of it, and how you're criticizing areas in the park (I found that to be funny). Really great job, and keep it up!
This park looks absolutely superb!
I gotta say as well as everything else, that woodie looked very nice, as well as all the architechture
^Thank you! I'm glad you like the woodie!
^^Thanks, I would too! Yeah, honestly when I made that area I was kinda lazy, but when you think about it, almost every park has it's cons so that is my park's.
^^^Wow, thanks! Sorry I'm just now replying, I kinda forgot.
^^^^ Thank you! And nope, I don't edit my images I just have a good graphics card.
^^^^^ Thanks!
^^^^^^Thank you! I hope this park will be as successful as HHE, but I doubt any of my parks could ever be that popular.

So anyways, I kinda forgot that I posted my park on this site, so I didn't update. But you guys didn't miss much! So here is the latest update which I just posted last night.

Opening Day!
The park opened last Saturday, but I was busy than my Wifi box burnt out so I didn't have internet until a few hours ago so I just got the chance to update.


Frontier Gorge was very crowded, I feared how long Copperhead's queue would be.

The crowd overflowed just a little bit, I waited around 50 Minutes for Copperhead.

Copperhead's station looks just like Diamondbacks only with a Spanish roof.

I got to see the first official riders dispatch!

The crew was being slow and stacking trains, if only I worked there...

From Copperhead's station you get this view of it's splashdown.

Here's an overview of the queue and station area from Media Day.

Tumbleweed was open!

The line was 40 minutes, but do to the downtime it was over an hour, but I waited through it and got my first ride on Tumbleweed, it was much better than I expected.

Next I went to The Tombs, it was busy here too.

Voodoo wasn't showing it's preshow, and so they were just letting guests walk through the room and out to the outdoor queue, I waited around 20 minutes.

Mayan Expedition had a short line, It was about 10 minutes. Later it got to 45 minutes though.

It's a great ride, probably my second favorite mine train.

I was walking to Boardwalk Bandit and I saw these new bathrooms next to El Coyote Bar, they look pretty nice!

Boardwalk Bandit was empty all day, for some reason no one went to it, but the people who did said they liked the ride alot.

The Pier was really quiet all day, these two people were one of the only ones in the area.
I have no idea why they're not going on that woodie :p
Still at least the peeps are piling in to everything else
Good work - Keep it Up!
I love this park, Copperhead is one of the best coasters I have seen on here for a long time, outstanding.

By the way, can I ask where the 10 person-wide trains came from, and the wider walkways for the lift. Can you get immelmanns on Dive Machine's now?