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30-Second Brain test


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
Which side of your brain is dominant or are they equal?


I got 81% right-brained according to this 'quiz'.

I'd have thought I'd be more 50/50 as I'm very logic and reason based, but hey ho.
81% right brained.

"Creativity", "Fantasy", "Curiosity". I would never describe myself in any of these terms! :lol:

Plus, I was using my right hand on my mouse, so of course I'm going to touch my head with my left hand? :?
71% left brained. I struggled with the colour one though, due to not being able to tell what colour things were (other than red Vs. blue). And I'd obviously point with my left hand as my right was on the mouse :p

Legs alternate crossing too, as do which hand would go across my chest and I always use both eyes one after the other if I need to close one.

File under "bollocks" :lol:
furie said:
Legs alternate crossing too, as do which hand would go across my chest and I always use both eyes one after the other if I need to close one.

That means that you either don't have a dominant eye, or you've never tested to see which one is dominant! :lol:

Put your hands together to form a circle in the middle and focus on a point with both eyes open, close one and then the other; whichever eye keeps the image in the same place is the dominant one. I think (from an optical perspective) that's what that question was about anyways haha
I've tested Neal, and I don't have a dominant eye, I've known that for about 25 years :lol: It's why I can't play pool/snooker. When I do the test, neither has the image in place, same when I play pool, I just can't work out where the cue/balls are in relation to anything else.