
  1. D

    Jet Star 2 traveling in Spain

    Diary of a Roller Coaster Girl caught this rare ride a few months ago - a Jet Star 2 in Spain. This is not a Schwarzkopf orginal but still designed by Werner Stengel and was built by SDC in 1991. I don't know where this ride was new to but I think it was in Spain by 1995. Spanish fair...
  2. Rob Coasters

    Rank the travelling coasters you've done

    I've decided to not include travelling coasters I've only done at permanent parks so you won't be seeing any Fantasy Island or Botton's Pleasure Beach and the like here. Just funfairs. You can if you want to in your own list, but I've decided not to! 1) Olympia Looping - While it's prime days...