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Search results

  1. J

    Bigger Letdown? SM3 or PoTC3

    Spiderman 3. Pacing was awful! Did not balance exciting fast fight scenes with boring dialogue very well. The emo/revenge part? Geez that was the most boring part ever. It didnt even start out that great. Wasnt very suspenseful and I didnt really get sucked into the whole story. Bah.
  2. J

    Specs or Lenses?

    Really? I had minor (very minor) problems with my first set. started out fine but I felt that it dried out too early (mind you...this is after 17 hours when Im only supposed to have it in for...14?) so I asked for new ones. These are great. I dont feel them at all...and last all...
  3. J

    Specs or Lenses?

    I still dont understand why people fuss over feeling contacts in their eyes. Because you dont. Or at least, if you get good ones you dont.
  4. J

    "Now Showing"

    I saw Spiderman yesterday. 5/10 Blech. I did not like it at all. I liked the end...great action but other than that it kinda fell flat. The fight scenes with sandman didnt excite me very much. It was very action-packed...but sandman just didnt grab my attention too well. The movie would...
  5. J

    Specs or Lenses?

    Can I say I love them both? Contacts for most of the time, but some days I just feel like wearing my glasses. And my glasses are hot. Although latley I havent been wearing my glasses much because its starting to exentuate the fact that my eyes arent completely straight. Then again, its been...
  6. J

    Sexuality V

    Haha...I first read that as "Mmmmmmm Taylor", much like Homer Simpson with donuts. :P
  7. J

    Sexuality V

    Kir is not included when choosing sexual preference. Everyone would choose Kir over anyone.
  8. J

    Sexuality V

    Not originally, but it could be now...
  9. J

    Sexuality V

    You mean in g'ready cuz Im about to **** you. Hehe. In between Bi and Gay, truthfully. Ill say gay for the poll's sake, since its closest to that one.
  10. J

    What are you reading?

    I bought Dreams of My Father by Barack Obama. Its his memoir that he wrote after he became the first Law Director dean thinger or whatever. It was before he got into politics. I have to read it for school, so my lit teacher made me do research on it. Apparently he embellished lots of it...
  11. J

    "Now Showing"

    Yes please. I saw this. I never laughed more in a movie that wasnt supposed to be funny. The script is just a bunch of quotes strung together to make a story. And the slow motion button was used too much. Me and my friend laughed at all the cliche cinematic effects....which is to say we laughed...
  12. J

    "Now Showing"

    I just saw Pan's Labyrinth. Whoah! Fairy tale? As if. Yes, I expected it to be more mature than Cinderella or something...but I wasnt expecting the gore to come along with it. Geez that was creepy. If youre not ready for stuff like that, its even scarier. Ive never seen Saw, but Im guessing...
  13. J

    "Now Showing"

    I just came back from Dreamgirls. It was really good, but not as good as people would make you think. I think its all the publicity making it seem worse and all. Worth watching, it deserved the Golden Globe, but its not as magical as the media makes it seem. It felt a little long during the...
  14. J

    What are you reading?

    I liked the first one. Its very fun, but short. I havent started on the second one. Just the fact I read a book is amazing enough for me. I read A Catcher in the Rye for my lit class. I really liked it. I read it all in two days (I only read at night...during the day its not the same). I...
  15. J

    "Now Showing"

    I really needed to pee so the last half hour basically was me just waiting for the credits to pop up. I liked what happened in the should just have happened somewhere IN the movie.
  16. J

    "Now Showing"

    I grew up with Pierce as bond...I kind of miss that. Although, truth be told, I havent actually seen a whole old Bond film. Im like the guy that likes the Harry Potter movies because Ive never read the book (hey, thats true too. The first ones seemed a little childish...I liked the others). Oh...
  17. J

    Whats better? Being bald or to have to much hair?

    Im not sure if Im losing mine...Ive always had a big-ish forehead...but my hair feels thinner...but that might be the mix of using too much conditioner (regular conditioner twice a week about and leave in every day). I dunno. I used mousse today instead of leave in, but it still feels...
  18. J

    Whats better? Being bald or to have to much hair?

    Theres always wigs...then you could end up looking like Tyra Banks. :P
  19. J

    Sexiest famous women!

    Only when her mouth isnt open and you cant see her veneers.
  20. J

    Sexiest famous women!

    OMG No way! You read Dlisted too? Geez! I read it every day after I read Pink is the New Blog (although, I come back to Dlisted when Im bored for updates). See, shes really annoying, but shes still hot.