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  1. C

    What is the most overrated and underrated coasters

    Over rated: MF Mantis Fahrenheit Under: Intimidator 305 Jack Rabbit (KW) Racers (KW) Thunderbolt (KW) Phantom's Revenge. I think all of KENNYWOOD is underrated.
  2. C

    Milf vs i305

    Intimidator 305 hands down. I enjoyed both but I305 does have more. Its both smoother and more intense than MF. Those high speed turns and the grey out...amazing. I do wish it had less on the restraints, but the rides are uncomparable.
  3. C

    The B&M Thread

    Hmm Maybe I was just convincing myself it had seatbelts so I would get back on it. With the bar I sucked in my gut and I think it partially grabbed the next tooth and the pressure pushed it past to the previous one, but it still was scary at the moment. I figured there might be more than one...
  4. C

    The B&M Thread

    I am a fan of B & M , but I am concerned about Diamondback at Kings Island. It doesn't have seat belts as a failsafe, which wouldn't bother me except that the only other comparable coaster I've been on is Apollo's Chariot (which does have seatbelts) and the lap bar did come loose one me once...