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Search results

  1. Nemesis of oblivion

    Coke V.S Pepsi

    Time for a new vote. Which do you prefer? For me, Pepsi. (Coke counts for cherry, lemon, diet, ect...) (Pepsi counts for Max, diet, ect...) You may also put whether you prefer it from a bottle, can, glass, ect... Let the exhilarating vote begin!
  2. Nemesis of oblivion

    Thorpe Park Rebrand

    Hey Guys! Over the past two or three days some rumours have been said and some changes have been pointed out on other forums...except ours. So the website has removed all tracing of the "big heads". As we saw with X which has opened now to a wider audience, do you think the park has realised...
  3. Nemesis of oblivion

    Imagineer Fox's Creations

    Hello Guys! This topic is for my creations and designs. Here I bring a project to kick this topic off. Depth This B&M Wingrider is a thrilling journey over water as you face the full wraith of the deep ocean's force. You'll plunge into four inversions as you dive into the ocean in a forceful...
  4. Nemesis of oblivion

    Tea V.S Coffee - The Ultimate Showdown

    Which do you prefer? - Coffee also represents Cappuccino, Latte, Black Coffee, etc... - Coffee can also represent Hot Chocolate - Say wether you like your tea strong, with sugar, etc... Me. I'm a Cappuccino man. With chocolate sprinkling on top. Yum, Yum <3 Let the biggest, greatest...
  5. Nemesis of oblivion

    Your favourite Simpsons character

    As the title say! Mine would be Sideshow Bob.
  6. Nemesis of oblivion

    Mp3/Phone Music On Rides?

    Just a little thought. How do you feel when people play music on a ride? Does it annoy you or does it make the ride feel more...lively, I guess? And what do you think about wearing headphones on a ride?
  7. Nemesis of oblivion

    Actor or Ride Designer

    I'm in between the two. I love acting but it's also my dream to become the next John Wardley. What would you choose as a career?
  8. Nemesis of oblivion

    Why isn't that movie/tv show a ride?

    Is there a movie/tv show you feel should be turned in to a ride. Share your opinion and if you wish what the expirence would be like. :)
  9. Nemesis of oblivion

    worst/best sponsorship

    Rides get sponsorships, never really a good thing. What's the best and worst you seen? For me probably the imperial leather sponsor on Bubbleworks.
  10. Nemesis of oblivion


    Create a slogan for a park or ride of your choice. Begin, I'll post a idea later :)
  11. Nemesis of oblivion

    Most Iconic Tv/Movie Character Ever

    As the topic title says, what do you think? I'm still deciding at the moment so will post my opinion later.
  12. Nemesis of oblivion

    USF Project 971 (Rumored Springfield Expansion)

    Looking on the excellent Orlando United Forums I found this project for Universal Studios Orlando. So far it's been rumoured we are getting a Krusty Burger, Moe's Tavern and a Krusty themed Ferris Wheel. And of course expanding the Simpson merchandise which is a very wise move as they are Tv's...
  13. Nemesis of oblivion

    Alton towers minor fire

    Rumours coming in from towers street and towers times there has\is a minor fire in the towers ruins. Not confirmed but a fire truck has been seen going through the village.
  14. Nemesis of oblivion

    Writing a wish list to any park

    :--D :--D So here is where you can put your wish list to any park. You can write more than one. So... Thorpe Park 1) Remove Storm Surge and put a nice park plaze there. 2) Fix up the queue lines by giving them a lick of paint 3) Shelter Saw's queue, fix up all the sound effects. A BIG BIG WISH...
  15. Nemesis of oblivion

    A James Bond ride is needed!

    Just came back from Skyfall (which was awesome) and thought why is there not a James Bond ride already. 50 years surely this would be an amazing movie concept. Would you want to see a James Bond ride and what would it do?
  16. Nemesis of oblivion

    Your favourite Hero and Villian

    Well do say, for mine it's .Hero = Iron Man. C'mon he's funny, cool, smart, badass and only wants to protect the world from the weapons hes created .Villian = Bane. Has the most epic qoutes ever, has a badass walk, he can fight like a beast, really intimidating and he has so much emotion in his...
  17. Nemesis of oblivion

    Theming a coaster to a movie

    Basically if you had to retheme any coaster and give it an IP, what coaster would it be? what movie would it be themed to? and what kind of theming would you add?
  18. Nemesis of oblivion

    Sweetest thing you have done for your Girl

    So what is the sweetest thing you have done for your love? A love note or something completly orignal.
  19. Nemesis of oblivion

    Gotham's Reckoning - B&M Flyer

    Bane is creating carnage over Gotham City. The Dark Knight can not take on Bane without your help. Go on board "The Bat" has you fly across Gotham City and dive into the sewers, twist through gut wrenching inversions and a 167ft drop into the recration of Gotham. Here is the teaser poster...
  20. Nemesis of oblivion

    Skyrim-The Ride

    The legendary game "Skyrim" come to life in this amazing attraction. The ride will be a B&M hyper coaster which will take you through mountains, a castle and even a life-size DRAGON!