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  1. R

    "Cobra" - PAX Loop 520 for Conny-Land

    Looks cool if a little bit odd, there inverted ride looks better though, can't wait for one to be built.
  2. R

    Nemesis VS Black Mamba

    As much as I hate to say this I prefer Black Mamba (hides head in shame and apologises to Nemesis). It just has a longer layout and interacts more with the scenery than Nemesis does. The video on youtube looks amazing and the helixs at the end last forever.
  3. R

    Worst Tetris Piece

    Ts and Zs and squares and Ls and straights ... OK i admit im no good at Tetris. But seriously the T is the hardest as it won't fit anywhere.
  4. R

    The Best Ride at Alton Towers

    Here are my Favs: 1. Nemesis 2. Oblivion 3. Air 4. Spinball Whizzer 5. Ripsaw 6. Runaway Mine Train 7. The Flume 8. Submission 9. RITA 10. Duel