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  1. zazobo

    Europa Park - Christmas

    It's a fun time of year to visit, bloody freezing but lovely. Ride availability is usually really good.
  2. zazobo

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    I got my first few rides on Hyperia yesterday. I found it very hard to know what to make of it, personally I found it a little too intense with little to no let up. I had a headache after each ride which was a shame (and this is very unusual for me). There was a noticeable rattle in places, not...
  3. zazobo

    Where is your local park and how often do you visit?

    My closest park is Thorpe at around a 40 minute drive, I visit once or twice a year max.
  4. zazobo

    Worst coasters you've ridden (Bottom 5/10)

    Coaster Express- Parque Warner Madrid (painful and boring) Goudrix- Parc Asterix (vile transitions, janky as hell) Tonnerre 2 Zeus- Parc Asterix (an actual war crime) Infusion- BPB (no explanation needed) Viking Coaster- Energylandia (OTSR... what?) Honorary mention to Furious Baco-...
  5. zazobo

    The Prevalence of Vertigo/fear or heights in the Coaster community.

    Such an interesting thread. I'm not great with heights, but much better when properly 'strapped in'. So, massive coaster with restraints are okay, BUT star flyer with the stupid little flappy chain and piddly plastic seat- HORRID. Not too long ago we visited a village in France that had a...
  6. zazobo

    Whats your favorite Intamin

    Taron. Total perfection. Except that you can't seem to get ERT anymore...
  7. zazobo

    What is your favorite vekoma?

    Lech. Fo sho. Honorary mention for Fly and Colorado Adventure.
  8. zazobo

    Queue Time Displays

    Just back from Plopsa, who don't seem to display their queue times ANYWHERE. Tres annoying.
  9. zazobo

    Alton Towers | Nemesis Reborn | B&M Retrack | 2024

    Hate the track. Looks naff AF and will look like ****e in a few years. Weep.
  10. zazobo

    WTF Merlin?

    We've just come back from Walibi, their RAP system works really well. I'm a RAP user (but only really use it if the queue for the regular ride is huuuuge). At Walibi you have an app on your phone, it says how long the queue time is for a ride (say 35 mins), you then select the ride and have to...
  11. zazobo

    Rides that don't feel safe

    That Rio Bravo thing at Parque Warner. The backwards drop is bloody terrifying. You're not expecting it so you're not bracing for it in any way and it felt like I was half out of the boat. My arse full left the seat and I don't recall there being a lap bar? I could be wrong...
  12. zazobo

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    So glad you loved your first EP trip! I've been a number of time and I'm still always sad to leave, it's just a wonderful wonderful place. Looking forward to the full trip report!
  13. zazobo

    Can you get me excited for Europa Park?

    Ahh you're so lucky...! The first trip to Europa is flipping magical. The place is STUNNING. It may not rival some of the other major European parks in terms of hardware, but it makes up for that in charm. If you're a beer drinker, make sure to take a little time out, find a lovely spot for a...
  14. zazobo

    Ride Access Passes/ queueing with a disability

    This is a really interesting one, I'm entitled to a RAP, not due to pain/immobility but due to a very glamorous overactive bladder. Fortunately not the 'piss myself type' but I need to have easy access to a toilet. So as a result I can't stand in a queue that's say, 40mins or longer when my...
  15. zazobo

    Most rides you've ever had on one attraction in a day?

    I think I managed 13 or so on Taron during ERT. Miss ERT at Phanny so much...
  16. zazobo

    Is it only me who doesn’t get the Halloween/scare attraction hype?

    Ahh fun- some of my favourite scare attractions have been at Tulleys! Such an awesome collection of actors, each doing something different to the other. Love it- well done.
  17. zazobo

    Phanny ERT

    Thanks so much for your replies- sorry for the delay, I didn’t get any notifications you had replied!!! Sucky that they’re not offering ERT, we’ve been twice (Matamba and Ling Bao), mostly because the ERT was so bloody epic, v sad it’s not being offered anymore. Weep.
  18. zazobo

    Phanny ERT

    Hallo lovelies. We’re heading to Phantasialand for the Queens Jubilee weekend (2-5 June). Does anyone know if they’re still offering hotel guests ERT? We’re booked in to Hotel Charles Lindberg for a couple of nights and it would be a super mega bonus. Ta.
  19. zazobo

    European Spooktacular - Trip report

    Thoroughly enjoying this trip report! Also wanted to reiterate what others have said about the knob on the plane on your way out to Barcelona... What a total twat, hope it didn't impact your trip too much! Some people are awful.
  20. zazobo

    Phantasialand | F. L. Y. | Vekoma Launched Flying Coaster | 2020

    Of course, we've been to Brühler Wirtshaus am Schloss (near the Castle) a couple of times, it's a nice local place where you can get a really good value meal.