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  1. C

    Best Defunct manufacturer?

    How do I delete the 2nd one? 🤦‍♂️ I'm pretty sure that Scorpion at BGT is the only Schwarzkopf I've been on and it was pretty good from what I remember, but I'm gonna have to go with Arrow as Vampire is just bliss.
  2. C

    Best Defunct manufacturer?

    Title says it all. Is there anybody obvious who I've missed from the poll?
  3. C

    Disney's theme parks and more: what is their future?

    Driving in of itself isn't cost free but using the roads at the point of use is which is why roads end up being overused and why more roads usually = more cars. If all roads were tolled at point of use we wouldn't see this problem. Not sure it's really a grotesque amount tbh, lets say each new...
  4. C

    Europa Park vs Cedar Point; Battle of the Golden Ticket Award winners for "Best Theme Park"

    Is it really fair comparing them when they're trying to do different things? Cedar Point is coaster/amusement park mecca, Europa park is arguably not even the best THEME park in Germany so I guess CP wins if you look at who succeeds more at what they're trying to do vs their competition.
  5. C

    Disney's theme parks and more: what is their future?

    Roads are different as the cost of use is 'free' hence why if you build more road you get more traffic, but if Disney kept building new parks eventually they'd end up hitting saturation where more capacity doesn't = more guests.
  6. C

    Suzhou Paradise Forest World | Suzhou China | Theme Park

    The Mack reminds me of the premier spaghetti bowls, just needs a few turns to loop around the cobra and top hat for it to be perfect. Should sell well for Mack if they clone it, looks like a small enough footprint for a pretty substantial ride.
  7. C

    Music Recommendations

    New album by Gospel is ez aoty, 17 years wait since debut and they smashed it. Who knew mixing post hardcore, prog and psychedelic rock could work so well 😍
  8. C

    Alpengeist zero car?

    Thanks for the answers.
  9. C

    Alpengeist zero car?

    Can somebody explain to me why it has a zero car but the other b&m inverts don't please?
  10. C

    Most rides you've ever had on one attraction in a day?

    Probably the wild mouse, not sure on exact numbers but it must have been 20+ one visit sometime before 2011 (I only know this because I remember Bling, rip, still being there) when the park was pretty dead and we were marathoning it at the end of the day.
  11. C

    What is your "home park" abroad?

    DLP is my most visited abroad park at 3 times not been in ages though.
  12. C

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    I'd be amazed if the capacity for this would be any good btw which is another reason why the B&M looks better imo, the queues at Thorpe are vile enough as it is and the park will be busy when this is opened.
  13. C

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    The Mack would have been perfect if it had like an extra 750 to 1k ft of low twisty bits that focuses on air time (+ a barrel roll) after the dive loop, they certainly have the space at the back end of the ride to do so.
  14. C

    WTF Merlin?

    He's a jobsworth for not allowing us to pick our seats. You're outdoors how does others smoking, let alone vaping affect you at all?
  15. C

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Aren't Mack expensive anyway, would what we're getting really be that much different in price to a b&m, the support structure for the drop and dive loop is way more substantial than what b&m hypers get nowadays? Sorry for the double post Mods
  16. C

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    I think I prefer the look of this tbh, the uk doesn't need another short looping coaster, just give us some pure airtime with a pretty substantial ride length. Yes what we're getting looks more unique and as a goon it's exciting, but thinking from a GP perspective the B&M would have done better...
  17. C

    WTF Merlin?

    I was there on Wednesday and echo the point about batching guests into rows, it was fine for most of the day but when I asked for back on Rita some jobsworth c*** decided to put us in the middle instead and decided to have a go at my mate as he saw him having a toke of his vape in the q before...
  18. C

    Kings of the Sense of Speed?

    Hard to say which ride feels the fastest I've been on but ride(s) that definitely feel way faster than they actually are are the are the big thunder mountains, the theming work does wonders for them.
  19. C

    Front vs Back?

    Title says it all, overall where do you prefer to be on a coaster? I'm team back, drops are better and there's usually less bs waiting in the queue.