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    The Banning Game

    Banned for lack of evidence
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    Ride Manufacturer Alphabet

    S&S Sansei
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    Why do people hate VR on roller coasters?

    It takes away from the nostalgia factor of the coaster if said ride is more than 10 years old. Another off-putting factor is the 'improvements' done to the ride that make a change back irreversible. I mean, look at Air Galactica...
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    Wuxi Sunac Land | Soaring With Eagle | B&M Wing Coaster/Mack Blue Fire Clone

    In my opinion, the start's a little overdone - I personally would replace the zero-G roll with a vertical loop instead.
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    Ride Manufacturer Alphabet

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    Stupid things the GP have said

    To be fair, they're made by the same people and both feature vertical lift hills.
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    Three Word Story Without the S

    Banana without border
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    The Banning Game

    Banned because ATI is in your signature.
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    Three Word Story Without the S

    green pineapple pen
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    The Staff v. User counting game!

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    Post Outrageous Lies About The Person Above

    Has a steel coaster profile picture
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    The Staff v. User counting game!

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    Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

    I hope they keep the curve above the lift hill... It adds to the excitement, not knowing exactly how tall the drop is from certain angles.
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    Coasters you see in everyday society.

    In my Science textbook, around Pg. 220, there's Kanonen at Liseberg!
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    The Staff v. User counting game!
