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  1. Sky

    Fury of the Copperhead | CAROWINDS | 4th May 2019

    Miraculously logged into my account here after... 9ish? years. Feels good to be posting again, even if it's only in this thread. Looking forward to the Live now that I turned my husband to the coaster-loving dark side!
  2. Sky

    SFOG GASM Coasterthon Winner!

    I actually felt totally fine right afterwards! I think I was numb from excitement though, since the pain hit me today. I'm taking Brian with me, actually. He's my one friend who would truly appreciate a trip to Magic Mountain and who could have the most fun there with me. And since it's a...
  3. Sky

    SFOG GASM Coasterthon Winner!

    Marcus - haha, see Brian's post above :P But thanks everyone! I'm super excited and the craziness of last night still hasn't worn off yet (though I woke up to a major backache..). And as for hugging Mr. Six, I was still in like a "holy crap what's going on this isn't real" kind of mood, so...
  4. Sky

    SFOG GASM Coasterthon Winner!

    It was mostly just boring after a while. The roughness wasn't too bad once I got used to it. The first of probably way too much media on it is coming up now...
  5. Sky

    SFOG GASM Coasterthon Winner!

    May as well come out of hibernation for this... Yup, I won the Coasterthon, and it still hasn't totally hit me yet. Two days on Scream Machine, with a total of 152 rides. We started out with 22 and 4 made it through to the end, with a random draw for the grand prize. Still can't believe I...
  6. Sky

    I need your input for a project!

    Long time since I've posted on here.. Anyways, I'm doing a paper for school that's a feature article on what it's like to be a coaster enthusiast. Obviously this involves getting info from other enthusiasts, so my main question for you is... How has CoasterForce affected your social life...
  7. Sky

    Manta- B&M Flyer for SWO opening May 22

    If you ride Kraken at all on Monday, come say hi to Allison at Kraken Photo :P Manta was fantastic... everything about the ride - the queue, the atmosphere, the layout itself - is just incredibly well done. It really fits the whole theme of SeaWorld really well. I can't wait to ride it more...
  8. Sky

    Most Scared You've Ever Been

    Totally agreed. I went on that before I'd been on any sizable coaster, plus the fact that it's over a lake and I rode it at night didn't help. Scared the crap out of me. It was totally worth it, though. Can't wait to ride it again this summer!
  9. Sky

    Huge Carowinds TR, with Carolina Cobra pics

    Thanks! And, yes, I agree :P
  10. Sky

    Huge Carowinds TR, with Carolina Cobra pics

    Brian probably said most of what needs to be said... So I’ll just add my pictures and occasional thoughts/opinions. It was my first trip to Carowinds, which was exciting in itself. But the spontaneity of it just made it all the better. I still don’t quite remember how the idea came up… but it...
  11. Sky

    Huge Carowinds TR, with Carolina Cobra pics

    I suppose I should probably leave my side of this and post pictures at some point.. just maybe when I'm not about to collapse in need of sleep. That being said... 1) Thank you for posting awful pictures of me at the end there :P 2) We did Hurler 3 times, btw.. 3) I still say I won on Scooby...
  12. Sky

    Six Flags over Georgia Opening- Lots of photos, etc

    I figure I should give my half of this, even though Brian stole a bunch of my pictures. :P I guess I'll just upload photos mainly, since he did the tedious task of describing the day... A University of Georgia basketball in a toxic accumulator.. right where it belongs! Batman goes...
  13. Sky

    The ^ < V game

    ^ Yup, twice actually < Is going to Beech Bend this weekend! V Is going to some park this weekend as well
  14. Sky

    You know you're CF-ing it too much when...

    When you've talked to SnooSnoo while he's drunk... now that was funny. And it was at 3:30 in the morning.
  15. Sky

    Rate the Person Above

    Joe!! You're awesome. We're definitely meeting up someday. 10/10
  16. Sky

    Rate the Person Above

    cody!! 10/10!! I wanna tackle you again :P
  17. Sky

    How Old were you when you rode your first Coaster?

    The earliest I can think back to is riding Big THunder Mountain Railroad at Disney when we took a vacation there, I think I was in kindergarten or so... so I guess 6 years old? Something like that.
  18. Sky

    The Paste Game

    Your Voice Clip was not sent because no sound was detected in the recording. Gotta love MSN...
  19. Sky

    Specs or Lenses?

    Definitely contacts for me. I hated how I looked when I had glasses, so when I got contacts, it actually dramatically changed how I felt about myself. Plus, they're just easier. It was really annoying to look to the side and everything be blurry again. With contacts there's no issues with that.
  20. Sky

    Sexuality V

    ^ Good thing too, otherwise that'd be kinda weird for me... Straight, obviously.