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Recent content by Bear

  1. B

    Biggest Failure

    Um... have you got a source for those numbers which I'm guessing you just farted out?
  2. B

    Rides that have aged/changed drastically

    I'll agree with Colossus, but I think that Saw has become much more rough in a much shorter space of time! I would say Velocity, Kumali, and Mumbo Jumbo at Flamingoland have deteriorated extremely quickly.
  3. B

    The Perfect Traveling Coaster?

    I'd like to see B&M do a travelling version of their Batman rides. Like a modern version of the Intamin Euro Star.
  4. B

    Favourite first drop?

    Oh Magnum and Bullet were divine <3
  5. B

    CHUNDERSTORM - Travelling Vekoma shuttle

    After hours and hours and hours of nerding up on travelling coasters, I'm developing somewhat of a thing for them. The result, CHUNDERSTORM; the super-sized travelling Vekoma boomerang! Boasting two 180ft towers, a 90ft cobra roll and a 90ft loop, this beast is designed to be relocated from...
  6. B

    Rides that show potential to be insane but fall short?

    I used to give people a hard time who said it was rough, but the bottom of the main drop has become horrendous and you really have to brace for it! I think that one dodgy bit of track is duffing up the wheel clusters on the cars, because the rest of the ride is rough in a similar way moreso than...
  7. B

    Rides that show potential to be insane but fall short?

    I would have absolutely loved Saw if it wasn't so ridiculously painful. I found it a million times worse then even The Ultimate! A slightly more obscure one, but The Bullet at Flamingoland was massively neutered when it was overhauled before opening there. It used to have a much more powerful...
  8. B

    Dar's Attempts!

    A really solid first go, I've seen much worse from people who've had the software for months! The transition out of the turnaround is a little sharp, producing some yellow lateral Gs, but manoveurs involving swift banking changes are one of the more complex things to master when hand-building so...
  9. B

    Funky Hipster - Mega coaster with loop

    They sure can, that's what the Deceleration value is for on the lift settings.
  10. B

    Well, I never knew that!

    That looks just a tad claustrophobic :\
  11. B

    NoLimits Competition #4 Poll

    I was actually surprise at the amount of folk on here who prefer hand building!
  12. B

    NoLimits Competition #4 Poll

    I suggest you see a therapist! (Joking) I'm not bothered if tools are allowed, you can make the smoothest and most perfect track ever conceived but if the layout and supports (or other important details) are rubbish, a Newton'd or AHG'd track won't really make a difference.
  13. B

    Slowest Moving Line you have been in

    Mumbo Jumbo at Flamingoland. Maybe 100-150 people in the queue, waited 90 mins. I would moan a bit more but I'm afraid that's pretty typical!
  14. B

    F-15 - Travelling Schwarzkopf Shuttle

    It's set to 1G (or something like) all the way down, I think it just seems faster towards the end because you're thrown into a tight turn as opposed to having a little bit of straight track to allow the acceleration to finish doing it's thing.
  15. B

    F-15 - Travelling Schwarzkopf Shuttle

    Gaahhh that'll be how I worked it out then, disregard that figure as it's horribly inaccurate :lol: