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  • Working shifts part means I have the flexibility to go to parks midweek. Yet, I still manage to book the August bank holiday....

    Have made this mistake before and regretted it, hopefully will be better this year!
    Eurovision: Moldova, Ukraine, Germany and Finland got my vote. Finland best music, germany best performance, Moldova got the novelty vote
    Ukraine will win by a landslide, UK shouldn't do terribly. Perhaps not top 10 but much better than previous years.
    Moldova were awesome! 😁
    I'm 189cm tall. Just scraped through the height check for a ride with max height 190cm!
    Matt N
    Matt N
    Wow, that’s quite a low restriction! What ride was it?
    Axis at Adventure Island, Southend. Inverting spinning thing. Effectively a bigger version of Cyclonator at Paultons.

    Makes for the third time I've been checked for max height, and 3rd time I've got through. :)
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    Reactions: Matt N
    Been summoned for jury service at end of May. I hereby find all of you guilty on the count of facilitating procrastination....
    Can we try and convince the Netherlands to send "Troy, de Sensatie" to Eurovision?
    (For those wondering, This is the official name of the old ride music for Troy at Toverland)
    It'd be better than this year's nonsensical entry!
    Met up with a friend earlier today, got talking about future travel plans. Although nothing will happen for at least a year, makes me want to start planning....
    With basically everywhere in UK now shut, who'd have guessed 5 years ago that pizza delivery drivers would become a "key worker"?!

    I only started work as a Dominos delivery driver a few weeks ago as something temporary until something permanent comes along, now I'm one of few left working and busier than ever!
    Matt N
    Matt N
    At least you'll have a stable income flowing in throughout the crisis; you could save it all and then put it towards a nice park trip when we can travel again!
    That's the idea! Hopefully will be back travelling sooner rather than later...
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    Reactions: Matt N
    Ah, the satisfaction when my (hopefully) final draft of my dissertation is sat on 69 pages.....
    Was on exactly 16000 words but have added a few more since.
    Any large German fairs on in/near Cologne at end of August? Will be in that area at the time and want to visit a fair
    A couple of adult non-enthusiast friends of mine have a big apple cred i don't... it's not exactly local to home either...
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    Matt N
    Matt N
    Enthusiasts in the making, maybe?
    Doubt it, think they only rode it as holidaying nearby and it was there. They also rode the dodgems there for fun (This is Barmouth I'm referring to by the way in case anyones wondering)
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    Reactions: Matt N
    Interestingly, it appears Mellors have sold Ice Mountain! Unsure what that'll mean for Winter Wonderland this year if no Ice Mountain...
    Rode it today under it's new owner (Ryan Crow) with no Ice Mountain tent in sight.
    Just got back from my Spain trip. Madrid parks, Tibidabo and Portaventura are all fantastic, wish I was still there!
    Learnt today that the old Beastie from AT is now at Barry! Unknowingly rode it this afternoon until ride op told me when leaving the ride!
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