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My first trip report at beech bend park


Roller Poster
I know I talked a lot about going to kings island and beech bend, but I decided to go to beech bend because it is a lot closer to Nashville, it is cheaper, I need to get used to amusement park rides again (I have not been to an amusement park in a while before this), and the rides looked fun to me. I decided to go to the park on September 4th of 2016. I would have gone the week before, however I got lost in bowling green Kentucky and could not find the park (the signs are not clear about the roads and where the park is located). The reason I went on this date is because beech bend was offering a $10 off admission if you showed them something from Facebook. I thought this was very nice, and so I thanked the people at the front of the park for this.
I live in Nashville Tennessee, and the drive took me about a hour and twenty minutes. When I got to the park, it was about 11 AM central time. Even though the parking lot is grass, I thought that was an interesting feature to have at the park instead of a normal parking lot. After getting my entry fee taken care of, I went to the park to enter and receive a map (a small park yes, but the map is helpful for finding how to get from one ride to the next). I was thinking about what ride to ride first and I decided to ride vortex first. I did go to beech bend park alone, and I did have a small bag that would hold my phone, wallet, keys, and my map (this way I wouldn't lose them on the rides).
Vortex is a ride that is very similar to a fireball at a fair or carnival. Riders are secured by an over the shoulder harness, that is blue. You can hold on to the harness, handles on or beside each seat, or your friends hand. Before you can even attempt to pull down the harness on vortex, the ride operator told me to take a seat. The harness is not able to be pulled down until the ride operator pressed a button so that the harness will pull down and lock in place. The seat was comfortable, the harness was tight, and the harness was comfortable. On this ride, your feet (depending on your height) would touch the platform at the start. After all the harnesses were on, the floor lowers. When the floor lowers you can see the crank that lowers the platform. The ride starts out slow, with not many forces on the body. After two times of going slow and not going high, vortex then proceeded to speed up rapidly, both in height and speed. It was intense after that because of the amount of forces on the body. On my first ride, I didn't get the amount of forces I got on the second ride because on the second ride if you are looking straight down toward the lake in the center of the park while the ride is going high, the forces are insane on the body. After the ride stops, you can remove the harness from the body, and leave the ride. I decided to ride air race next.
Air race was my first ever on many levels. It was my first Zamperla ride, the first ride that I rode no handed (on the second third and fourth ride), and the first ride that I love the most out of all the rides I have ridden in my life. Before getting on air race, the ride operator explained that you need to wear shoes of some kind because the deck is hot, not to pull down the bar (yes I know, he said bar not harness), and to not sit in car number 7 as that car will not go upside down (I know typical that something broke down at beech bend). After leaving my belongings on the platform, I always sat in car number 6 for all my rides on air race. I always sat alone on air race in the left seat. Once the harness lowered, it automatically tightened and I buckled the buckle in front of the harness. The seat was comfortable, the harness was comfortable, and the harness is the tightest harness on any ride I have ridden in my life (does power surge have a similar effect with the harness). The ride starts by slowly spinning around the platform with not going upside down. It then speeds up gaining momentum to go upside down, the goes upside down in one direction for about a minute before switching directions. I loved riding this ride. A moment in the ride where it felt awesome was when the ride changed direction when I was directly above the ground, and I felt so many forces on my body. This happened on my third ride of air race. After air race goes through its cycle, it slows down and comes to a halt. I then unbuckled the buckle and once the harness was up, I grabbed my things, and got off the platform. Air race was my favorite ride at the park by far. I then decided to ride a ride that I have never ridden before. I asked about it, was nervous about riding it, but I did ride it. The ride? Zero G aka the drop tower ride at beech bend.
I have never liked the look of drop tower rides because of how fast they drop. There was no line for zero g that day, as with most of the rides at the park, so I figured I would ride it. I dropped my belongings near where the ride operator controls the ride, and then took a seat facing away from the park, looking toward the country side. I then pulled down the harness and buckled it into the strap. The seat was comfy, the harness was comfy, and the harness was somewhat tight. I was extremely nervous about riding this, but I persevered and rode it. Your feet dangle on this ride, even before the ride starts (I am about 5 feet 8 inches and my feet still dangled before the ride started). When the ride started to lift, that is when I got very nervous. I did not panic knowing that I would be safe inside the harness. You know the ride is about to drop when you can't hear the ride moving anymore. This drop tower ride is 140 feet tall. When the ride drops, I felt like I lost all my body weight, hence the name zero g. It was terrifying, but I think I can try again at another park. My advice? Hold on for dear life to the harness if you are scared. I only rode zero g once, because of how much I was terrified but in the end, I feel ready for slingshot or sky flyer. I would recommend riding a drop tower ride at least once, just so you can say you did. I then rode the only ride coaster people love. Kentucky rumbler. I don't have much to say about this, other than it is better than thunder mountain at Disney world because of the speed and forces on the body. I am not the biggest fan of wooden roller coasters, but I rode the Kentucky rumbler to get the coaster credit.
After riding rumbler, I rode air race another time, then vortex again, and then air race twice back to back. After that I decided to head home. Before I went home, I bought a yellow Gatorade (my favorite flavor of Gatorade). I thanked everybody at the park that I could, and I headed home. I loved visiting this park and plan on going to beech bend next year as well in 2017. I would recommend beech bend to anyone nervous about amusement parks not to extreme coaster lovers. I loved this park and the photos are below.



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Glad you finally got there and had a great time.

Thanks for the detailed report.
Wow, what a detailed report! Serves as a great guide for people like me who don't know much about the park. Thanks for posting :)