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What coaster would you ride all day?

Dragon Khan! I would if I could handle it all day, last year I managed 18 in a row in the space of 1-2 hours and then hit nausea :)
Waffleman said:
wabbit42 said:
Air, Thirteen, Griffon, Apollo's Chariot
I'm not gonna diss it or anything but there are so many coasters I'd rather do over and over again, Thirteen, to me, gets quite boring afters the fourth/fifth ride of the day.

I see your point but for me it is the only ride in the park offering any airtime and the backwards part is my fav.
I have finally found another coaster that is as smooth and awesome as Millennium Force... SFNE's Bizarro. I could probably ride Phoenix all day as well, but its layout would probably get really old. I would still say Millennium Force is the most reridable, though.
Because inverting all day would probably kill me

because inverting all day may kill me, :wink: i am gonna choose a nice thrilling coaster that can be leisurely at times and yet provides a medium thrill.... so for me it's gonna be Oblivion at Alton Towers. :twisted: LOVES IT!!
Nemesis @ Alton Towers,

Have done 26 straight last year, got a realy bad headache after the 25th on the back, but i would easily do it til' i blacked out. i think the Guinnnes reccord is like 36 hours on the Big One @ Blackpool Would love to try and beat that on Nemmie.
Definitely Stealth all day long. That would be a dream come true if I could do that :) .
Patriot - Super smooth, fun & re-ridable beyond belief. The most surprising coaster of the Shuckin' Escapade Live so far.
front row on Fahrenheit in Hershey Park. it's fun and smooth
A new one to add to the list.. Patriot. That ride is butter smooth and, well, damn good too.