I had a great time, thanks to everybody that organised it!
Nah, I don't do lame trip reports like some people.
So, first off we have Lightwater Valley.
Lovely weather and nice, manageable sized group. w00t! The party bags went down well (and Mike thanked me for it!

) and everybody was sugaring themselves up for a hot day ahead.
Was also a good time to meet Andy and Nic who effortlessly gelled with the group! Sometimes you get a few n00bs attend a Live and they stand on the sidelines for a bit. That's all fair and good but I'm convinced n00bs have a better time if they throw themselves into it.
First stop was were the two horrible spin and spew rides near the entrance. As always, I sat these out using the excuse that I was "going to film". More like I didn't want to be sick (that was going to happen the next day!).
I filmed a few minutes on these rides but soon got bored when...and I hope furie caught me saying that Rabould's videos are crap on camera :wink: Notable moments here was Will doing the Walk of Shame from Eagles Claw and then being a berk by getting his arm caught in the restraint thus holding everybody up! LOL! Also Pierre had the pleasure of sitting next to Raybould for a while longer when their restraint wouldn't open on that spiny-wasp ride.
A short walk to the spinning mouse coaster. Again, I sat out and filmed members on ride because I don't do spiny.
Walking over to t'Ultimate, I put the camcorder in the bag as I couldn't be arsed to film anymore. The queue went by quick quickly with plenty of bubble-action, including me and Hoyer queering up our bubbles and me and Sam checking out the chavvy birds, or "jailbait" as Sam refers to them.
Sam and I managed back row (much to Joey's disappointment

) on t'Ultimate. I had a bit of trouble getting my seatbelt up and was a tad concerned when the older male ride op did it for me and winked at me as he walked away! I tried to blow bubbles on the ride but realised it was a fruitless exercise so I dumped them to endure the ride. Surprisingly, it didn't batter me that much and I had a good ride.
I couldn't be arsed with the Rat so I sat under a tree with Rach (
not K-I-S-S-I-N-G!) and had an ice lolly and a tab, which ended up blistering my hand. (I just popped it funnily enough.)
Rach and I got bored of the tree and went to faff about on the Skate Karts. As people left the Rat, they joined us on the Karts and most people managed several goes on them. I was awesome as always, even the ride op (who I thought was five-pints-later fit) said I was an expert. Yeah! I had to LOL at the ride op making Raybould walk round the track and not over the grass - she was joking. Oh how we laughed!
Lunch time! Had a jacket spud with Big John, Tanya, Mark and Marc. Jordan and Ali joined us a tad later on and we spent a while talking about stuff

p) and about theme parks.
With twenty mins until end of lunch, we went and chilled by the Jizzly Bear waiting for others to arrive. Time was spent messing around with balloons, hooters, getting an earful of water from Joey's ring (ooo err!) and yeah, the bubbles. Best bit was when furie steamrolled Lain! LMAO!!
Again, I sat out the coaster and just sat around - cleaning up mainly! - and messing about.
Off to the pirate ship next. Again, I sat out on the grass with a large group of CFers. Sat around talking to Nic mainly and hitting Will with an inflatable hammer.
Then we had a great faff. When I say faff, I don't mean faff-faff, but a play-faff. This mainly involved me kneeling behind people as Big John pushed them over. LOL! John and I also tried to rugby tackle Raybould. Yes, we're bullies, but we mean no harm! And we can take a joke back, ya'know!
Walking towards the kiddie coaster, I playfully twatted Mike with a hammer and he went PSYCO! I thought he was going to kill me. Mike, you really need to take a chill pill and not get stressed so quickly!
Guess what?! I didn't ride the kiddie coaster and just hung around discussing sexual things out of earshot of the younger ones. I was also concerned that my wee was bright yellow despite drinking water by the river-load. Group photo was next..not very eventful but a must!
Joey, Lain, Will, Pierre, The Rat, Big John, Nic, Sam and I went to the pub during the drop tower thing to have a refreshing drink. We spent the time eating Sam's nachos.
Water slides next up! God, it was warm up those steps! I rode with The Rat on the steep drop. Waiting for others I managed to score a free ice lolly due to a distracted shop bloke...I had to pay for the water though! Slayed's hat fell in the water which I found funny although I was jealous when I realised how refreshing it must have been!
Ladybird was up next. Got chatting to the ride op, who is "rollergeek" on CF. He gave up four circuits! LOL! Cheers!
Another go on t'Ultimate was next. I didn't want to queue in the sweat smelling greenhouse so I bag ladyed. I glad I did as I managed to perv on some lovely ladies wearing tartan skirts! Mike joined me and I got chatting to him. We sorted out the hammer incident, lol, and talked about life in general. Pierre and Martyn tried to get me to touch his leg. There are some things I'd do for a cheap laugh but I was scared Mike might go PSYCO again!
The day was polished off, as always, with the Karts. Again, I ruled.
And that was it!
Had a brilliant day out, spoke to everybody that I wanted to and felt good all day.
My thanks go to Jean and Earnie (pass that on, John!) for the floor space, Rob for organising, Slayed for the badges and, of course to everybody that turned up.
I had a great day. Thanks!
(Flamingoland report later!)