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The Preview Thread


Hyper Poster
Not sure if it's been done before however this thread is for posting Previews and teasers of what your working on rather than making a thread for it straight away.
Here's something I have been working on for a new park


Now you're going to cause trouble... Shush Loefet! Shhhhhhh... :lol:
Good job alexr, that park looks awesomely realistic. You have to release more soon, or atleast tell us what the B&M track on the left of the bottom pic is for.
Your paths are a little odd ;) they go from one tile to two tiles, maybe look into some CS that includes Diagonal paths that will fix the issue! other than that it looks great :)
I think it looks great. Really nicely laid out, great ride layout sand well presented (both in terms of scenery and the way it's been "photographed". So yeah, more please.

p.s. Loefet, go and talk to Hixee ;)
I don't really care since its not in the NL part of the forum :)
I do on the other hand think it's an nifty idea until it get's out of hand with too much discussions and personal attacks...
On the other hand a topic per user/project is better in that sense that it's easier to keep track on comments that would be important for your ongoing project.

Posting on the go...
It seems to work on other forums quite well and it's more for projects your not sure to continue and to get feedback on one thing and don't need a thread.
Also Thanks for the comments on the Photo's there park of a park I have started working on however won't be ready to show fully for a while yet. I still need to work on paths supports, rides ect.
The Track in the Photo isn't B&M however it's Schwarzkopf, It's sort of a terrain coaster however it still needs a lot of work.


For the Park I have Also started work on a Invert.

I will start posting about the park soon at some point however it's no ware near finished at the moment.

Anyway, anyone else want to share anything there working on?
Your terrain coaster looks great, although you should add more trees.
And what website do you use for all your CS?
A lot, The Best way to start is to download Net On 2 which basically installs everything for you. Then Shy Guys World which has a site devoted to CS. Also most of the Flat rides and Track Rides are From Advanced Rides and Revolutionary Rides.
As for the Terrain Coaster I shall add some more trees however not to many as they create to Much Lag. Also I have finished work on My Inverted coaster sort of and I'm working on making it look good at night.

I shall make a thread soon when I have finished building it.