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The 5 most bizarre amusement parks?

Mostly agree. Hersheypark doesn't come across as bizarre, but it's still on my wishlist to visit.

Glad that Bon-Bon Land is in there. The toilet humour has been toned down since Parques Reunidos took it over, and almost all the self operated stuff is now gone and replaced by more permanent rides, but the Dog Fart coaster is still there.
Hershey isn't bizarre by any means, except for some spotty chocolate themes.. which is nothing compared to Disney for example.
SnooSnoo said:
Hershey isn't bizarre by any means, except for some spotty chocolate themes.. which is nothing compared to Disney for example.

I agree with this and everything else on the list. That first ne is just slightly weird though I must say. :wink:
I'd agree with almost every one, but say what everyone else is saying. Hersheypark bizarre? No, I don't think so. Although I've never been it doesn't look out of the ordinary to me.
Yah the list seems pretty good, aside from Hershey which I really have no idea how that got on there. But yah, Bon Bon Land always looked quirky and weird, as well as those sex themed parks..
I knew I'd see Bon-Bon land in the topic as soon as I read the title. Never been to Hersheypark, but I've never heard of it being weird at all.
Hershey makes chocolate, not theme parks!

Dickens World doesn't seem too weird either.
I think the proper title of that article would be:

The 5 most bizarre amusement parks outside Japan.

Seriously, most trip reports I've read from over there left me a bit speechless.
Oh God... Dickens World? That place freaks me out. I've never been inside, but the figures above the door, and the ones they had in the cinema next-door over xmas are horrendous. Working for a tourist attraction just up the road, Dad got sent loads of stuff about this when it opened. He also got sent loads of reviews saying how **** it is.

There's an awesome Chinese behind it though.

PS. Oh, and... "Charles Dickenson"? Who writes this crap?
Blackgang Chine should be on that list. It's slowly disappering into the sea - you can see the old park on the cliff all fenced off - and you spend more time walking around than you do riding.
^Wouldn't surprise me if they re-themed Alton Towers into a sex theme park; they wouldn't need to do much. Rita is already a whore with the visitors and Oblivion; well, change of name could be proposed. I wouldn't be surprised if Thorpe was re-named "Chav land" either, Saw in it.

I also disagree with Hershey and Dickens' World; they're pretty normal in British standards. Bon Bon should be number one personally, because that is just disturbing, I find a theme park themed around Dog **** more bizarre than one themed around sex as I'm concerned. :?