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SAW: A New Level of Fear!


CF Legend
Not got a name for this atm but it's currently code-named 'Saw Explore'. Any ideas for a name?

Anyway I'll start you off with a nice shot of some boobies. :)

Please remember that this image does not resemble the final ride as the textures are not finished and there's still a lot of modelling to do. Even in the scene you see here.
No....Remember, younger kids/teens on forums are annoying little ****s for the most part.
Too young for tits = too young for forums.
^I guess I'll leave then........... :wink:

But I expected another SAW type thing from Ollie.
So what's so wrong with a naked body??
It's as natural as it get. I mean everyone have seen a naked boob before, and most have fondled one :) even if you cant remember it...

I see that you have decided to use a fitting torture device for the coaster car :D
Haha I should call this Controversy: The Ride. :p
And I'm going to theme the cars, but to what? You'll have to wait and see. ;)
Well it could be worse. It could be totally detailed and have hair and all these other things people would complain about...... :wink:

But I'll keep an eye on this looks good.
I can add extra detail if you want. :p
Still got to sort those textures out though as they're **** and the wrong ones as I just duplicated a wall over lol.
Remember to "fill in the gaps", so that it looks good from all angles. That was the one flaw of your ghost train.

Other than that, looks good!
^Yeah I'm doing that this time don't worry. Should be easier on this one as the layout isn't as complex as the ghost train as that was very compact and wrapping around itself.

Pokemaniac said:
Other than that, looks good!
Is that the boobs or the ride? ;)
^Neither. I meant the chalk-ish stripes on the floor behind the coaster track to the right.