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Men...Do You...?

Drip Dry or Wipe Clean?

  • Drip Dry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wipe Clean

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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...Use loo roll or not when you go for a wee?

Women always ask this, and I always answer honestly.

I do not use loo roll...I don't see the point.
In an A-Kid "don't see the point of wasting my time if I don't need to" way - I used to drip dry, but...

There's nothing more embarrassing than a wet splotch on your undies, especially when you're going to bed with a young lady/man.

"I've seen the fact you didn't wipe, so if you think I'm going anywhere near something that tastes of a fish dinner with off vinegar - you must be joking!" kind of reaction.

Over the years, I've just got into the habit really. I don't always (such as urinals - I'm not then dashing into the cubicle with my-little_furie flapping around in the wind like some kind of mad toilet obsessed ape), but pretty much spending every day for the last 17 years or so being seen by somebody else in little of the way of clothes post-toilet has just got me into the habit.

It's also good on those occasions where you have to wear your undies two days running (happens to the best of us). You know that you're not going to smell like an old folks home has set up in your crotch area by the second lunch time :)
Drip Dry. I give it a good flink, then a quick squeeze to empty the tube, the another quick flink. Not let me down yet.

Was that too much?
Hixee said:
Drip Dry. I give it a good flink, then a quick squeeze to empty the tube, the another quick flink. Not let me down yet.

Was that too much?

Oo no Hixee.. give more details.
I tend to pull back my foreskin and shake it about a bit until dry, before slipping my japs eye neatly back in it's shell and zipping my my flies.

In the now unfortunately rare event of spending time with one of these lady/man that furie went on about, I always give my nob a quick wash in the sink before gently resting it between the lady/man's lips.

Well, you did ask.
There are young kids on here so I cannot reveal at the present time............

I flick :wink:
Am I the only one here that's raced against the flush? Where you flush it when you're halfway through a piss and try to finish before it finishes flushing. :lol: