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Liverpool PTR 15/12/10


CF Legend
Hello all,

Myself and Maddie (and a few non-Cf members) met up in Liverpool City Centre for a sight seeing day. Well,w e say sight seeing, it compromised of us seeing some shops, the FIT staircase and riding both The North Star and The LIverpool Echo Arena Wheel.

Images below;

Well, I met Maddie around 12am and we decided to head over to the Liverpool One area, the best shopping district of the city, also where The North Star was! On the way we found this little fellow: (has anybody seen it in their city because there was a few more..)

Anyway, here's The North Star.. Isn't it pretty..

Here's the face Maddie pulls once she saw it:

Liverpool One's Christmas Decorations.

That would be me and Maddie.

After a very boring ride on The North Star, we headed over to the Liverpool Echo Arena Eye. I have to say, the views from the top are pretty great. We really liked this!


Maddie liked the wheel.

Mark also liked the wheel.

The gayest drink in the world, as Maddie will agree, "The Snow Queen". I have to say, it was fit. Vodka Revolution are great at cocktails. Vodka, Mint Baileys and some other ****. It went down nicely..

This is the face of someone who is feeling guilty after drinking this..

Maddie gave it to a statue. It's true, I saw her. It was wrong.

Anyway. Points of the trip..

Had a Kangaroo Burger. It was fit!
Had a great day.
Bought a cuddly new grey hoodie. It's the sex.
Finally getting a Star Flyer credit.
Maddie making the whole of Liverpool **** themselves after hearing her screaming so loud as a tester scream. It echoed through to the Liver Buildings. Hilarious!
Seeing great views of the city I love.
Showing Maddie that Liverpool is actually a lot better then it get's credited - She did love it. Ah huh!

My camera being a tool.
Idiots walking in front of me!
The North Star being exciting for like 5 seconds at the top, leaving the other 4 minutes 55 seconds completely BORING!
Freezing my face off on The North Star, I have never been THAT cold in my entire life!

The rest of the images are here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=337009&id=791076101&l=ba3c1c8387
You forgot to add the absence of Jade to the good section. :p
And then me not being there to the bad one lol. Glad you all had fun though. I want to try Kangaroo but will probably never get the chance. :(
I know. We missed you Oliver. Well, I know I did. You will have to come to Liverpool via Chester some time!
Kangaroo tastes so nice!
So they sell it all year round? It's not just a Christmas market thing?
I hear Jason made Lous day as well haha :p
No. I meant we should just go for a day out in Liverpool. They have a few restaurants that sell things like this though!
Yeah he did, he wrote her the card, it was actually pretty funny what he wrote in it!
What was the message inside? FB message me it if it's rude or can't be said here. :p
I need to take Maddie to the Beatles Museum some time next year so we can make that into a day trip or something and include some clubs and bars at night.
Can you guys just have a threesome already so this triangle of sexual tension can disperse.