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Learning to like a ride


Hyper Poster
Ok, this probably sounds a little daft, but it had me wondering. The first time I went on Oblivion at Alton Towers, I hated it. I didn't enjoy the feeling of dropping vertically into a hole, or the suspense, as the car travelled up the lift hill.

I've forced myself on this ride over time, and now admit that it's my favourite coaster in the park. I'll happily do Oblivion 10 times in one visit.

Any similar stories?
This is going to sound sarcastic... but generally, don't quite a lot of people get anxious when going on something they think they won't enjoy, then once the anxiety is gone, learn to enjoy it? This is pretty much the same for anything, unless its a genuine fear, but even then the body and mind can come around to the idea of most things (ahha... so many thoughts right now).
I swear i started a topic called "A newfound appreciation" which was quite similar. I'm sure one of my beloved goons will find and link it.

I find I like a ride the more times I ride it. When I have time to appreciate what's going on around me, ie: when the initial excitement and anxiety drains away.
Divvie_Dave - I understand what you're saying.

Usually when you conquer the fear of a thrill ride, you love it straight away, but some rides just need to grow on you over time :)

Apologies Ian, I wasn't aware of an existing thread :oops:
I can't say that has happened to me tbh. The opposite has happened quite a bit.. as Millennium Force was my #1 for quite a bit and it has dropped off the face of the Earth.. along with a number from my noobie days.. etc etc.
I know where you're coming from, but I've never hated a coaster the first time I've rode it. Alright, yeah, I have been scared/apprehensive, on Oblivion in fact, but never hated it. I suppose it's just the fear of the unknown and how it's going to fell. Once you start doing something over and over again, you're body (and mind) becomes immune/numbed out to that certain situation.
I'm the same as lofty. I've never really had a coaster grow on me (other than the exception below), but they have faded away. Millennium was the most awesome thing the first time I rode it, but it sort of has fallen down the list. And not because I have been on better rides since, it just wasn't as fun. Same deal with Maverick, though it barely fell. First time was awesome (though I bumped my knee and now it has a weird twitch), all the rest were a bit less.

I think the only coaster that ever grew on me is Wildcat at Hershey. The first time I went on it I was a beat freaked, and my restraint was too tight and I was being tossed around like, well, something that gets tossed around (pardon the lack of a metaphor, it's the morning). Since then I've appreciated it more and more.

Wow I use parentheses too much.
Ian said:
I swear i started a topic called "A newfound appreciation" which was quite similar. I'm sure one of my beloved goons will find and link it.
At your service :)
I didn't care for Batman the Ride when I first rode it. Now I love it. I don't know what I was thinking!
Actually I think Nemesis is the only one that springs to mind. The first ride I was pretty underwhelmed, and didn't really think it was worthy of my top ten, but then I rode it again and I was blown away. It sits at number six now, I think!

But other than that, I can't think.
Mmm, I guess I could say that happened with Beast. My first ride was meh, but after more rides (especially epic rides at night and through mist after a storm), I have fallen in love with the coaster.

I would say I forced myself to love the ride. I just had a bad first ride, but knew the ride was epic, so I rode it again until I could have that experience.
Snoo said:
I can't say that has happened to me tbh.
How about Cornballer? Admittedly it only took one re-ride to change your mind, but you certainly weren't impressed after that first go round.
Well I believe I was too scared of Oblivion to go on it when I was 13 years old in 1998. It was either that or I wasn't big enough (unlikely at that age) or the queue was offputting...I went on it for the first time last year (having not bene to the park again since Oblivion opened) and I was hyperventalating after the first go, but it was immensely enjoyable.

I would like to think that all those that bitched about Thirteen when it opened, have now grown to apreciate the ride's atmosphere and enjoy it for what it is. I liked it from the start anyway :lol:
I remember being scared of black buccanneer for a while, so I forced myself onto it on the middle seat, and every ride worked my way towards the back.
I remember going on Shriekra at Busch Gardens. It scared the crap out of me. Icame of white as a ghost and shaking like a leaf. I said i would never be able to do it more than once a trip. Five years later, 3 trips to Alton Towers, 20 goes on Oblivion. I went again on a very quiet day and stayed on for 4 goes.