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Leap the Dips and Knoebels

Youngster Joey

Strata Poster
Hi. I was wondering if LtD or any of the coasters at Knoebels close easily with the threat of rain. I'm really hoping to not be spited by them, but the forecast looks like it could very well Thunderstorm
Leap the Dips is at Lakemont Park. Not Knoebels.

As for the weather, well... they'll just be similar to most older coasters I would have though. I can't comment specifically though.
Yes. I know they are at separate parks. I'm going to both on Thursday. Just want to know the chace of getting spited. Oh well
Ah, I read that to mean you thought it was a Knoebels. Sorry! :p
I've ridden Phoenix and Twister in the rain.. so I don't think they will spite us. As for LTD.. no idea.