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LC12 real name predictions

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Roller Poster
As we all know, LC12 is just a code name, what about the real name?
You can type up your predictions/ideas of what you'd like the ride to be called. Apocalypse/2012 would suit the theming, but you can get more creative if you want.
I think something like End-Coaster would be cool, subtle, but hits you in the face like an ashcloud from Yellowstone! :p
Kebab said:
I think something like End-Coaster would be cool, subtle

End-Coaster would be amazing just for the amount of puns it could bring with it.

"I rode an end once... oh, different thing"
I think it'll have an obscure name. Possibly an abbreviation for something. A codename for a mission/operation/investigation/project. Like, just for a crap example, A-2012 or something. Possibly with the letter X in it for good measure.
Joey said:
I think it'll have an obscure name. Possibly an abbreviation for something. A codename for a mission/operation/investigation/project. Like, just for a crap example, A-2012 or something. Possibly with the letter X in it for good measure.
Thorpe Park are obviously going to give it a short snappy name which chavs are going to remember like stealth or saw
Eh, fair point. I still think obscure abbreviation. Maybe an real word/name that is an abbreviation for something related to the theme.
Based on the theme, I'd guess Apocolypse, 2012, End of the World, or Doomsday. However, I'd call it "Dear God, We're All Going to Die" if I could since I love silly over the top names.
They could always just go for the Sonic The Hedgehog '06 approach and call it "END OF THE WORLD".

...Or not.

I dunno. I reckon it'll be something really cliché and uninventive. I do quite like the idea of Doomsday though. Partly because it's the name of the final level on Sonic And Knuckles.
Please don't mention the End of the World level ever again. That may have been the single worst level in any video game I've ever played. Now that you've brought that up, I do NOT want this ride called End of the World for that reason only.
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