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Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Pants off for Val (Day 3)


Most Obnoxious Member 2016
So because my current girlfriend Emily now has a boyfriend with easy access to four of his local parks, he decided to be a good boyfriend and wait for her to visit those four local parks with his girlfriend. She had never been to three of them (KK, HW, and KI) and at the last one (CP) she had been spited on coasters as well as needed the new one. On my end, two of these local parks had gotten new rides for 2016, so I thought we'd share the experience of riding them together. The first was a defunct CCI coaster that had been RMCed into an airtime machine, the other was a dive coaster that was billed as the king of my favorite park ever.

Day 1

Emily and I got up stupid early to get on the road to Kentucky Kingdom for the first day of the trip, hitting up the two rival parks in the Western Kentucky area. After showing her how bad Cincinnati drivers are, we got to Louisville just in time for park opening and opened the car doors about five minutes after park gates opened.

In line to get our tickets with our out-of-state discounts (which is the best deal ever and comes with free all day drinks to my surprise), one of the guys in line I noticed was wearing a Son of Beast shirt. I commented on it and he noticed Emily. I asked her if he knew of someone who had ridden Skyrush a ton of times, he said yes, I told him, "she's right in front of you." They shook hands and he said he was a huge fan. Once we had our tickets we headed in and told them we'd see them at Chaser. We booked it to the back of the park where the latest and greatest from the drawing board of Alan Schilke, and when I saw the bright red track held up by menacing steel girders, I FLIPPED and hardcore fangirled as Emily just accepted the normal behavior that both of us engage in and kept walking. Finally, we walked into the dead concrete plaza, met up with another enthusiast Emily knew named Brendan (another marathoner, he marathons Banshee), and got in line.


Here we go!


OMG!!!! This coaster is awesome! You start the ride with a gorgeous view of Louisville's skyline before going into this weird twisting drop that somehow doesn't feel inversion-like. From there, the first ejector hill is extremely powerful and really rips you from your seat. The rest of the ride is pretty straightforward: ejector where there's a hill, floater where there's a twisting element, positive force between them. The corked roll had a resultant vector of literally zero about my centroid for two seconds as my world spun around me. But the finale of the ride, the Phoenix-style double up-double down 1-2-3-4 punch is amazing. Each bit varies in intensity but you get slung from your seat repeatedly with more airtime than I would have bet on. After the wonky helix, the train banks heavily in one last-ditch effort to prove it's drunk, before turning into the brakes. All in all, wonderful coaster. It's just so twisty and weird and packs in so much ejector that I can't help but say it gets the bronze spot in my count. The weird drunk twisting, the powerful ejector, and just relentless intense maneuver after violent maneuver after odd maneuver nature of this coaster won me over.


RMC nerd shot

From there, we went to T3, as in, that coaster at the back of the park we just don't talk about because reasons. There, Emily, the Queen of Skyrush, spent the entire ride screaming about how badly it had stapled her and how much her thighs hurt. 1206 laps on Thighcrush? Nothing. 1 lap on a Kumbak-modified SLC? I had to massage her back that night it beat her up so badly. And with how you can see the cars shake and buck around in front of you, that's to be expected. However, as much as it left her in pain, she's with me that Flight Deck is worse.

Afterwards it was onto Thunder Run. I love this coaster, it's in my wooden top 20, but I hate how my fat arse can't ride this wooden airtime machine without the stupid seat divider butchering my hip.


After that we went to the gift shop and I got this cool Storm Chaser shirt, and Emily got a lanyard to start her new lanyard collection. Brendan was nice enough to give us his pass for the discount and the lady was nice enough to take our picture in front of this really cool ACE mural.

After that, the unthinkable happened. Emily had entered the park with 95 creds with plans to make Lightning Run, a coaster that had been hyped to no end to her due to her love of Skyrush, her 100th. However, when we got to Roller Skater, we were told it was down for the day. Therefore, we headed back over the bridge with tears in our eyes, still excited for Lightning Run.


After dealing with the **** morons in the station and the **** morons that decided to put it on one train ops, Brendan, Emily and I got on Lightning Run! I like this coaster a lot, don't get me wrong, but I always thought its fanboys were a tad delusional. And according to Emily, I'm right. She said it didn't give the insane ejector she wanted, and it let her down a bit.


So having been spited of a KK credit, Emily and I headed out to the parking lot for the second park of the day, Holiday World! After the easy hour drive for which Emily was tortured at 99 credits, we got to Holiday World & Splashin' Safari!


Em and I made a bee-line for Voyage for my first time with it not being my #1 since I last rode it. We got in the back seat and let her rip. To my delight, the MCBR wasn't as buzzkilling as it was on HWN last year. Emily loved it and it shot right to her #3 wood spot. Said she enjoyed the power and aggression it had but it was missing that ejector air she loves so much, hence why it didn't beat Toro or Outlaw.


Afterwards, Emily and I headed up the hill for a few laps on Thunderbird. Despite her constantly going on about "ew B&M" and the idiotic "boring & mild" card, she was excited for this ride with how much she liked GateKeeper despite wishing it had better pacing. Getting in line, she stated the same thing I think about how it has a Herschend vibe to it. But she ended up loving this coaster, and we rode in every corner of it. However, her favorite seat ended up being mine; front left outside.

From there it was over to Legend Reborn for us to check out how their little renovation ended up turning out. For starters, it's way nicer with the little bit of banking they added. However, my main problem with the ride still stands: that **** AWFUL helix. But the rest was good, and the reprofiling GCI did actually added airtime to the ride.

Raven was next. I was going on and on to Emily about how we HAD to ride in the infamous death seat. Once on the lift hill, I explained to her why it was called the death seat, and once we rode, she understood! Both of us loved this coaster, but I think I love it a bit more than she does.

Once this was all said and done, Emily and I went over to Holidog's Funtown to CreWho Howler. Which was just another one and done kiddie cred, though we did have to put up with the horrendous music.

From there, we decided to go eat at Plymouth Rock Cafe. She got the side dish plate and I got some fried chicken and we sat down and ate when I realized something; I forgot my phone in the car and it was probably still up on my GPS mount! I finished and made a bee-line back for it when luckily, I discovered that it hadn't been stolen. I grabed it and ran back into the park.

Next up was the moment of the trip that had been wildly teased since we thought Ben would come along (though CP scheduled him those days so he spent them trapped on an island)...


Emily and I both sat down in less busy Voyage rows and went to town. Upon sitting down, this other enthusiast asked Emily if she was Emily from Skyrush that he had on her Facebook. So the three of us marathoned it into infinity, with her not feeling it at all and me working up a pounding headache. However, around park closing, I decided to be a good boyfriend and let her have it, and skipped a lap to go buy the on-ride photo to replace the one of my stupid ex and I. Emily walked off, pissed because she just barely missed a zen ride on it, and we headed back to the parking lot.

As usual, the drive back from Holiday World to Dayton was absolutely brutal but my parents were awesome and had lasagna and onion soup ready for us when we got home. We ate over a Corona and went to bed, anxious to go to Kings Island the next day.
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

Nice report! I'm quite sad I went to KK the year before RMC came to town. I also got spited by the two Vekomas, so it was bittersweet. Can't wait to see how Emily likes KI!
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

^Yeah, as well as a retrack and a bit of reprofiling I think. They still need to fix that godforsaken unbanked helix. </3
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

It looks like Jarrett pretty much covered everything here's a few extra :)

I loved Storm Chaser! Especially in the front; it had more ejector airtime than I expected. I'm still debating where exactly to rank it, but it's between #2 and #4 steel! It makes me even more excited to ride Wicked Cyclone in July!!

Lightning Run was kinda...underwhelming. A good ride, but I was hoping for more. It's ranks above Millennium Force, but below Magnum. The airtime pops are great, but I was hoping for more sustained ejector.

T3...Jeezus hell, I've done 1,206 laps on Skyrush, and 135 of those in a single day, and none of those rides crushed my thighs as much as T3 did, ow!

Thunder Run was better than expected, I hardly knew anything about that ride before going, and it pleasantly surprised me.

Thunderbird was also better than expected, I loved front-left!! I'm not a huge fan of the B&M Hypers/Gigas, but I do love their Flyers and Inverts. Thunderbird was actually not quite as Boring & Mild as expected, it's definitely one of my favourite B&Ms.

Voyage slid in to my #3 wood spot, after El Toro and Outlaw Run. Excellent intensity, aggression and length, but didn't have ejector airtime which is a key element I look for in a coaster. But I managed to grab 20 laps before park closing!! The ops were surprised at "how many times" I was riding it...but I explained I'm no stranger to coaster marathoning, and 20 laps in a day is minimal for me, haha.

The Raven and The Legend were good too, I think I preferred The Raven more tho; more ejector air.

Overall, it was a great day!! Got to spend it with Jarrett, and also meet up with a few other coaster friends along the way. Jarrett mentioned it already, but yeah...it was super cool to get recognized at parks I've never even been to before. :)
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

Fun trip! This has actually got me thinking to do a trip with these four parks in the near future. I've always thought of going back to Ohio some point for Cedar Point and hit up Kings Island, but I didn't realize that KI, KK, and HW are reasonably close to each other. So yeah, I might actually do those soon, got me excited.
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

Sounds like you guys had a good trip! Glad to hear you both loved Storm Chaser, especially after Jarrett's initial dislike of it. :p

We'll be doing almost exactly the same day (KK then HW) on the USA Live in a few weeks, so it's good to know that it works. :D
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

Jarrett said:
I like this coaster a lot, don't get me wrong, but I always thought its fanboys were a tad delusional.

Thank you for referencing me, Jarrett. I always love it when I have cameos in your trip reports in the form of passive aggressive snide comments.
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

^ No, I don't really think so. It's a generalized statement not directed at anyone. Same as saying "Cedar Point fanboys are the worst", and I not taking offense to it.

Glad to hear you guys had a good trip. Looking forward to catching Storm Chaser myself at some point this summer.
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

I was a bit dubious about Storm Chaser's 1-2-3-4 so it's great to read it delivers great airtime. This ride looks really weird in a good way!

Nice report. Sounds you had a great time :)
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

Great report as always Jarrett! After hearing what everyone is thinking about Storm Chaser, I'm quite excited to ride it very soon!
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Chase Credit 100 (Day

Sanchezmran said:
Fun trip! This has actually got me thinking to do a trip with these four parks in the near future. I've always thought of going back to Ohio some point for Cedar Point and hit up Kings Island, but I didn't realize that KI, KK, and HW are reasonably close to each other. So yeah, I might actually do those soon, got me excited.
Thanks! It's a ton of fun and there are some great parks and creds along my part of the Ohio River, definitely do it! Hit up Camden on the way there or back if you're going that direction.

Hixee said:
Sounds like you guys had a good trip! Glad to hear you both loved Storm Chaser, especially after Jarrett's initial dislike of it. :p

We'll be doing almost exactly the same day (KK then HW) on the USA Live in a few weeks, so it's good to know that it works. :D
It's totally possible, both parks are great but not all day. But both in the same day should give you the full experience for both, especially if it's dead like it was for us.

Hyde said:
^ No, I don't really think so. It's a generalized statement not directed at anyone. Same as saying "Cedar Point fanboys are the worst", and I not taking offense to it.

Glad to hear you guys had a good trip. Looking forward to catching Storm Chaser myself at some point this summer.
Hyde said:
^ No, I don't really think so. It's a generalized statement not directed at anyone. Same as saying "Cedar Point fanboys are the worst", and I not taking offense to it.

Glad to hear you guys had a good trip. Looking forward to catching Storm Chaser myself at some point this summer.
Storm Chaser is amazing, you'll love it! Ride in the front!

portemine said:
I was a bit dubious about Storm Chaser's 1-2-3-4 so it's great to read it delivers great airtime. This ride looks really weird in a good way!

Nice report. Sounds you had a great time :)
It delivers varying amounts of airtime throughout but every hop delivers some. It's the screwiest quality coaster ever, I found it to be amazing.

Batfastard14 said:
Great report as always Jarrett! After hearing what everyone is thinking about Storm Chaser, I'm quite excited to ride it very soon!
You should definitely be excited. That was easily the best addition of 2016 in my region, don't miss it!


Day 2

Emily and I got up not-so-early and headed to my home park, Kings Island! Once we were there, I dragged her back to X-Base. First ride was FoF, avoiding its awful capacity. Emily and I got front row on it, and while it still rattles, it's nowhere near as bad as it was in 2014.


Afterwards we met up with this random guy that Emily knew from the Internet who rode Firehawk with her because my claustrophobic arse doesn't do those restraints.


Awful, awful coaster. She didn't think it was as bad as I told her it was, but said it was still pretty bad.

From there, we went to Vortex, and random guy left. From there we cleaned out both Beast (which she loved) and Diamondback (which she thought was as boring & mild as the other B&M hypers).


From there we did the three kiddie creds...but somehow Emily managed to talk her way onto elusive Great Pumpkin Coaster! I was so mad at her after trying so long to get it that she got it on her first go.

From there we did Banshee, Invertigo, Bat, got food at Chicken Shack, and ended the park on Adventure Express and Racer.

Later on in the day we met up with this guy Christopher who also hated B&M like Emily, who took a ride on Dback with us. Afterwards we got the other side of Racer, met up with Brendan, and got a few laps on Banshee. We went for a Beast night ride but it wasn't dark enough.

We got home just in time for taco night and got some sleep, with a 3 hour drive to Cedar Point pleasantly slated to wake us up the next morning.
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Ew Banshee Boys (Day

Oops I forgot to finish this lol

Day 3

After a fun-filled day at Kings Island, we got home, indulged in taco night at my place, and attempted to hit the sack when Ben called us to inform us he was off the next day!

So that morning, Emily and I got up and headed to The Point! Emily still needed Wicked Twister and the kiddie creds and both of us needed Valravn! The drive was depressing, miserable, and annoying. It was cold, rainy, and miserable when we left and the drive up was just Emily and I being tired in the gloomy cornfields of northern Ohio. Finally, however, we got Ben (who was nice enough to give me some Cedar Point odds and ends) from housing and headed down the causeway!

The first thing I noticed was how well Valravn fit in with the park's skyline. Driving to Cedar Point, no matter how the sky looks, is always and will always be the most iconic thing in the amusement industry, and Valravn just changed it forever. That gap of coasters between Raptor and Dragster is now filled, and the whole island looks like a mass of twisted track jutting out of Lake Erie. It looks exactly as if it belongs where it is.

We pulled into the parking lot and I asked Emily to retrieve my wallet from my bag when we realized I forgot my wallet! Panicking, Ben used his employee ID to get us in and we went over to the marina to park and get in!

After wondering how to get into the park, I decided to use my pass on my phone instead to get in, but it still looked really gloomy and I was wearing shorts. But I had a change of clothes with me, so I made Ben and Emily turn around as I took my pants off in the back of the car in full view of Valravn to change into jeans and throw on my windbreaker. Sure anybody on the lift hill could have turned around and taken part in the show, but hey, what happens at the Point stays at the Point!


We got in to see that Valravn was only at an hour wait! Unheard of after people at Holiday World were warning us of four hour lines! And with Ben providing entertainment springing his employee ID on park guests vaping in line and laughing at the guys wearing matching Trump wife beaters to the park, it went by fast!


Almost there!


And it gave me just a little more than I was expecting. Is it my new number one? No. Would I want to be Valravn King and ride it thousands and thousands of times? No. But were there bits of it I enjoyed? Mildly.


The ride begins with a standard dip out of the department store-themed station and an ascent up a standard B&M lift. However, once you get about halfway up, the magic starts. The view you get from up there is not only phenomenal, but it isn't a "take it in and drop" like you get on Millie and Dragster and Magnum. You're up there long enough to enjoy the gorgeous view, to look around, and to really appreciate CP's lovely location. From there, you get a fair bit of floater on the drop (though nothing amazing) and into a pretty mild overbank into the MCBR. Then the magic starts. The first dive isn't the best, the second one is. And in the back, you get some lovely floater. From there, the slow roll had some nice hangtime a la Thunderbird or Banshee but other than that, there isn't anything that can't be experienced better elsewhere in the park. TTD has the better vertical drop, Millennium has the better overbank, GateKeeper has a better Immelmann, Raptor has the better helix, multiple coasters have better airtime elements, and Rougarou has the better dive loop. All it has going for it is the weird second dive in the back and the view. However, it's an enjoyable ride and if the line was short I'd definitely be up for another spin on it.


You know I had to!


After that we checked out the merch and Emily's brain went into PR mode admiring the branding on the ride. I tried out VR for the first time and I had to admit, I was hooked. I would love to try this on a coaster!


From there we went to get Emily the Wicked Twister credit (which I barely fit on for some reason) and then went back to Maverick and Magnum. After that we went back to the front of the park, took a spin on GateKeeper, and bought stuff to put in the car. And I removed my pants for peeping Valravn to see once more.


Ben pointed out that Raptor looks like the profile of a bird from this angle, with the pre-drop and curve as the beak and head. And it can't be unseen once you've seen it. Apparently it was designed to do that.


Lol Dragster was stuck between stations


We nabbed a few rides on Ben's coaster Blue Streak next! His supervisors were really cool and didn't staple us, add that in with front row rides and we got a crap ton of ejector! These rides moved it up in my wooden count, love it!


After that, we talked to ride ops and waited to nab last rides on Valravn, this time up front. I liked it, but I think it's better in the back.

After that we went to Dianna's (affectionately known to CP employees as Dirty D's) for some cheap food. The server was really rude with us but after she learned she was dealing with sassy Ben, she got really sweet and stopped talking down to us. Emily and I split an appetizer platter, I ate the meat off the wings and she ate the skin and cartilage like she always does. I got weird looks for eating the jelly out of the little packets but all in all, it was good.


Emily and I went to the hotel after but we had a ton of fun over these three days! It was an honor to show her around my region, next was time for her to show me her special home, Skyrush and Hersheypark with the locals!
Re: Jarrett + QoS's Local Cred Crawl://Pants off for Val (Da

Nice report! I find it cool how they have VR available for anyone to try.

Can't wait to see your Hershey TR!