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iPod Touch Problem


Giga Poster
Today after I have just synced my iPod Touch, it came up with a message saying I had ran out of space on my iPod, even though yesterday I still had plenty and havn't added anything.
It now claims that I have used 582.2MB on Apps, and 5.61G on other, which is ectremely high to what it usually is, meaning I have no room for my videos and music anymore, has anyone else had thsi problem, if so, how did they resolve the issue? I would be very greatful if someone could help, thanks.
^ Make sure you back it up to you computer and then wipe your iPod through going to "settings" then "General" and click on reset.

Like I said, back it up first. If you still have syncing troubles, book yourself a Genius visit and they'll probably replace it. I'm on my 2nd free iPod :p
Cue Erol to say Apple products never go wrong? :p
Have you tried searching the problem on Google? Or have you even accidentally moved a film across onto your iPod without realising it as they take up a lot of room.

Edit: He even got in and posted before me. Hows that for someone who like Apple products? :lol:
Ollie said:
Cue Erol to say Apple products never go wrong? :p
Have you tried searching the problem on Google? Or have you even accidentally moved a film across onto your iPod without realising it as they take up a lot of room.

I've searched on google, but the only thing I found it stuff about checking files, and I have checked all my files and there's nothing wierd, but now I'm going to try resetting my pod, if no hope, then I'll go for the free option :p
Screaming Coasters said:
Ollie said:
Cue Erol to say Apple products never go wrong? :p

Apple products with Apple products, never go wrong.
Apply products with PC's, go wrong. :p

Especially Vista whos seems to go "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! IT'S NOT MICROSOFT, WHAT DO I DO!?!? WHAT DO I DO!?!?! DELETEDELETE BREAK?!", or is that just mine?
UC said:
I don't know what all this knock on Windows or whatever is...

I've never had a problem with my iPod ever, and I use Windows Vista...

I think some people just try and get too fancy with their gadgets and then turn around and complain that it doesn't work when they're asking for far more functionality out of it than it was ever intended to do.

I love both, just sometimes my Vista doesn't like things if they're not Microsoft, like it's convinced it's a virus or something. :lol:
If this PC didn't have Vista it would work much better! If it wasn't using half its memory powering this stupid 'desktop window viewer'.
UC said:
Hmm...interesting. I know Vista does that thing where it asks permission all the time, but I don't recall the last time it thought something I did was virus-related...

...though I do very little programming or messing with my system. I really just use my computers to do what I want (internet, some games, etc.) - not really anything fancy.

It was just an observation, really.

I can't edit any text files without doing this really complicated thing, It brings up the firewall after every task it does that isn't already programmed, and it really struggles to pick up devices unless it's a microsoft device, it really hates my surround sound too lol.
ive been having the same problems. occasionally it tells me its syncing on iTunes and the iPod can be idle. then the Pod is syncing and iTunes is idle...pisses me off
No, it's Vista... Thats part of why a lot of people are switching to Mac. Microsoft have to prove themselves with Windows 7 which is also turning out to be a bit of a flop at the moment.
Jools what version of software are you running on your iPod and did you download the lastest version of iTunes that came out the other day?

You need 3.1 on your iPod but I think you have to pay for it.

Itunes has been written for Windows as well so it should not matter if your on a Mac or Windows. There are far more people using Windows than Mac that have an iPod.
iTunes and my iPod work fine on my computer that has Vista. But it may be because I've got a Nano and not a Touch.
I recommend you get Windows 7 fast. Vista is one of the worst operating systems ever. I don't see why people should be turning to Macs when a simple upgrade is all you need to fix most of the problems with Vista. It's better and cheaper than buying a whole new computer!
Screaming Coasters said:
Windows 7 which is also turning out to be a bit of a flop at the moment.

Where the hell have you heard that?

I like Vista because I know how to use it. I suspect I'll like 7 even more...

...but I'm not going to bum it like every Mac owner bums their Mac, because I'm not that sad. It's a f*cking tool, not my lover.
Just to let you know guys, after several hours of resettingmy iPod, it has got it's act together :)